Friday, January 01, 2016


To our loyal readers: Thanks and we hope you and yours have a safe, fun-filled 2016. If the latest e-mail exchange about a simple meeting date is any indication of things to come, 2016 should be a good ride.

We all know that incoming Council President Carmella Mantello wants to hold the first Council meeting on January 4, 2016, the first business day of 2016. Why the rush? We suspect it is a PR gimmick for her future run for mayor. Something along the lines of, "As Council President She Hit the Ground Running."

Sometimes, you run so fast you don't see the Troy potholes and land flat on your face.

From: Carmella Mantello []
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 2:07 PM
To: Cheryl.Christiansen
Subject: January 4, 2016 organizational (regular) meeting
Dear Cheryl,
I'm sure you are aware that at 12:01 a.m. (EST) on January 1, 2016 I will become the council president. Therefore, at that time as your supervisor, I will be submitting to you by email a copy of the January 4, 2016 agenda with the appropriate notice and backup material. 
I am requesting that on January 1, 2016 no later than noon a copy of this notice and agenda be delivered to each member of the Troy City Council. 
I once again need to reiterate that at no time has the current city council 2015 ever voted to hold the organizational (regular) meeting on January 7, 2016. Therefore, without such a vote, any such meeting on January 7, 2016 would be improper and a nullity. 
I would appreciate it if you would confirm on January 1, 2016 once all the agendas have been delivered. 
Thank you. 
Carmella Mantello
Council President-elect
From: "Cheryl.Christiansen"
Sent: Dec 31, 2015 2:15 PM
To: Carmella Mantello
Cc: Patrick Madden , "Lou.Rosamilia" , city council , "Peter.Ryan" , "Ian.Silverman" ,, "Rhonda.Reed"
Subject: RE: January 4, 2016 organizational (regular) meeting

Unfortunately  City Hall is closed on January 1st for the Holiday; which I legally have the day off. I will not be in the office or in the area to receive or deliver any such agenda’s or notices. I will be back in the office at January 4th 8:30am for any  City Clerk business and will be happy to assist you as Council President at that time.
Cheryl Christiansen
The above exchange occurred after current Council President Wiltshire had to take Ms. Mantello to school:
On Dec 30, 2015, at 5:53 PM, Rodney Wiltshire <> wrote:
Ms. Mantello,
                I am continually being made aware of your attempts at exercising authority prior to your installation as a sitting City Council-member.  I am concerned with your actions as a citizen of the general public, and as the sitting Council President.
                Until, 11:59PM Dec 31st, I am still in office.  It is truly unfortunate that you have inserted yourself in daily operations of the city government and generated much confusion amongst the departments who are trying to do their jobs as they prepare to transition into a new administration.  Your attempts at retrieving keys, security codes, and other sensitive information is out of order at this time.
I have spoken to the personnel office in detail, and asked them to retrieve any personnel action forms that were issued to Council branch departments on your behalf until after business is conducted when you are in office.
                I have also spoken to the Clerk’s office and directed them to disregard any directives or orders outside of this council until such time that the new council is termed in.  They are not to deliver keys, or provide other access to non-authorized members of the public.
Your attempts at dismissing the Clerks prior to a duly noticed and proper meeting will certainly put the city at risk of not being able to perform its duties as outlined in the Charter (marriage licenses, certificates, receiving legal services, etc…).
I am not able to get into your thought process, but to be clear, the clerks whom we have appointed, cannot be dismissed by you.  These clerks are still in their office until a new one is appointed via a vote of the council as a body at the Organizational meeting, or they are removed, via a 2/3 vote which still has to happen at a meeting.  As you know, a vote can only occur at a proper meeting, and traditionally, should be the organizational meeting.
Per customary past practices, this Regular/Organizational meeting has been scheduled and properly noticed for the first Thursday of the month, the 7th of January, 2016.  Our Charter governs notice process, and timing, and supersedes any other statutes or references in outside, non-city codes.  This regular meeting, per the charter, will be the Organizational meeting, where the Council sets its dates, and appoints its staff.
I understand that you desire to have council meetings on Monday the 4th at non-standard times.  Unfortunately, there will be no time between when you take office Friday at Midnight, and that Monday for the clerks to notice these meetings and time changes.  Per the charter, any changes to this would require due public notice and it be filed with the clerk in writing 72 hours before.  Due to the holiday, this simply isn’t possible.
Now, as a courtesy to you, and the other members of the incoming council, I will remind you that only the clerk, who while in office, may call meetings, and make proper legal notices of meetings, and those notices must be made during business hours of the City.  This cannot be done by the Council President or Mayor directly, it must go through the Clerk’s office.  Any “gathering” that constitutes a quorum of city counselors for city business (excluding caucuses) is a violation of the open meetings law.
Any meeting that is improperly noticed is not actually a meeting, and any “votes” taken during that meeting will not be counted as legislation. 
As January 1, 2016, is a city holiday, there will be no clerk on duty to call a meeting, or make proper notice to the public, or receive written meeting change notifications.  I think you and the city can wait until the 7th for the regularly scheduled meeting time and date.
I know that transitioning in and starting off can be a bit bumpy, so I wanted to help you a little with this advice and reminder.  However, I am a bit surprised that your choice for President Pro-Tempore wasn’t offering you this counsel, since he has always been very sharp to point out mistakes that were made by the council 4 years ago.
Good Luck, and Have a Safe and Happy New Year!
Now, we could care less when the Council meets. They could meet right now, in the Polloi offices, for all we care (we'd have to pick up a bit, dust and stash our skull bong). However, did Mantello really want to stumble out of the gate over something as silly as a three day wait? She looks petty, stubborn and worst of all, simply wrong.
COMING SOON....Our Winners and Losers post. Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM


  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    She's the Tracy Flick of Troy politics.

