The City of Troy, New York, "Where Henry Hudson Turned Around."

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Well, we told you when we last met, if Troy was ever in trouble, just send us a signal. You did and we have not forgotten our sacred pledge. More than ever, Troy needs sane, clear, brilliant political analysis which can't be done in fifty characters. 

Also, we'd like to thank a certain well-known facebook page that has linked to a few posts. Very kind of Mr. Cooper. We appreciate all of you for coming back. We have averaged about 550 unique visitors each day (each day bringing more and more of you back to the finest political blog the area has ever seen*). Not a bad start for being out of the game for so long. Frankly, we thought it would take longer.We're excited, but not in weird way. This is an unbelievable election year. We're as giddy as a bishop in a room full of alter boys.

So much has happened and we'll try to get to it all, schedules permitting .

Lou decided not to run for mayor, possibly the only decision he has actually made in four years.

There are three Democratic contenders for the mayoral nomination - each with their own strengths and weaknesses. If we could combine all three into one candidate, well that would look strange, but you get our meaning.

The Republicans have nominated District 1 Councilman Jim Gordon for mayor (you in the back, stop laughing).

If you believe the comments over at Jim Franco's T-Spin every City Hall employee will soon be arrested by the FBI or the EPA or the BBC...six months ago....three months ago...last week... FYI There will be no arrests.

Our new District Attorney has nearly tripped over himself in his eagerness to show how quickly he can become ethically challenged (and lose half the staff he hired, in record time).

All that and a council race!

This is good stuff. Too good to pass up.

We plan on posting two or three times a week, if it's OK with our probation officer and if we get our prescription refills. We'd appreciate that the comments not defame anyone. We had to enable comment approval. Opinions on issues and candidates are fine. Comments based on news articles, also fine. But, we will not sling unsubstantiated rumors that allege a political figure was arrested fifteen years ago, has a child out of wedlock, committed a crime...If it's contained in a newspaper article, that is one thing. If it's based on nothing more than a rumor, well, people in glass houses...

Finally, we will likely wrap this up after the election. But, you never know.

*Opinion of the authors


Anonymous said...

Just glad your back. Too much twitter twits nonsense.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whatever we can get, we'll take

Anonymous said...

Randy F-ing Cooper in your first paragraph. Enough said.

Larry Johnson said...

The City Of Troy Was Not On birth Control For Political Hacks and has been impregnated with Hundreds if not Thousands !~~!

Larry Johnson said...

Also if there was a Lemon Law For A politician who was bought and paid for and did not perform in the manner you paid for you should be able to trade Him/Her in for a new one Or Call for a recall on you politician !~~!

Anonymous said...

Enough said for me, now we have this brilliant blog back. Along with Randy f ing Coopers group. Harry and his pals are shitting their pants.

Vito said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Larry Johnson said...

Harry & Bill Dunn Will Soon Be Garbage Barge Operators Going down stream on the Hudson Harry can't Swim neither oh the shame of it !~~!

Anonymous said...

Mrs Gordon's frying pan, hysterical !

Phana24JG said...

So you want to laugh at Gordon, but take the assclown socialist Wiltshire seriously? I bet you even take CB Smith seriously.

Anonymous said...

You people do know that Harry hasn't been mayor for 4 years ? Right?

Anonymous said...

Dude, you were always the best. People are talking about the Polloi again. You also have a brand new audience. Those who weren't around or engaged the last time around. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Good to ave you back.

Anonymous said...

Harry hasn't been mayor in 4 years and we care still paying for all his mistakes!

Anonymous said...

Harry hasn't been mayor in 4 years? Just tell him to go away then!

Anonymous said...

This is the good shit. No one is talking about McCashion anymore, with his inane tweets. Rodney's pool, ooh, that's so funny. Guy has a creepy hard-on for Dunne and a pathetic need for attention. Sad, really. Everyone is glad to have you back.