Thursday, October 29, 2015


Only this time, his target is a man. Yesterday we heard our first JGor ad. Perhaps there have been other ads but this was our first time. And Jim wasn't gentle. Didn't even buy us dinner. Jim attacked Democrat Pat Madden's tenure as CEO of TRIP (Troy Rehabilitation and Improvement Program). The ad focused on TRIP's deficit (allegedly just over $100,000) and 50 code violations.

So far, the Republican candidate has had more to say about TRIP's non-existent deficit than Troy's potential $1.9 million hole. It's been one year since the Council knew that we had this sword of Damocles* hanging over our heads but our Council has been silent. Until now, when political points can be scored.

The code violations are true but misleading. Gordon doesn't say how many properties TRIP owns or rehabs. He also doesn't mention the nature of the violations (loose handrails?). There isn't a building in Troy that doesn't have at least one code violation and those are not buildings that have undergone rehabilitation. So, Gordon's ads are approximately 25.3% true. The deficit does not exist. The code violations do but code violations are not a rarity.

That said, its a typical attack ad and not, like some say, out of bounds. When did everyone get so sensitive? If that's the best they have against Madden they have to go with it. The motive is more intriguing. Is it a sign of weakness or strength? Traditionally, campaigns spend money on negative ads when they feel they have slipped. Here Gordon is trying to send some Madden voters over to Wiltshire. Does anyone think a voter inclined towards Madden is really switching to Gordon? Finally, if TRIP is so poorly run, why is Gordon contributing to the organization? Is that the type of mayor he will be? Tossing money into an organization he doesn't respect or think is well run? If Gordon ran anything close to the size of TRIP, the ad  might have more impact.

The attack ad this late is a clear sign that Gordon views Madden as the threat, not Wiltshire. The GOP probably believes that Wiltshire will grab 15% of Madden's vote. If the numbers mirror 2011...well, we all know what that means.


You can view the Madden and Gordon Public Safety Plans here. Neither involve tights, capes or masks.


Looks like there is a Troy Polloi Community facebook page started a few days ago. We're not complaining but it ain't us. There is a very good video on the facebook page that demonstrates the clear difference between the GOP At-Large candidates and Democrat At-Large candidates. We understand that more video's will be forthcoming. Enjoy. If you tell them we sent you, you get 10% off.

*A 4th Century Greek courtier, brother of Hepatitis, cousin of Diabetes.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    No comments?

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Rodney wins - as the Spoiler but not mayor.

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Desperation on Gordon's part.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM


    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Of course he's desparate. The entire city heard an audiotape of his terrified wife and crying child calling 911 on him. What does he expect. The secrets out now. He's an angry bullying loser.with no respect for women.

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Heard the ad. Did Gordon really catch the arsonist?

  5. So Jim Gordon is running a radio ad still claiming Madden has run TRIP at a deficit, even after Madden showed him the error in his thinking,
    Not only can he not read financial statements, he appears incapable of understanding a pretty simple explanation. What a dim bulb. Gordon is desperate and dumb, always a winning combination.

  6. Anonymous1:26 PM

    If Gordon is going to spread lies about Madden/TRIP he ought to at least make up something that isn't so easily disproved.

  7. Puzzled1:43 PM

    I'm confused. 4 months ago the Jim Gordon campaign committee donated money to TRIP (see Board of Elections expenditure report) . This would lead me to believe that if Jim was publicly spending Republican money by sending a check to TRIP, it is because he thinks that TRIP is a worthy organization. 5 days before the election he rips TRIP to shreds to score political points against his opponent. He proves, not once, but twice that he can't read and understand a financial statement. There is no deficit dumb ass.

    Raise your hand if you are a Republican who is going to vote for Madden..

    Okay, you can put your hand down now.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Does it really surprise you 1:43, they are the biggest hypocrites I ever had the misfortune of knowing

  8. Anonymous5:08 PM

    What a sweet little mailer of the Gordons. Thank God for photoshop, right Jimbo?

  9. Anonymous6:56 PM

    When you don't have a record you have to attack. Gordon has done nothing in the past few years but collect a public paycheck.

  10. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I was able to obtain a transcript of Jim Gordon's latest campaign strategy meeting, Jim Gordon "Harry, why didn't we just release the 911 phone call ourselves, then held a press conference with my wife apologizing for my behavior?" Harry Tutunjian " Jim, we thought the whole thing would blow over and no one would mention it again, now wait till the next commercial, RAW is on" Jim Gordon "Harry, your horrible handling and advice has ruined my chance to become mayor and you can't stop watching wrestling for one night to figure this out, oh wait, look how John Cena is pinning his opponent down, I should try that next time my wife gets loud" Harry Tutunjian " nothing is more important than wrestling, I watched wrestling religiously during my last 2 campaigns and got trounced, I figure third time is a charm" Mark Wojik " Where's Mitch when we need him, I have no clue what I'm doing, between my advice and Harry's, we have managed to get everything wrong! Every move we make blows up in our face and gets called out by smart bloggers, we have become a laughingstock" Harry Tutunjian "I'm hungry" Jim Gordon "Dont make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" Mark Wojik "I'm in way over my head" Jeff Pirro "Harry, I picked up your dry cleaning and washed your pots and pans" Harry Tutunjian "in hungry"

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Hahahahaha Harry T : We can fix this, I'll just have my father put up a sign on Hoosick Street.

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Ha, I love it! Troy Polloi is the most well written blog I ever read. The writer is brilliant

  11. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Mitchel released the tape because Denny couldn't get blue book on the white Cadillac he was selling. The tape was tied to Cindys lawn mower and thrown in the Hudson River where Davis and Gary found it diving for evidence on overtime. Boosh took the tape because he was mad that he didn't get invited to dinner at the Albany Detectives office but then he got pink eye so he gave the tape to Doctor Death who put it under his Mike and Ike bowl. John took the tape drove to the jail walked in and straight out the back door. His hand hurt so much he couldn't keep a grip on it. Catani saw the tape but was distracted by a fingerprint on his blueberry muffin.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Hahaha 10:34! You don't get it!

  12. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Good video on the facebook page. Dresher was great. GOP at-large, not so much. Too lazy to do their homework.

  13. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Gordon's Public safety Plan was oddly silent in one area. Did he leave that out on purpose or does he not see domestic violence as a serious problem in the city. I will ask Carmella when she stops by.

    1. Pushing, shoving, pinning, yelling at women, as long as I win it's all good stuff.

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Signed Democrats mother.
