Monday, August 24, 2015


No one should play politics with the recent shooting of two of Troy's finest. That won't stop them though. The Troy Polloi has long been a supporter of the rank-and-file officers, arguing that the residency requirement was ridiculous as well as defending them against the tyranny of the previous administration and the behavior of their chief. We won't stop now.

We are not going to say that the rise in shootings is anyone's fault or that one candidate would magically bring everything under control. Why? Because that's bullshit. Spikes in crime have little to do with who is or isn't in office. There were spikes under Tutunjian and there is a spike under Lou. It happens.

What we will point out is the transparent hypocrisy events reveal about candidates.

This started back in 2014, when the police were called to a little club called Kokopellis. Before the dust cleared, Rodney Wilshire and 4th District Councilman Bob Doherty were all but blaming the police and accusing them of racism and civil rights violations. This, based on selective videos rushed to the press. Doherty even threatened to aid the owners when they went in front of the State Liquor Authority to defend their liquor license.

And now...

There are cases of police brutality and excessive force. It happens. The police and police agencies are not perfect (remember the BCI scandal years ago?). Jumping to defend the Kokopellis crowd shows disrespect for actual cases of civil rights violations. It also makes the recent outpouring of support from members of Team Troy appear less than authentic.

Wiltshire and Doherty were not there when the police needed their support. Now, with the overwhelming support for the TPD on this incident (they just happened to profile a man that not only had a gun but used it?) they don't need your support. Stop embarrassing yourselves.

We believe Doherty is sincere, merely misguided. Wiltshire on the other hand is proving to be a professional at capitalizing on anything that puts his face or his quotes in the papers.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Amen to that.

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Pandering catches up with you. I think Rodney is in afor a rude awakening.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I heard Rodney and Kenny had the gall to show up at the press conference yesterday. Not only that,but, when the press conference was over Rodney rushed up to the front of the room in a weak attempt to get on camera..The man has no decency.People will remember this Rod.

  4. Anonymous3:41 PM

    If there's a camera, he will be there.

  5. Go Rodney7:06 PM

    Are you pimping for Everett now? Wiltshire will get the nomination, win the general, be the best mayor ever and, when more people get to know him, maybe assemblyman or congressman.

  6. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Will the Fabulous Kenny Z be his DM? That guy can't make a decision to save his soul.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Will Troy be inundated with activists? We are already hearing what a great family man the shooter was. Question is, which family? I think this guy had 8 children with four women. Not why he was killed, of course, but are they going to try and make a saint of him and get Rev, Al up here?

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Go Rodney must be Mrs. Wiltshire.

  9. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Your being unfair to Rodney. Even if the Kooppelis thing turned out wrong, you can't blame him for thinking the cops overreacted after seeing the videos.

  10. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Name one time Rodney didn't support the Troy Police. Name one!

  11. Anonymous4:52 PM

    He was yapping the day after Kokopellis before any video was out. Blue remembers.

  12. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Rodney personally went to the DA along with Doherty after the FBI gave it a clean bill. He's a bad actor.
