Sunday, September 13, 2015


We need to apologize. We accidentally deleted a comment and invite the submitter to resubmit the submission. We did this a week or two ago as well. Typically we approve comments from our e-mail but this time we did it from a phone and out big fingers hit delete and not submit.

The comment accused the editors of responding to a comment because of some time stamp. We do not respond to comments as we do not feel it appropriate. We do approve many at one time, typically in the morning and the comments are time-stamped when written, not when approved.

The comment also accused us of being in league with Mr. Randall Cooper and Mr. Cox.

We do enjoy Cooper's facebook postings and find him a straightforward, no BS kind of guy. We do not agree with everything he says but certainly respect his right to believe and support who and what he wants. We can disagree without getting nasty or personal about the disagreement. As for being in league with him? Odd, seeing that he wanted Wiltshire and we supported Madden. Maybe one of the most incompetent conspiracies ever. We simply forgot to coordinate. Sorry, Randy, we thought you said Madden.

We would ask that if the comment is resubmitted it refrain from accusing named individuals of utilizing pipes and gerbils for recreational purposes. Perhaps a case of projection, perhaps not.

We do not approve comments that potentially defame people. Unfortunately, we have had a number of comments that did so. That is why we activated comment moderation which has actually decreased the number of posts that are potentially defamatory.

What do we mean by potentially defamatory? Well, you can't accuse people of crimes. You can't accuse people of drug dealing, pederasty, DWI's, spousal abuse, racism....You could very well be right but we need some level of confirmation. Throwing around baseless accusations isn't our style. We do have a reputation for integrity, professionalism and high ethical standards.

You may accuse people of being:  Druids, vegans, Free Masons, polytheists, Scientologists, game show hosts, fundamentalists, activists, hipsters, urban farmers, Whigs, Belgian and the like. While annoying, they are not, technically, crimes.


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I bet I know who it was talking about drug dealing, DWIs and unfounded mud slinging. The same person who ends every post with Harry's been gone 4 years now! How low must Harry feel when a driveway expert is more relevant then he is. It must burn him up. My sources tell me he is so pissed that his lite pink colored face turns beet red at the very mention of the person who ruined his political career


  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Why would you respond to that post. It's either fathead Harry or his flunkee Vito. I'll bet the person inn that poll who made the nastee saying about Amy was Silverman. He always sat in the back of council meetings snikkering !--!

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Never mentioned drug dealing,DWI or unfounded mud slinging. Put the truth out there with the proof. Let's see if it gets printed. Also funny how that you figured it out so quick. You say you don't respond to comments. Such bull shit. Harry gone 4 years now.
    PS Robert if you think people punch that shit in on the web and think your credible your in the right place. Congress and 4th.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Poor Harry! Settle down loser! I know your having a horrible time being irrelevant, and running your wife's business into the ground. But go away!! If you died tomorrow no one would care

  5. Harry comments on every blog, but he doesn't seem man enough to put his name to his comments. Hey Harry, dent wizard is hiring

  6. You can make all the derogatory comments you want about Harry, but the fact remains that he generally appointed very competent people, let them do their jobs, and managed to at least maintain a working and functional relationship with the Council. I think everyone concedes Lou is a very decent person and quite intelligent. However, his appointments included far too many hacks or people who had very different agendas. While it's unfair to place all the blame for his dysfunctional relationship with the Council, the fact remains that he was unable to sustain a majority he could work with.

    I thought the highlights of this dysfunction were watching an accounting professor present a budget that didn't include a penny for pension obligations and a Council failing to transfer additional funds into desperately needed road repairs while passing silly tyranny rights legislation.

  7. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Who did Harry have who was competent? Crawley? Mirch? David Mitchell? Pirro? All are the dictionary definition of hack.

    1. While obviously lacking in diplomacy, Mirch was highly competent. Crawley was also rough around the edges, but the Dept functioned well. Are you suggesting that Lou has not been undermined by some of his people?

  8. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Ive interviewed 2000 people in the city of Troy and they all agree VITO IS EVIL.