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Kim might not be the dumbest one after all.

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Not even if office yet and she can't wait to "screw up." Her lust for power is obviously a bigger problem than anticipated.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      I'm reading these Emails and I'm thinking this is going to be a long few years. Carmzilla can't wait 3 fucking days for her first meeting? We, as Trojans, should be used to this foolishness from our politicians (remember Tut crying like he just got his Halloween candy taken away every time the council didn't do what he wanted?) Didn't he sue the council a couple times? Carmella is acting like a power hungry asshole foaming at the mouth to wreak havoc. I really can't stand her!

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Stop being so Damn parochial and get it right brother-- it's CARMELLAZILLA

  6. Carm's bad Karma10:38 AM

    Happy New Year Democratus, if this is Carmella's opening act your blog is practically going to write itself for the next two years. For the past few days Carm has burned up many peoples email and time in the Council and City Hall, when they could be doing way more important things than dealing with her self made temper tantrum. And what's the big, hot, stinking reason that she needs the meeting to be on Monday??? Is it really just to show how much she can throw her weight around and make everyone around her crazy? I never thought I would say this but, "way to go Rodney!" great email.

    Who walks into their place of work days before their first day and makes demands, pisses all of their future co-workers off and tells someone who doesn't even work for her yet that they have to work on a Federal Holiday? McGrath and the Republicans, you really need to school her a little in basic workplace etiquette, political savvy, and the Charter, 'cause Carmzilla is a hot mess.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Carmzilla is hysterical

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      It's a sad day in Troy when Mark McGrath looks like the reasonable one.

  7. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I never thought I'd say it, but Rodney's looking pretty good right now

  8. Anonymous12:10 PM


  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    She's gonna gnaw her way to the top

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think this new council would benefit greatly from your skull bong.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      The Pres Pro Temp in particular

  11. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Since the current clerk has a new job in the administration why don't they wait till Thursday and confirm the new clerk and close the office till then.

  12. Anonymous2:05 PM

    No, no, no, Tracy Flick would have followed the rules!

  13. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Best service ever performed by former prez Rodney - putting Carmella on her ass, if only for a nanosecond.
    The king is dead, long live the queen?

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      This overtakes Rodney getting Human Trafficking under control. Go HotRod. Hey Brother!!!!!

  14. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It's not a Council meeting. It's CARMELLAPOLOOZA!


    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      I wish this blog had a like button

  15. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Good luck, Mayor Pat. It'll be a long four years with this dipshit nipping at your heels.

  16. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Pat is scared already. Crying when talking about Lou. Come on man. Today's a great day look who's out. Rodney Kenny Dunne Peter Galumpski Gordon Anistasia and all the little people that follow them around. You people have to step back and give it a chance. It's going to take at least a month for Kim to be in front of the ethics board for something stupid she says. She's a fine wine or ripple let it breath for a little while.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      They may have been tears of joy

  17. Anonymous12:30 PM

    What does Carmella not understand about Jan 1 being a holiday. Her snarky response is a sign of things to come "therefore, as your supervisor".... wooo, scary. Pffft

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    What does Carmella not understand about Jan 1 being a holiday. Her snarky response is a sign of things to come "therefore, as your supervisor".... wooo, scary. Pffft

  19. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Ethics board that's funny. Because she is doing her job? Already attacking the new council. Where have you been when the past council was acting like a bunch of children. Stop with the BS. Kim is going to do the right thing. Yes there will be mistakes but then again we all make mistakes. The end result will be good for the residents of Troy.

  20. Geez, after the incredible demonstration of administrative competence over the past four years, coupled with the dysfunctional City Council of the last two, I can see you guys are desperate for some Republicans to skewer. We agree this has not been Carm's finest week, but if hyperbole was liquid, some of you would be 1%ers.

    I can only imagine if Pat Madden was a Republican, the tears and gnashing of teeth would be all about the failure of the Mayor to make critical appointments and his curious silence about our new "agreement" with the PBA. While I personally think that it is wise to prioritize getting the right people versus rushing a decision, it is certainly open to political criticism. In addition, silence over our new PBA agreement could be interpreted as tacit approval.

    We have seen that action simply for the sake of appearance is not necessarily wise. However, analysis by paralysis is not exactly what the city needs.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Analysis paralysis? She's trying to force an illegally noticed meeting THREE DAYS before the regular, legal meeting. What exactly is the point of doing that, other than to show she hasn't read the charter and doesn't understand the Open Meetings Law?

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      C'mon Dan, Carmzilla is acting like a first class jerk. Talk about a power trip! This is how she is going to be. A power hungry, incompetent failure. Carmzilla, can you say one and done?

  21. Anonymous1:15 PM

    There is no Ethics Board. It's the Ethics Commission. Ask Harry, Dave Mitchell, and NYS Comptroller.

  22. Anonymous6:21 PM


  23. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Carmella looked painfully lost on the newscasts this weekend butchering the English language. THIS is a leader?
    Jesus, Pataki looked like Oliver Wendell Holmes compared to her cornpone level quips!
    .....Rufus T. Firefly

  24. Anonymous7:18 AM

    @ 6:37 you stated " (remember Tut crying like he just got his Halloween candy taken away every time the council didn't do what he wanted?" LOL The way you're whining like a bitch I think Tut took your Halloween candy.

  25. 2.47, the analysis remark was directed at the Mayor, not Carm. I was simply wondering why he has been so quiet. It's not necessarily a bad thing, especially when the other party is looking a little foolish, but I wondering what the Dem take would be if a Rep mayor-elect took this approach. 4.17, it's not her best, but some of these folks are writing her off before the first meeting.
