Monday, October 31, 2005


Councilman Mark Wojcik has taken the bold move of attacking Rensselaer County Republican Satrap Joe Bruno.

Bruno recently called for the relocation of the jail. Wojcik had this to say about such a proposal:

"But, in some cases cases, the press release is created to get the official's name in the media for the simple purpose of promotion and self-gratification."

"The proposal set out forth by Senator Bruno concerning the relocation of the Rensselaer County Jail should be alarming to Troy taxpayers."

And Bruno's big mistake: not consulting experts.

"Any initiative that is proposed that can have a profound impact on the Troy taxpayer will include due diligence and appropriate consultation with officials who have expertise in the relevant fields."

A harsh indictment of Senator Bruno by Mark Wojcik. That took real guts, Mark.

The only problem, that was said in Wojcik's letter to the Record on March 21, 2005 when Dunne began proposing the Bruno Plan for the jail. Bruno hadn't weighed in at that time.

Over the next week, most of the other Council members weighed in, trashing the idea. Now we can't wait for them to trash Bruno. Lets hear you now, guys!

The fact of the matter is, moving the jail will cost a lot of money. Building a new jail will cost a lot of money. The fact is, if you expand the jail, it will be a permanent blight on South Troy forever. It's cheaper to do it now rather than later.

And it's not just Bruno that has adopted the Democratic initiative:

"It's a great idea," said Bruno Constituent liaison Bob Mirch. "The Senator is a true visionary."

However, County Majority Leader Bob Mirch disagreed. "It's irresponsible to the taxpayers. It would be far too costly to move the jail and it would undoubtedly endanger my salaries."

Troy DPW Commissioner Bob Mirch could not be reached for comment.

Before we forget, we at the Troy Polloi want to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween.

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Happy Halloween from Harry, Joe, Dan, Bob & Trish!

Also, please check out our new Troy Polloi Halloween Catalogue. You'll love it and so will the kids.

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