Third parties, minor parties, call them what you will. The fight for, or co-opting of, these ballot lines underscores our jaded, cynical, unprincipled politics, particularly in Rensselaer County.
We have no problem with the existence of such parties. That is their right. We also have no problem when a major party candidate is endorsed by a third party if that third party's general philosophy overlaps with the philosophy of the candidate's actual party. But, when things like this happen, it...
Rodney Wiltshire could run on the Democratic line and the Working Families line without any major contradictions. Ditto Jim Gordon running as a Republican and Conservative. Gordon is currently a Republican Councilman for District 1 and the County's Stop John Sweeney Coordinator.
Now, in addition to his other lines, Jim Gordon will be running as the Green Party candidate for mayor of Troy. No, really. We know, we thought the same thing.
Lets take a look at a few planks in the Green Party Platform. Come on, it won't hurt. Promise.
1. The Green Party honors and seeks to follow the teachings of the Haudenosaunee who implore us to consider the impact of our decisions on the well being of the next seven generations* in our deliberations of policy and practice in all areas of live (life?), and in particularly, with respect to the environment. Toward this goal, NY should establish a goal of being carbon neutral by 2030.
2. No hydrofracking for natural gas (fracking, same-sex or otherwise, is permitted).
3. Implement the rapid phase-out of nuclear power for environmental as well as economic reasons and the replacement of that power with clean renewable sources so that nuclear power has no future in New York State.
4. It is essential that we develop effective alternatives to society's current patterns of violence. We will work to demilitarize, and eliminate weapons of mass destruction (and establish a new pattern of violence).
5. We call for the immediate legalization of the growth, sale and possession of cannabis and hemp under NY State law, and for legal opposition to Federal prosecutions for the same. Prohibition and the resulting “drug war” have unjustly incarcerated countless individuals and scarred communities, often along racial and class lines, while draining resources from society (obviously the Greens are in bed with Frito Lay and part of the Marijuana-Munchy Industrial Complex ).
6. Women’s rights must be protected and expanded to guarantee each woman’s right as a full participant in society, free from sexual harassment, job discrimination or interference in the intensely personal choice about whether to have a child. Women’s right to control their bodies is non-negotiable (we will not deploy troops to stabilize your vagina).
7. The Green Party affirms the rights of all individuals to freely choose intimate partners, regardless of their sex, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. The Green Party recognizes the equal rights of persons who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transsexual, queer, or transgender to housing, jobs, marriage, medical benefits, child custody, and in all areas of life including equal tax treatment. We support legislation such as the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act to outlaw discrimination gender identity or expression; GENDA also expands the state’s hate crimes law to explicitly include crimes against transgender people (intersex? we'll bring the frosting).**
8. Fully funded, full day, and developmentally appropriate Universal Pre-K and Kindergarten with certified and unionized educators (another giveaway to those little Pre-K fuckers).
9. Establish a publicly funded single payer health insurance program covering all residents in the state.
10.The Green Party stands firmly for social justice for all those living in this country regardless of their immigration status (and before you ask, yes, even undocumented Canadians).
11. Reject life without parole sentences: They fail to recognize the human capacity to change and fully appreciate the value of each human life (we can all appreciate the value of Lemuel Smith's or Bucky Phillips' capacity to change).
12. Provide the equivalent of a living wage income and adequate benefits to those who are not able to work (yes! Finally, my fibromyalgia comes in handy).
Granted, a candidate never agrees fully with their party's platform. There are always disagreements. But, does Gordon support half of the Green Party platform? A third? A fourth? If so which planks does he support and how will he help implement the planks he supports?
Would some enterprising journalist ask Gordon which of these positions he supports. No doubt Franco will have Jim on his radio program once more before the election. Will Franco ask what Green Party positions Gordon supports? If none, will Franco ask Gordon why he accepted the Green Party line? We know the answer, of course. This is not a Gordon problem. They all do it. In this instance though, the platforms are so antithetical to one another a justification for running on both is impossible. We just want the politicians that accept lines antithetical to their party enrollment to confess that its all bullshit.
Ah! Screw it! Nothing changes.
* Because 6 generations is obviously too few and 8 generations is just ridiculous.
** Intersex? Seriously. No clue what that means. Jim, it's your party. Help us out here.
** Intersex? Seriously. No clue what that means. Jim, it's your party. Help us out here.
This is a failed and miserable attemp to deviate from the real "news" of the day. The utterly awfull job done by Lou, Peter and the rest of there misfits such as Dunne and on and on. These last four years are nothing short of and utter disaster and the 9.3 percent tax increase is no where near enough to get us out from under Lou and Peter and there poor performance. Heck but when has this blog ever let the truth get in the way of reality so you guys go along and try to belly laugh your way around this. Keep hanging your hats on a family argument while the rest of Troy looks for real replacements to get Troy out from under this nightmare. Mayor Jim Gordon and a republican council it's coming get use to it. HG4YN
ReplyDeleteOuch, Demo lands a punch that cannot be slipped or blocked. We True Believers of the Gospel according to St. William of Buckley are not happy. It is a little difficult to carry water for the Conservative and Green Party at the same time.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I will note that the same can be said of candidates who would often accept the Conservative and WFP lines(or its predecessor the Liberal Party), and occurred primarily on YOUR side of the aisle.
