Thursday, October 01, 2015


Looks like 9 percent


  1. Run Jim Run9:17 AM

    No way. 14 to 18. Why we need Gordon

  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    So what would Jim cut? The 911 contribution to the county?

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Can we raid the sewer fund so we can balance the budget without raising taxes? Wait, that's how king Harry balanced his budgets it's bankrupt

  4. Hal Chase7:05 PM

    Heard it here first. Nice call

  5. Karen Sellers7:48 PM

    Who is your source. Great scoop. Got it 8 hours before everyone else.

  6. Realist9:26 PM

    Now we get to hear how awful Lou is. Like he loves raising taxes. He just couldn't use the contingency funds that Harry used up. He did it the first year and then it was dissipated. We'll hear the criticisms but not alternatives from McGrath, Gordon, Wiltshire or any of them. They can all do better but won't offer specifics.

    Lets see if the counsel recommends lay-offs because that's the only way to lower the tax proposal.

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Thank you Lou. With a 9.3 tax increase you will prevent anyone from buying a home in Troy and the ones who are here won't be able to sell theirs. Keep voting row A. Accounting teacher my ass.

  8. Truth Teller10:13 PM

    If Harry had recommended moderate increases over his 8 years, he wouldn't have mortgaged the future. Instead he robbed peter to pay paul. Give away the candy store and then complain about the next guy.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      That's Harry in a nutshell isn't it? Nothing bad is ever his fault. He has the Gaul to go on Twitter and bash Lou? Harry is the worse thing to happen to Troy ever. Look at the quality of people he chose to be in his inner circle. Harry's legacy is disgraceful, filled with hate, incompetence, vindictiveness, ineptness, hissy fits as nd lawsuits. A vote for Jim Gordon is a vote for more if the same. We already got a taste of what Jim Gordon is all about. When your in a race for mayor, you try to avoid messy confrontations which may lead to the police being called to your house. Not Jim Gordon. When is Secretary Day???

    2. Anonymous11:33 PM

      Harry is, and always was, a spoiled , self important, entitled little boy who believes his half bright father when he tells him he's special. He's "SPECIAL" alright! Just too bad that someone else is left holding the bag for the troll......Bluce Rhee

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    That Lou was a great mayor.

  10. Anonymous11:42 AM

    They can probably get it down by another 2 -3 percent after all the meetings and proposals.

  11. Anonymous4:57 PM

    They'll get it down a little. The ones running for election will do their best to look good.

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I would have taken small increases during Harry's years over this. Now the Dems have to be the grown ups and clean up Harry's fiscal irresponsibility.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Harry, gone 4 years, still cleaning up his mess!

  13. Run Jim Run9:11 AM

    Harry did the cosmetic stuff that people liked. Got the Action Team going, made the streets cleaner for the first few years. Talked tough about stuff. Underneath though, he was a mess at the real work of governing. He wasn't grown-up enough to deliver bad news or admit any errors. Gordon is the best one to undue Harry's mess.

  14. IronyIsFun9:27 AM

    RunJimRun posted @ EXACTLY 9:11... too funny!

  15. Jaime8:43 PM

    LMAO...9:11 Awesome.

  16. Hahahaha.

    No. Get away. Stop or I won't vote for you.

    Release 911!

  17. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Gordon is going to undue Harrys mess? Harry is his mentor! Or did you forget? Gordon will add to Harrys mess, not undue it!

  18. Fantomas5:35 PM

    I'm sure Harry tearing down a structurally sound building to move city hall and pay Judge hundreds of thousands in rent didn't help the budget either. Old city hall was ugly and had issues but look where it got us.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      You seem to forget that it was going to be an even trade of properties until Clem & Conroy got it shit-canned. And here we are 8 years later renting the 5th floor and waiting for Buell's next design of Tee Pee's with a bon-fire pit

  19. Velvet Librarian6:54 PM

    Ibid @ 5:35

  20. Jingo Unchained6:49 AM

    Nine is better than the 25-30% some hysterical people were tossing around. They can get it down a few points. This may be the first time its a good thing that two candidates for mayor are on the council.

  21. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Bullshit. Audit the Payroll. NOW. Look at all the salary increases worked in and transfers of employees from department to department over the past four years.Someone needs to contact DiNapoli and verify salaries referenced in the budget against whats reported to NYS retirement systems.Quite a few discrepancies.

  22. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Remember the City is still under investigation by the FEDS,EPA and the audit from NYS from over the summer. None of these have been resolved.

  23. Guy Fawkes8:35 PM

    Even trade? Prime waterfront property for the Verizon building that needed to be retrofitted for its new purpose. I don't think that's an even trade. I think we were getting hosed.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Yes we were Guy Fawkes, fleeced big time,I'm glad that horrible deal was squashed. The money used for rent and to upgrade the Verizon building should have been put into fixing up the city hall and we could have taken our time to find a better building. But Harry decided on his own to illegally start tearing down the old city hall, violating Department of Labor laws in the process. Harry belongs in prison because he is a lowlife!
