Tuesday, November 17, 2015


We don't have much this morning.


The City Council is scheduled to vote on the budget on Thursday. However, they have to pass a local law to override the tax cap. That local law has to be passed like any other legislation and we've had no information that such a law has been proposed. According to the New York State Comptroller:

"Furthermore, we found that the City’s proposed real property tax levy is not in compliance with
its  tax levy limit  and City  officials have  not adopted a local law to override the limit.  Should the
City not take action to adopt a tax cap override or make cuts to the budget, it will be left with an
unbalanced 2016 budget that will not have sufficient revenues to fund operations. If this occurs,
the City risks triggering a reimposition of the emergency period under the City of Troy Supervisory
Board Act."


The Troy Police have purchased $5,000 worth of riot gear. The equipment was purchased with grant money and no taxpayers were hurt during the purchase. The police now feel properly equipped in case they are deployed to the county office building for any disturbances.


According to sources, two county workers had their phones seized pursuant to a warrant as part of the ongoing Domestigation. No names though. This has not been verified so don't jump to conclusions. County Executive Kathy Jimino has not returned our calls.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Charlie Sheen is HIV positive and he's still having a better day than Bill. 45 bays and your gone forever. Team been picked.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Charter review hack

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Where will Jim Gordon be working on Jan. 1?

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Is it harrys fault thats charlie sheen is HI?

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Maybe. Do you know something we don't?

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      It's possible, Charlie Sheen likes wrestling

  4. This story by Democratus had nothing to do with Bill Dunne or Harry but here we are again talking about them. I suggest that you start your own Blogs and talk your heads off about this. It's time to stop polluting this blog with your personal obsessions with these two. What about the budget, the police? What kind of mess is the council going to leave for the new council and mayor to clean up?

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      you can leave!

    2. Amen, Focus. I am always surprised when people spend this kind of time on their perceived enemies. If Bill Dunne for example, were to lose his job, not be able to find another one, expended all his savings, and became homeless, how does anyone else's life improve. Are people(especially those who never worked in the private sector) really so gleeful that Kevin McCashion made some bad investments?

      Pound away at each other on policy and political issues, but when the highlight of your day is ad hominem attacks on others, especially on people who reside where you live reflects a sad life.

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      11:14 so can you !

    4. Anonymous8:31 AM

      "When the highlight of your day is ad hominem attacks on others, especially on people who reside where you live reflects a sad life."

      Agreed Phana. How about you direct that little piece of advice to your buddy Kevin? You've seen his tweets.

      I couldnt care less about people's bad investments unless as a taxpayer I have to pay for them. We pick up the slack for the deadbeats who don't pay. That's cool with you? I thought you were a right winger. I guess you're just a hypocrite.

    5. 8.31 Even when you try to play well with others, the urge to attack cannot be resisted. I consider Twitter to be a forum that has a different code of conduct. I don't take all of Kevin's tweets seriously, and suggest you grow a thicker skin. With respect to my giving him advice and our "friendship," maybe I am weird, but I prefer to meet someone in person before I characterize him as a friend. Perhaps if I knew you had some experience in the private sector and understood that failure is often an ingredient of ultimate success, I would take your whining more seriously.

    6. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Actually I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your whining. But thanks for playing.

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Jolly good show, Focus. I Agree.

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I heard Charlie got it because he was in 2 and a half men.

  7. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Focus me? Focus you.

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Vespasian here.

    I never jump to conclusions without my patented Tom Smykowski "Jump to Conclusions Mat". The riot gear is interesting. I always wondered what the Russian police used for Riot Gear when engaging with Pussy Riot. . .

    Thus speaks your Emperor.


  9. Anonymous1:36 AM

    What was Bill Dunne running for?

  10. Anonymous6:23 AM

    All these people who make one individual the Big Bad are idiots, be it Dunne, CB Smith, Mirch, Crist. It's ridiculous and infantile and gets us nowhere.

  11. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The sour grapes departing members of the current City Council (Gordon, Wiltshire and Zalewski)are still pouting and will do their best to obstruct the incoming administration. They act like the Republicans in congress.
    Then again, they are Republicans exhibiting tantrums, egos, and selfishness rather than acting in the city's best interests.
    GOOD RIDDANCE Councilmen.

    1. In what alternative universe are Wiltshire and Zalewski Republicans? If I had known they're actually Republicans masquerading as liberal Democrats, I would have put them on the local Cruz mailing list. On second thought, they would probably be RINOS and God knows we have enough of them.

  12. Anonymous4:59 PM

    It just proves that neither dems or reps have cornered the market on politicians who behave like children and disappoint the people who elected them.