Yeah, I know the political parsing, "ideology does not translate to the local level," and my favorite "local voters made the choice." I think it is time to take a rational and honest approach to the cross-endorsement issue.
Finally, will it matter? IMNSHO, the blanks, true Inds, and detached Reps and Dems that actually decide elections are not going to consider this a factor. Fire away my liberal friends.
Over the course of 7 years Harry used $12 million from the the reserve fund. Lou used the remainder the first year or two. Tell us. What would you do. This is a fact of life in these cities. The idea that Harry was a fiscally responsible manager is ridiculous. You can review the numbers at city hall. Try it. Or do those biased facts get in the way
ReplyDeleteYes. I agree with hg4yn. How dare you try and move away from the tax hike by encouraging people to use your post that announced the hike before anyone else. Bad Democratus
ReplyDeleteThe Green Party doesn't endorse Rodney who owns a solar company and the Working Families Party passes on Madden who has spent 30 years putting working families into affordable housing?
ReplyDeleteThese third parties have caused so many problems. Mitch was the GOP majority leader in the County leg but was a registered conservative. Soon it will be like a parliamentary system where the plurality loses to a coalition of minor parties. Sucks
ReplyDeleteI love when you hear the Harry haters say " view the numbers at city hall" or "foil the numbers". It's bullshit, so much so why don't you put the official numbers up if you have them. Even life long democrats who are disgusted with Lou, Peter and the democratic party. So talk about Gordon, Rodney or even Ernest. None could have possibly done a worse job than Lou and Peter. HG4YN, you're 100% correct.
ReplyDeleteBlow him!!
DeleteThis is an honest opinion and then a plea for civil discussion. When I became cognizant of politics in Troy Mark Pattison was mayor. I remember a huge tax increase (20%?) due to a prior mayor or manager Dworsky. After some initial outrage the city settled being run pretty good. The last years of Pattisons term the city was filthy and had some scandals. Then mayor Tutunjian who cleaned up the city and seemed to have it running smoothly. The last years of Tutunjians term the city slid backwards, meanness and again some scandals. Lou Rosamellia came in as the ethical white knight only to fail as a manager but also surrounded himself with the most unethical folks compared to the two former mayors.
ReplyDeleteNow we must chose between Gordon, Wiltshire and Madden. Who should I vote for? who is honest and has the ability to manage?
Madden. He is the candidate with the experience, skills and character to lead Troy. Gordon is too young and has some anger management issues. Rodney is reactive, divisive and unprofessional, missed the budget vote in the council, two years in a row. He creates controversy to hide the fact that he doesn't have any ideas.
DeleteMadden is smart, focused and has strong relationships on all sides of the aisle. He has the ability to bring people together and move Troy forward. Vote for Madden, the only grown up in the race.
9:51, well said! I agree with you 100% Madden appears to be the right man for the job
DeleteNeither of the three are great choices, 9:07. That's the brutal truth. But Madden's the best of the bunch. Rodney and Gordon are proven incompetents. And Gordon is dumb as a stump. Madden is the only way to go.
DeleteWhat happened under Rosamilia that was actually unethical? Everyone claims things happened but where's the proof?
ReplyDeleteI don't think everyone claims that. Just a few sore losers. The fact is, the only real dodgy thing was the King Street demolition. That was Garrett, likely thumbing his nose at City Engineer Russ Reeves. Mistakes have been made. They are in every administration. But unethical? You can throw around rumors and innuendo but no one has come up with anything than manufactured 'scandals' for PR purposes (ie. Rodney). Harry's administration had more scandals in a week than Lou had for four years.
ReplyDelete9:07 that's so true. Harry and Jim's people must think we all forgot what a mess Harrys administration actually was. A vote for Jim Gordon is a vote to return to that style if running the city. We can't have it!
DeleteSet me free, why don't you babe
ReplyDeleteI agree with Independent. Madden does have potential once he realizes politics in Troy is a rough business. He needs to get just a bit edgier. Not too much, just a bit. I just can't see the others being anything more than business as usual. Meet the new boss...
ReplyDeleteTime's running out Jim. Lets hear the tape. Come on. Lets see how your wife overreacted.
ReplyDeletePat Madden is Lou light!
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like people are trying to convince themselves that Madden is the one. The dude can't get a job as a lawyer, so he sets up shop playing house with government money. Didn't we just try the nice guy with supposed credentials who got chewed up by politics? This is the experience you want? At least Wiltshire is trying to run a business, no easy task in this state. Is being young and having a temper such a big deal. Maybe the city could use some energy and ambition. Depending on who you talk to we have remained the same after four years or even taken steps back, and we get another spineless guy? No thanks, I'll take a chance on one of the other guys.
