Aside from the fact that a transition teams seems a smidgeon overkill, the choices Mantello made are more interesting for who was not included than for who was included.

The selection of LaPosta immediately makes the team bipartisan as he changes political affiliations twice a week.
Notice, to Mantello's credit, not one Republican currently, or recently, steeped in the GOP's city party apparatus. No Tutunjian, no Wojcik, no Crawley, no Gordon.
Hank has been out of the game awhile and was never overly partisan. LaPosta is overly bipartisan but has been staying clear of Troy politics, at least publicly. Bodnar and Daley, again, not rabble-rousers. McGrath is a rabble-rouser but was never a favorite of the city party, who he fought with just as much as he fought with the Democrats. Dworsky? Why people still seek his guidance is beyond us. Best advice, when Dworsky advises there's a good chance you'll want to do the opposite. Also, never say anything you don't want broadcasted to the entire city. Hopefully, the knife in the back doesn't go in to the hilt.
Mantello has also asked the administration for the names and terms of office for people serving on the various boards and commissions that litter city government. One wonders if she'll attempt to trade appointments for a few board/commission seats. Not a bad move as long as she doesn't overreach.
We'll assume good intentions on everyone's part, starting with the premise that both Mayor-Elect Madden and City Council President-Elect Mantello will be reasonable, compromise and not engage in unnecessary partisanship.
Dworsky and Laposta? Really? What value do they bring?
Why has everyone forgotten Mantello's hyperpartisan past tenure on the Council?
That means bye bye bard Nelson. Thank god
Not forgotten. Just watching and waiting. Madden is mayor. If she forgets that the voters won't. She should not get too comfortable.
She'll behave herself, at first. She may have a hard time hiding her ambitions. She always has. She just wants to be mayor soooooo bad.
Indeed. Dworsky in particular brings not just no value, but negative value since he is the one person most responsible for the city's dire financial straits; if it weren't for his idiotic profligacy as city manager we wouldn't have had those $6 million per year MAC payments over the last 20 years.
Not sure what signal Carmella thinks she's sending with his inclusion.
Yessss. Shoukd have been hone by now. Resigned months ago and still here
Still votes on tap proposals...852 5th...hmmmmm
That's because Franco always touted him as some wise old man of politics in Troy. "No one knows the Charter better," he always says. The operative word in the phrase is wise. Knowing the charter? If the council people would read it, they would know it as well.
Dworsky misses being a playa' and to that end, reveals secrets to his old pals. Can't keep his trap shut. Wouldn't trust him at all.
What signal does it send? It means she'll rely on the same old, same old.
Demo you are right about her being smart by not bringing in those three pigs.
Time will tell.
Many seem to forget that Dworsky caused most of the financial bs we're still mired with all these years later. The contract stips he added to both FD & PD are still weighing us down. Carmella is an ass
She's also in UFA's pocket. This is going to be expensive.
Wojick already being a big party pooper, quoted in the paper saying that a Republican Council and Democratic mayor can't work together and "everyone knows" it never works. Way to pull together for Troy. Possibly the least gracious thing said by anyone post election. Also not a ringing endorsement of your own candidate Carmella. Glad he's not on the "transition team".
Dworsky is the ultimate albatross. LaPasta is worthless, just a pawn for Dworsky who will probably be responsible for carrying copies of city charter for Dworsky to meetings.
Can't think of anything more boring than listening to Dworsky talk on and on about city government. What a yawner !
Some poor choices there Carmella. More importantly, why do you need a transition team ? It's not like you were elected Governor, or even Mayor.
What's up with all the illegally placed Jim Gordon signs still littering the city? Maybe Sign Police Mark McGrath can get off his loudmouth ass and get in his midlife crisis convertible and start taking them down. Yo Mark you can check out the chicks while you're driving around picking up litter. Make yourself useful.
Frank LaPosta without Dan Doran? Is that possible?
Yep, all losers. We should have stayed with Rodney and Kenny. I wish we could go back to the good old days of solid democrats, Dworsky, Loposta, Beth Walsh, Campana, John Brown, Loporto, Kevin Mcgrath and my personal favorite Bill Dunne. Ahhh, they were the days. Democrats rule!
Now that Casey lost I can let my sheep back out in the yard. Baaaaaaaaaah
Smells like onions and hair coloring products
I'll take any combo of those Dems over the ego freak show of Wiltshire & Zalewski.
