Monday, October 26, 2015


UPDATE: This just in: Senator Gillibrand has revoked her endorsement of Patrick Madden saying it was "a private moment between politicians and not meant for the public." Developing.


United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand endorsed Democratic mayoral candidate Patrick Madden today. Saying that: “Patrick Madden has the experience and strong values needed to continue moving Troy forward.. He is a uniquely qualified professional who knows exactly what it takes to encourage growth and develop Troy’s neighborhoods. Under his leadership, Troy’s city government can focus on improving the quality of life throughout the Collar City.” The Senator went on to say, "This guy kicks ass!"

Gillibrand is probably the biggest name endorsement this year. Earlier, Working Families Party candidate Rodney Wiltshire was endorsed by former gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout. Teachout, a former associate professor at Fordham Law School, challenged Andrew Cuomo in the 2014 primaries, getting a surprising 34%.

The man who ultimately lost to a very unpopular Cuomo, Rob Astorino, has endorsed GOP candidate Jim Gordon.  Astorino is the Westchester County Executive.

Endorsing Gordon, Astorino said, "Jim Gordon is a candidate for mayor. The police investigated and he wasn't arrested."

So lets get this straight. Madden has been endorsed by a woman who won her congressional seat in the wake of Congressman John Sweeney's own Domestigate.

Wiltshire was endorsed by a woman who took on the state political machine and captured a third of that vote, surprising everyone.

Gordon was endorsed by some dude that lost to a highly unpopular governor in a very overwhelming Republican year. We'll take the Gillibrand endorsement for obvious reasons. It's not like we want to hold her down or anything but...

The Teachout endorsement may be the most valuable. The WFP and allied unions have been pumping cash into Wiltshire's campaign. The State Democratic Committee has not been generous to Madden. Gordon has received a decent amount of cash from the State Republican Committee.


The notorious push poll that took direct aim at WFP nominee Rodney Wiltshire has not been claimed. Nothing that could remotely be an expenditure on such a poll has appeared on any of the 11 Day Pre General Election disclosures. Shocking, that. A campaign law violation. However, the Gordon camp has not filed their disclosure as of this afternoon. Maybe it's their baby.


  1. Ex Chairman Marty R10:00 PM

    I endorse Jim Gordon for Mayor. I like a man who isn't afraid to enjoy those taxpayer funded goodies.

  2. Rick Lazio10:04 PM

    I support Jim Gordon for Mayor. If he debates a woman he'll man up and pin her down, instead of just getting in her face.

  3. Mark Foley10:10 PM

    Please vote for Jim Gordon. The man knows how to pick the right assistants.

  4. Sen. Vitter10:14 PM

    Attention, voters of Troy. There's no room in the budget for prostitutes. So it's safe to vote Republican. Kind of.

  5. Troy First Lady Hopeful10:16 PM

    I've been endorsed by Rhianna.

  6. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Where's your campaign filing, Gordo? Better whip that treasurer into shape.

  7. Scott Peterson10:36 PM

    Jim Gordon. He's the man.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      As long as YOU don't have to be "The Woman"!
      .....Tom Banacek

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Any truth to the rumor Harry, with his vast knowledge of wrestling and wrestlers, taught Jim Gordon the proper way to pin her down? Only relevant subject Harry should be giving advice to Gordon about is losing elections!

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Forget Gordo, the story here is why did Gillibrand endorse Madden? Gillibrand's self proclaimed top liaison is none other that Robert (Rabbit) Riley. The same Riley who along with Rodney attempted to overthrow the Wade empire. The same Riley who backs Rodney and made sure he got the union's endorsements. This does not bode well for Team Troy, when people like Gillibrand start jumping ship it's a sign you're sinking like a stone.

  10. Kristin Gillibrand will endorse whatever candidate is in her best political interest. At least Schumer had the decency to reject the disgraceful Iran deal. Blondie was happy to do Harry Reid and Obama's bidding. She was willing to play moderate Dem in her Congressional district, but now bows down to the uberliberal altar. Schumer is a bright guy, she is a mediocre intellect who was handed everything.

  11. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Interesting that Astorino is still lending whatever weight he has to local candidates. It's not much, I think but maybe he has plans for the future. Teachout is CEO of some anti-corruption corp. but still wants to be a player in WFP politics. Gillibrand is a star and would have been on the Veep shortlist if Clinton was not the likely nominee. She is non-controversial, a bit of a light weight and good on television. A natural for today's politics. I don't think it really helps that much. It only helps when they'll headline a fundraiser for you.

  12. Guy Fawkes9:31 PM

    Disagree with you, Phana, on the Iran deal. However, I doubt such a conversation would be appropriate on a blog that discusses the dramatic Gulli - Ryan race in the 1st District.

  13. GOP George9:46 PM

    Astorino was so weak. What the state GOP is almost non-existent. Just a PO Box. They need to rebuild. Need to go back to the days of Powers and D'Amato and get things organized.

  14. Guy, yeah, the District 1 race is as exciting as the Sheriff's race. Don't they understand we need something to talk about?
