Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The four men who want to be Troy Mayor met last night at Russell Sage College. Jim Gordon (R), Rodney Wiltshire (WFP), Jack Cox Jr. (RP) and Patrick Madden (D) made the case for their candidacy before 200 people at the Troy 100 forum.

Working Families Party Candidate Rodney Wiltshire immediately went on the offensive, immediately attacking Democrat Madden:

"Why the beard, Patrick. What are you hiding under that beard? And what's with Patrick. Your name's William. You should tell people that. Did the party bosses tell you to go by Pat, William?"

Madden responded: "I am the only candidate called Pat. I have the experience to be called Pat and if you knew how to read a birth certificate you'd know that."

Republican Jim Gordon discussed his favorite book, "How Boots Fooled the King."

Revolutionary Party Candidate Jack Cox Jr. was just happy to be invited but scolded the audience. "You're going to vote for one of these guys and you're going to be pissed in four years. We all know it because you guys suck."

If you attended, give us your thoughts.


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    You're a genius.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Corey Jenkins has not bowed out and was at last night's Forum with other Council candidates and gave his platform pitch - consistent with all Team Troy - spoilers benefitting the GOP.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      The fact that no ones sure whether certain members of Team Troy have bowed out tells you all you need to know about the entire Team Troy campaign.

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Best quote from last night from Gordon: "I will be a hands-on mayor." Will he also hold residents down at City Hall? Couldn't tell if he wore his ribbon or not but maybe domestic violence will become mayoral violence with the spoiler factor high on Team Troy's objective.

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Gordon by a knockout. Oops can I say that?

  5. Anonymous2:34 PM

    If people vote with their head madden wins.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      If the people vote with their fists, we know who wins.

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    @ 2:34 I agree with you. Pat is bright and honest, he's certainly hands above the other two. Last night I watched Mrs.Teta-Sullivan for the second time the first being at Doyle. Again I was disappointed and wondered how on earth she is an elected official. I urge you to repeat your "if people use their heads" statement.

  7. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I urge you all to repeat the Madden message. It's great to read it on this fab blog, but put it out wider on social media. Go to Madden's FB page and share posts, tell your friends. Not much time left and Troy really does not deserve to suffer through four years of Gordon or Wiltshire. Can't even contemplate what Gordon, a dumber version of Harry would do to us, and Rodney has shown that he is an empty suit with a massive ego as head of City Council. Madden for fucking Mayor.

  8. Sullivan-Teta is invisible.

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      You should talk harriiet

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    9:04 Agreed. I would have supported Rodney if he were the D nominee but he isn't. I am not saying Madden will be a great mayor. I just think that he has a better shot of being a good mayor than Gordon. I was willing to give Gordon a shot. Never actually heard him speak before the debate. Came across like a dud. The 911 thing with Gordon also gives me the creeps. I don't know what happened but it ain't anything good. Go Pat, Go.

  10. Cockney Tom9:43 PM

    Rodney is going to give us Gordon. That pisses me off. I'd support Wiltshire next time around but he just can't let go and we will suffer for it. It would take a big man to step aside for something bigger than himself. I'm hoping Rodney sees that. he's not going to win and because of him, Gordon will.

  11. Anonymous4:12 AM

    David, time to cut the ponytail.

  12. The Donald5:54 AM

    I hereby endorse Jack Cox!

  13. Dr. Ben7:16 AM

    Me too Zzzzzzzz.

  14. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The At large video shows the Dems kicking but. I Personally like the GOP candidates but they are lightweights. It's a good watch.

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "Kicking but"? Written by one of the low IQ candidates, you have Teta, how low can we go?