Well, Campana, Walsh, Dunne, McGrath all knew how to win. Walsh actually took on the establishment and won.Frank, Hank, Steve, Daley, losers all.
I applaud Carmella for leaving off those three pigs. They stuck it to her, and payback is a botch! Check your ego at the door Carm, and get shit done. You worked hard for this and everyone's watching
8:10 Campana had to be thrown out because he was going to be killed in the general
Walsh thrown out n her ass for messing with term limits
McGrath (Kevin) need we get into this shitbird past. Eddy ran away after term limits because he knew he would lose. Mark pure winner.
Dunne is the only one that ran to full term.
Political retreads---that is how Carmella will be judged for this sorry lineup of losers. you will notice most are rejected by their own political party and now find refuge with her. Rumors abound that her sanctuary for losers will include notorious bad guy Ricky Mason too.
Can't she just speak with Bodnar and Gordon, as well as some of the other council people to get caught up? Is it that big a deal. She knows she ran for council, not mayor, right?
Franco was/is a shill, there is nothing objective about him. What he say , Gordon would get 5,000 votes??? He's a delusional as the pigs who's pocket he's in!
All she knows is she's president. I heard she was packing her bags for DC and writing her inaugural address. One of the last of Bruno's protégées. Mary D, Ken and Trish are gone. Now we just have to wait for Mantello to fizzle out.
Thanks Coop
Let me point this out to you. Mark termed out after 8 years sits out 2 is elected back overwhelmingly. Kevin tail between leg after involment in yet another crime has his party turn on him and cast him away. Scared to run again he's gone left only to take a couple shots at Tom Wade first with rabbit then Rodney and Wade wins. Night now.
Do you remember that Mantello supported Jimino for city manager over Bruno's pick of David the Grand, the split was 5-4 and the compromised result was Jimino as budget director with the hun as Manager. Jimino who was not registered in any party( sound familiar) was offrered GOP slot for Mayor when Eaton decided he was out iof the first mayors race. Bruno's people did not take Mantello up on her offer to run.
It was her own ties to the governor that landed Mantello the Canal Corp job after she lost the Mayors race four years later.
Look who he beat? Enough said!
Has anybody seen Rabbit since Rodney lost? He sold a bill of goods to all the unions and the last I heard he was buried under the end zone of Giants Stadium!
Is Mark really bragging about winning? You could run a mouse on a wheel and win, oh wait, that's what they did!
Sounds like someone's getting low on the oxy's.
Kevin didn't support Rodney. Try again.
Seriously. Bragging about beating Anastasia is like bragging about beating Jim Gordon in a two way race. Anyone with a pulse could do it.
low on oxy's and taking in roommates!
They will make Bauer their counsel and Frank clerk. Just a guess
go away randy!!
Keep licking your wounds after the pasting you grubs took, keep mentioning my name if it makes you feel better! Sad little pigs!
Is it worse to be low on oxys or low on friends, self-esteem, self worth, or people who would call you a friend? Keep scraping the bottom of the barrel you losers. You spend all your time worrying about Randy, Kevin McGrath, Bob Cox and Amy O'Connor and anyone else who is outspoken in their disdain for you pigs! I will take those four over anybody associated with the old regime any day of the week! Keep trying with your little digs at all those people who speak the dirty truth about you all! Everyone knows what you people are and not many like you. That's fact.
6:12, the fact you posted those four names together speaks volumes. Like minded people.
6:12 sounds like she needs a rabbit in her tank.
I posted those four names because "the old city hall gang" seems obsessed with them. Yes they are like minded, when it comes to pointing out the corruption and dirty tricks and the horrible way you and your fellow pigs treated people. They point that out to people and you pigs just make up blatant lies about them or anyone else who calls you out. You 4 or 5 pigs are the only ones who don't like them and I'm positive none of them give a shit!
Where was your name mentioned Drew??? Guilty conscience?
Everything said about them is true and I would bet more then 4 or 5 people dont like them. Must be that delusional life they live,
Political retards is more like it.
Sad. 9:44 sounds like you're the one who needs a life.
9:44 the truth as Rich Crist and Harry Tutunjian see it? They are crooks and no one believes one word they say. They are washed up losers who won't win another election! And who have been getting their lunch fed to them every day by Cooper and company, everyone knows what kind of people they are, that's why none of them.have any friends. How many more elections will Rich and Harry cost the republicans just by simply showing their faces! Poison!
didnt the republicans win the coucil majority??
you may not belive what those people say but you can pretty much google the stuff and find FACTS.