    1. Anonymous2:15 AM

      How could you possibly interview 2000 people in Troy, oh you must have interviewed all your personalities Bob

  9. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Phana24jg, why would you post something rational on this blog when one of the posts states about Harry. " If you died tomorrow no one would care". Stick to the TU, you may feel better about enlightening some people on here with reason and fact but they're (as their once unanimous chairman) calls them DELUSIONAL!

    1. I am a right-winger, but can actually be somewhat objective at the local level. I give blogs a try until they completely deteriorate.

  10. Anonymous10:02 PM

    You've been exposed for exactly what you are and who is behind this blog. You called me out and then you pussied out. Your everything I have called you. You set the "new rules" and I blew it up in your face. Look forward to everything being exposed on Twitter you fly weight. Harry gone 4 years now.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Get a life Harry. Your so pathetic and I absolutely love how much this blog bothers you. You can't get your slanderous lies printed anonymously like you and Jeff did all day on Franco's jailspin column and it's tearing you up. We, however, are enjoying your epic downfall and we are all laughing our asses off. You have been reduced to a punchline. I would be nice I heard Cooper is hiring shovel men

  11. Anonymous11:03 PM

    I think one of the highlights of this blog is reading stupid comments by washed up former town supervisors with arrest records. You almost feel bad for these Republican has-beens.

    1. A least I make my identity available to those who want to do some homework. I choose not to be a sniveling coward hiding in Anonymousland.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Right, that explains all your usernames

    3. This was my original and only s/n for Google Groups (and before that AOL groups)when I joined Jeff Gordon and Montreal Canadians groups. I suspect that was long before you could use a computer.

    4. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Who cares? Why do you keep posting?

    5. Just to annoy you.

  12. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Harry still doesn't get it. We hate him. A lot of us. His political career is over. Well his e l elected career anyways

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      He was a spoiled little puke in high school as well......Atrippa Kellum

  13. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Maybe some of the above people who comment about Harry "we hate him" and "If you died tomorrow no one would care" should ask themselves why. You have Mr. Cooper and someone who posts under Drew Cooper (relative?) and the crowd at 4th and Congress and they all have two things in common, they hate Harry and they're low achievers. That's a fact Jack.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Wow Harry, you are so twisted,!! How bout you just go away and shut up andno one will say two words about you

    2. Put your name on it Harry, after all, you've been gone 4 years now. But we are still paying for your incompetence! Go Away!! Your irrelevant

  14. Drew Cooper is me Randy Cooper. I don't hide behind anonymity. I put my money where my mouth is

  15. Drew Cooper is me Randy Cooper. I don't hide behind anonymity. I put my money where my mouth is

  16. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Have the Tutunjians paid their back taxes yet?

  17. I have a Drinkin Buddy he is From Maddens Neighborhood He Told me Madden told him he is going to Can bill Dunn once he is Mayor because of his incompetence !~~!

  18. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Phana, wasn't insulting you just hoping you're aware your rational postings are falling on posters blinded by hate and some with mental illness. "deteriorate", it doesn't get any lower than this.

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      Needing to be like is also a mental disorder Harry

    2. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Needing to be like is also a mental disorder Harry

    3. Anonymous1:23 AM

      Twotonengine can dish it out but Twotonengine can't take it ! What a baby

  19. Anonymous8:45 PM

    No one cares to do the homework.

  20. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Harry appointed "competent people."
    Harry had two (2) Deputy Mayors.
    Typical Republican arrogance.
    Don't forget Tom Spargo.
    Thrown off the bench in Saratoga County?
    How'd you like to be Corporation Counsel?
    Harry appointed whoever Joe Bruno told him to.
    How can an incompetent appoint competent people?

  21. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Go home Harry, you're drunk...and tender.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Yes a sad little elf. George Costanza Tutunjian

  22. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Harry was a most excellent snitch in Troy High as he had NO tolerance for pain.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      He has no tolerance for saliva either! ,How long has Harry been gone? Long enough to get trounced in two elections

  23. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Your most commented on new blog. Cooper moves the dial, and that FACT kills Harry! I love it! Glad your back

  24. Put your name on it