ReplyDeleteI don't care that Wiltshire runs a solar business. What I am concerned about is the way he has run The City Council. A no show two years in a row for the Budget vote. A demonstrated inability to work with others to get things done. Anytime he didn't like something he held hearings which accomplished nothing other than getting his name in the paper. Is having a temper such a big deal? Yes, if it means his first response to any problem is to publicly blame someone else, overreact, and in so doing piss everybody off who could possibly help solve the problem. You said in your post "Depending on who you talk to we have remained the same after four years or even taken steps back". Last time i checked Rodney has been on the Council for four years and running it for two of those four years. He has been a major contributor to the problems we are now facing. I'm not trying to convince myself that Madden is the guy, I know he is.
Delete@9:30 PM
ReplyDeleteWiltshire runs a solar business, an industry that leads the league in giveaways. Shouldn't have to try that hard. As for a temper, it's OK, I guess...unless it gets out of hand.
Was out of town on business last week around the Syracuse area with people who live throughout the State. Whenever I responded I live in Troy the responses were the same, "what happened to that city", " Troy has a very negative reputation" and "is it as bad as we hear". I want to thank Lou, Peter, Rodney and the rest of you dems for ruining a once great city.
ReplyDeleteFunny, I hear the opposite. People who visit Troy love it. Maybe you and your friends like running down Troy but it's growing in a good direction. Stop trying to make it out like the Troy of the '80's. It's great.
ReplyDeleteThere is a very positive buzz about Troy. We have young people moving up here from New York/Brooklyn. RPI students are staying and setting up tech businesses. We have all the problems that an old upstate city has, including Syracuse. And we have gorgeous buildings, a growing arts community, and positive momentum. I moved here because I see so much potential.
ReplyDeletePositive buzz, you mean the Hipster Cha-Ching! Its getting overly saturated with people of the same mind-set gentrifying the city. If that is where you want to live then by all means. Rodney cares only for Rodney, he does only what will benefit him even if it means running himself ragged by being seen at every event possible in the city. He is banking on name & face recognition to fly him through by the seat of his pants to get elected. Its evident in his daily social media posts of having so much fun here and so proud to have been there. Really? He shows up for a half hour, has a few photo-ops and then off he goes like a thief in the night only to forget about them as son as he leaves. He knows that people vote for the name or face they remember seeing. Its a slap in people's faces, yet, they continue to suck it up like good little sponges. "Team Troy" what a joke. You have the biggest set of buffoons since that idiotic "Take Back Troy" group, of which half of them were part of too. Take a look at how that group operates and you have a sneak peak at their immaturity. People seriously, do your homework before you vote.
ReplyDeletePat Madden has over 30 years of experience managing staff and working with people all over the city. He has a solid reputation of being smart and reasonable.
ReplyDeleteThe last thing Troy needs is a Mayor who throws temper tantrums,or cares about nothing but his own ego. We've already had that. We need somebody with experience and maturity who cares about our city. Madden is the only choice. How is that not obvious?
ReplyDeleteWhile I want Rodney to withdraw from the race (we can't have Gordon as mayor), I'm not sure the attacks on him in these comments is the right way to go. I am not saying the comments are all wrong. I'm just saying that maybe the two democratic factions could come to some type of agreement where Wiltshire steps away from the race in order to avoid a Gordon-Tutunjian administration. I know you'll say that Rodney's ego is too big but has this been tried?
ReplyDeleteYes. It has been tried. Rodney waited exactly two hours after losing the Democratic primary to announce he would continue to run. People have reached out to him, some of his supporters asked him to step back, he lost those supporters. He is living in the echo chamber of a small band of supporters who think they are going to take over Troy and the Democratic party. Not likely.
DeleteThe price that Rodney wants in order to step away is no-questions-asked support for his future endeavors, and believe me, this mayoral race is just one small step in his grand plan. The party cannot and will not offer such a deal, as we have seen up close and personal just what a a devious liar he is. He is not a party person; he has never been a party person and he will never be a party person unless he sees it as a way of moving himself and his grand personal vision forward. That whole "I'm a true Democrat" thing is just one more of the big lies, and everybody recognizes that now.
ReplyDeleteMr. Cox. I wish I could be as articulate and thoughtful as you. Such logic. Such surgical-like analysis. Please, give us more of your wit and charm. I want more of your conspiracy theories. Tell us how Bill Dunne is the bastard love child of Tom Wade and Bob Mirch. That's my favorite.
ReplyDeleteGuy for once we are in agreement. Cox is a brain who bests us all. Cogent discourse, gentlemanly banter, wild imagination. I so look forward to him asking me to blow him. Haven't heard that one in awhile.
ReplyDeleteThanks King James you get a cookie !~~!