I will never understand why you think you are superior to any of these people. You claim you speak the truth about these people but when they do the same about you, you cry. I just dont get why you think it ok to attack but no be able to take it.
7:17 that's a great post. Both sides are stewing they've been insulted. LOL
Google stuff like "Harry Tutunjian lawsuits" or "Harry Tutunjian tax Leins" ? Or how bout we Google "made up jobs handed to washed up has been who cant survive without handouts from.friends" (my favorite)
or you can also google who gets arrested and for what.
this clown is putting up francos mug shot on his page when he should put one of his own up there, What a hyprcrite.
Cooper never denies his past issues. Franco never mentions his and deletes posts that do.
he has past and current issues.
why would franco have to mention his past?? Cooper doesnt mention his either but people bring them up cause he thinks hes above everyone and you have to be able to take it if you can dish it!
no different then Cooper deleting all people on his Troy page that disagree with him.
McCashion has his tax issues and Cooper has his child support issues. Here's a little advice, why don't both of you get a fucking job and stop being douchbags on your computers. Fair?
Without getting into too much personal baggage, sounds like sour grapes from someone. I associate child support issues with deadbeat dads, not dads that have their children working or living with them. More dishonesty from the same 3 people ?
Sorry, didn't Jeff Pirro send Coopers old mugshot all over facebook? You people are such hypocrits!
Coop, check your emails.
Unless McCashin has the tax auditors living under his roof like Randy does, that's a terrible comparison, but typical of you dicks! Randy is a good guy and a good dad. Far from perfect butva good guy. Stop listening to the Secretarys stories. Does she think we forgot what she did?
onley after he did it first!!
Is anyone perfect, I don't get the fixation with Cooper, why, because he speaks his mind? The shit you people shoveled his way, I don't blame him for calling you out! If you are a public official and you act like a bunch if street thugs you should expect to be called out for it! So you 3 guys keep deflecting the blame instead of accepting the blame. That is why no one likes any of you, that is why Harry will never be elected to any office again. But keep attacking the messengers, it doesn't change the pigs you are. What do Cox or Coopers personal lives have to do with Harry running the city into the ground? Gee, if the worst thing you can say about a guy is that he owes child support and he drives fast, then maybe you should try a different approach. I know plenty of men with child support and family court issues, that alone doesn't make them bad people in my book and you come off as demented freaks obsessing about people you shouldn't. It's actually quite sad!
8:30 why would I worry about people getting arrested for non violent offenses, why would you? What's with this obsession you have with Cooper, every time he comments you bring up issues that really have nothing to do with the subject at hand. If you don't have a therapist, get one
wheres the new mug shot?
No Jeff didnt send it on facebook, he emailed it I believe because the person had an issue with a paving company and asked if it was him because there had been previous complaints from work.
So Jeff Pirro, the city spokesman, on company time, emailed a picture of Cooper to a victim of a paving scam to see if it was Cooper? Is that what your saying? Was Pirro working for the police department that week? What business is itvof a city yes man to get involved in a paving incident? But didnt the entire subject blow up in his face. The guy who got scammed was a friend of Cooper and he forwarded Pirros email to Coop, oops, what incompetence. Turns out the victim of the paving scam hated Harry as much as Cooper did. And Cooper went back up tobthe guys house and fixed the driveway! Why didn't Jeff mention any of that? Because he's a putz who scrubs pots and pans
How would have Pirro known about a criminal complaint unless the Police informed him of it.
Some guy got scammed, noone knew who scammed him, Pirro sent the victim my picture and asked him if I was the man who scammed him, do you see why I want to beat his troll looking Jeffry Dahlmer , thick glasses wanna be important fsve into the ground? ,the fact he did this while on the clock is a definite misuse of city time
There is no new mug shot you putz!
Whats going to happen to Uncle Tom Ernest Will he Join up with Laposta and Steve Dworsky and Run For Dog Catcher will he write a book and become famous will he March in the Million Man March in Washington DC Too Many Questions Will Tom Wade Hep Ernest in his future Maybe he can work as a Town Marshal Jack McCann Can teach him the ropes !~~!
my point someone told him about the complaint (troy Police) so with that not a misuse of city time.
Oh 4:16, is part of the city spokesmans job to help police in criminal investigations, I wasn't aware!
must be..or the police would not have told him, just maybe the Police hate you too!
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