Now, with a new administration less than 50 days away, the rumors are running faster than Mark McGrath's mouth.
First up, according to our sources, is Wally Altes. Wally Altes is heading-up the Pat Madden Transition Team (or PMTT). Altes is the former President of the Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce. Altes is also credited with coining the term "Tech Valley." Actually, Altes coined the term Techneurial Valley which was thankfully shortened to Tech Valley, which we've never actually heard any area resident use.
Altes was a supporter of Carmella Mantello in her failed run for mayor in 2011 and actually tried to convince Mayor Rosamilia to select Mantello as his Deputy Mayor.

For the same two positions mentioned above, the Troy Polloi has learned that another contestant has entered the game. Wait for it.....wait for it.....Jim Conroy, former Deputy Mayor under Mark Pattison.

Finally, we have one of the most common of rumors, Amy O'Connor, as Corporation Counsel. Of course, Amy is sister-in-law to former Lieutenant Governor Mary Donohue, so the conspiracy mill will grind on. Mary was
originally married to Tom Kenny a well-known Democrat and attorney. More fodder for the Dem-Rep unholy alliance conspiracy theory.
Shit, maybe there is a conspiracy.
I would have thought Jim Conroy because of the Madden-Pattison link. Glasheen I hear is a fine man but would take a huge pay cut. Monica like Amy O'Connor played all camps even refereeing to Rodney as "Mayor Wiltshire". And Amy, OMG how low will they go? Does she come with Cox and Cooper as city engineers?
ReplyDeleteI'd take those 3 over ANY GOP hack we have in Troy right now, and judging by the last few elections, so would 75% of Troy. Just go away buddy, your constantly crying about the fairness and ineptness of this blog yet you read and comment on almost every post. Your pitiful
DeleteTroy Reps are so reviled, they won a supermajority on the city Council. Who writes your material, an ex-Obama State dept goober?
DeleteNo phana, I write my own material. The mayoral candidate was a joke! He is the best they have ? I'd 5-3 a super majority, and two of them are retreads, one best a racist dummy,
DeleteSeriously?? After two years of Miss Amerikka on your side of the aisle, you are going to play the race card? Your counter-argument about the retreads is good, but they could have run anyone with a pulse in D2 and won that seat.
DeleteThere is the deathknell for Dunne. Even his beloved Polloi has moved on. The team has been picked and Bill is out. That is the one truth in this rumor piece.
ReplyDeleteFrom September 12TH and still funny Democratus,
ReplyDelete"Funniest line heard at Ryan's Wake: "Wiltshire must be in trouble." Said when former County Court Judge candidate Amy O'Connor walked in to Ryan's Wake around 9:30".
Except for Glasheen, mistakes. Will the Council, advised by Dworsky, confirm Conroy? They have a history and it is not pretty.
ReplyDeleteHow can you say mistakes, the title of this is RUMOR Mill:)) And Monica would be a great pick.
DeletePat should keep Dunne. He is one of the few that gets stuff done. Keep Monica as well. Don't know about bringing Conroy back.
ReplyDeleteGot HUD?????? Pat will lose all credibility with a Conroy hire. St Marys church council even rejected him.
ReplyDeleteVespasian here. Strikes me that the only surprise would be if there were not a conspiracy.
ReplyDeleteConspiracy has a bad wrap these days - and that's unfortunate. Conspiracy is what got Lincoln, FDR and all those fat bearded presidents the nomination. Conspiracy is what gets things done in legislative bodies. And conspiracy is what gets me my boy toys.
In fact, without a little conspiracy here and there, nothing would get done, and the world would be a bit duller of a place.
Let's face it, readers. The reason we have elections is so that other people can take the time to do all the dirty work that we like to think is as pristine as a newborn's head. As a former politico myself, I can tell you, its more like a 50-year old crack-whore's ass. Government takes care of all the crap no one else is willing to shovel; so if a little conspiracy gets us people who really like shoveling all that crap; then omnes heil coniuratio!
Your friend and Emperor,
Monica is energetic, but not sure what she knows about running a city, day to day.
ReplyDeleteMonica on the blog. Wow
DeleteBest Troy politics site ever! Keep up the good work. Harrynotgonelongenough
ReplyDeleteIf this were a corporation we would call this an amazing example of differing sides in collaboration. But because it's politics we call it conspiracy. Is it so awful the Republicans and Democrats could work together?
ReplyDeleteMaybe those two fat slobs Tut and Crawley could help us out here?
ReplyDeleteMonica would probably take Bill Dunne's job. The stretch to Deputy Mayor is a lot. I agree with a previous poster that Monica has a lot of energy and is a good sales person for Troy but no management skills.
ReplyDeleteShe's proven that she can manage Bill and still get things done. She's managed developers and projects. She started and continues to manage the farmers market which entails managing dozens of vendors, two sites and public safety. Not seeing any lack of managerial skill. She can also be tough when she needs to. I fail to see what she lacks.
DeleteShe did not start the Farmers' Market.
DeleteAnd you see no conflict of interest being she still runs the Farmers Market?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the conflict? She has been running it for years. She has not changed jobs. If she were to change jobs then it would need to be considered. Not sure where you currently see a conflict? It's one of the best things going in Troy, it brings hundreds of people downtown. What's the problem?
DeleteOMG - I hope the Mayor-elect casts a wide net for his appointees and not the same old, same old. We've heard Conroy, Morphy, etc, etc. Time for some fresh blood - please!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! Bring in fresh blood like Carmella. Thank God she finally has a chance to serve on the Council.
DeleteCarmella is fresh blood?? I guess you just moved here.
DeleteKids, Monica did not start the farmer's market. Mommy wants you to use your big boy facts.
ReplyDeletePlease tell us who did start it? Would like to give credit where credit is due.
DeleteThe Farmers Market came to Troy because the folks at the Hudson Mohawk Gateway, and Joan Warrender of the RiverSpark Visitor Center, convinced the Capital District FM Location Commission to bring it to Troy. Monica worked for John Hedley at the time, and was active in getting permission to use his parking lot as a waterfront site, which sealed the deal.
ReplyDeleteThe rest, as they say, is history.
Thanks for the clarification. She's been running it for so long I thought she started it. Kudos to those who got it off the ground, it is one of the best things going on downtown.