Two Troy Police Officers were shot. The shooter was killed by the police. One hundred percent of the objective evidence establishes that the killing was justified. If something comes out that contradicts that, so be it. We wouldn't hold our breath, though. Lets face it, the Troy Police Department isn't perfect. No force is perfect. However, compared to other local departments, they have been able to avoid major scandals and do not have a reputation for racial bias, unless one believes shooting an African-American who is shooting at them is racially biased.
The outpouring of support for the two officers, and the police, has been overwhelming. As well it should. This might remind a few people who bitch and moan about overtime or contracts that policing is a dangerous job.
On the other hand, a handful of people, have raised questions about the shooting. Their questions are not based on any facts or evidence, but are more like knee-jerk reactions. Family and friends of the dead man are angry and sad. That's understandable. They weren't present and they did not do anything wrong. It's natural to morn for a friend or family member. It's useless to criticize them for doing so. Human nature is human nature.
Events like this have a way of getting out of hand. The spark could be anything, even some tiny event that normally would be beneath notice. We need cool, calm leaders and we need to let the anti-police voices (no matter how unjustified) vent for a while, and not engage in a petty back-and-forth.
Someone sent us a link to Ben Brucato's Twitter page. We don't know Mr. Brucato. We wouldn't invite him over for cocktails. He has a right to voice his opinion and we have a right to disagree. But why engage with him and the few like him? Why Tweet and re-tweet this nonsense? Why give him more attention? A human being is dead. Two police officers could very easily have been killed. Some reduce all of this to tweets? Is that what we've come to.
Based on Mr. Brucato's tweets* we don't expect much in the way of rational thought. We do expect more from a former Mayor.
This is what the former Mayor of Troy is reduced to? What about you Harry? Will you be holding a rally to oppose violence against our Troy Police Officers? How will you address this matter? Is the extent of his support a tweet? And yes, he has a few more in there that are petty, silly and do nothing more than call attention to a few jackasses.
And who can forget Harry's war on the Troy Police, whether it was the O'Neil - Centanni fiasco (remember how that turned out?), the Fitzgerald cluster$&*k (how much did that cost us?), and Harry trying to take credit for John Comitale's good police work. There are other stories as well. Harry may talk a good game but his actions, when it counted, speak louder.
You may say, 'Harry hasn't been mayor for four years.' And you'd be right. But as long as he pokes his head up and comments on these things, we'll bitch-slap him. For old time sake.
* Yes, we're guilty of re-posting a few. We're never above hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteThe Amount of Hatred and Self Loathing That Billy Dunn And Bob Mirch AKA (Three Job Bob) Have for Each Other Points out that its time for Change in Troy NY 12180-12182 Politics I have pointed out countless times on how these morons have got in and undermined the dignity of the Tax Payers of Troy NY Now I must point out How The Republican Party's Hatred of any thing sacred in Troy NY With Mayor Harry Tutunjian's Administrations Plundering of the Tax Base to the point of Insolvency And The 10 to 15 Years that the Troy Record News Paper ( Toilet Paper Of Choice ) Was Infiltrated by Mostly Republican Operatives from about the year 1995 to about 2009 This also set in place the Downward Spiraling of Troys once dignified Population ( Tax Payers ) The Voter Fraud Trials Which I myself attended every day which was the culmination of a two groups with malicious sabotage on Democracy in Mind What the average person in Troy ( Tax Payer ) Don't Know is That the Voter Fraud Trials were actually the biggest hoax ever pulled off maybe in Troys Political history and a group of Republicans/Democrats hell bent on the Destruction of any thing Democratic was almost pulled off but the one person in Troy who did not get fooled was me My Motto is you cant fool an old fooler There are a number of actors in this Hoax who are Still Around Vito,Jim Gordon, to name a few who are basically hanging on by there fingernails. I have Interviewed well over 2000 People in Troy NY 12180 -12182 and have connected the dots on this issue and many more !~~!
ReplyDeleteWe won't forget Harry or his pawn Gordon
ReplyDeleteAt last. A voice of reason.
ReplyDeleteDirty Harry Strikes Again
DeleteBig Democratus, back in the saddle. Niiicccce!
ReplyDeleteHarry's always been petty. A small thinker, led by the nose by Mirch, Crawley and Mitchell. Probably a decent guy outside politics but in the arena supremely mediocre. Could not, and has not, succeeded in the private sector so he is basically 'on the county.' How soon before he's in Section 8 housing.
ReplyDeleteHarry & Bill Dunn Argued and Slung Mud back & Fort Like Monkeys Throwing Shit @ One Another in the Zoo
DeleteThere Bloated Egos Have And Will Bankrupt Troy There Polluted Brains.
Love Erlich Bachmann! Judge couldn't even get the elevator right at 1776!
ReplyDeleteBob Cox, please take your meds, brother!
ReplyDeleteWhat the monkey chooses to do with the technology is not an indictment of the technology.
ReplyDeleteAgain. Harry been gone now for 4 years.
ReplyDeleteWell said. People forget just how nasty Harry & Dan treated the police. Especially Bob Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was hardly a saint but he was their Union leader. He fought Harry and usually won. I believe we ended up paying him 80,000 if I'm not mistaken.
ReplyDeleteIs Harry one of Jim's close advisors? Will Jim model an administration on Harry's? That's troublesome.
Harry :-) I laugh every time I hear his name.
ReplyDeleteI read you in the good old days. Harry and his minions couldn't get away with Jack when you were around. Those were good times. Reporters even started asking the questions you posed. Great stuff.
ReplyDeletePublic Service Announcement:
ReplyDeleteOnly the first word in a sentence and proper names should be capitalized. There, their, and they're are three different words with different meanings. Learn them. If you can't follow those simple rules of grammar, please don't post as anonymous and expect that people won't know who you are. Thanks!
Must be nice to have the time to proof read all the posts for propped spelling and propped capitalization. Someone has way to much timeon their (I got it right) hands
ReplyDeletetHeir, Their, now...graMmer pOlice. There coming fOr u.
ReplyDeleteI know this is you Harry, you failed to mention how you bankrupted the sewer fund to balance your budgets. Why leave that out?