A bipartisan group of Troy City Council persons is disappointed in the six Democratic County legislators representing Troy.
This all goes back to the $900,000 that Rensselaer County will receive as part of the gaming fee paid by Michael Corleone for the future Schenectady casino. Members of the Troy City Council would like some of that money in order to relieve Troy's fiscal stress.
In a prior letter to County Executive Kathy Jimino, Council President Mantello asked that Troy be allowed to wet its beak. Kathy Jimino said she was speaking with Troy's Mayor, her brother, about it and Mantello needed to relax.
Pat then said: "You mean, we get a cut of it and the County takes all the risk?"
Jimino then told Pat, "never let anyone outside the family know what you're thinking," and ordered Mantello to personally put up the fee for the casino herself.
Maybe that's not exactly what happened but the Council has gone begging for some of the gaming fee money, this time asking the 6 Democrats that represent Troy in the County Legislature to join them in the request. In an odd move, the legislators did not directly respond to the invitation but instead had their assistant send an e-mail that essentially reiterated what Jimino had said earlier.
“We agree that providing property tax relief and addressing the potential of added investment to our infrastructure, especially highways and bridges, will enhance our economic development efforts,” the legislators’ email stated. “This is a wise and prudent plan that will help to reduce the county tax burden to the residents of Troy."
So, what gives? Why wouldn't the Troy County contingent join in with the Council? How much of the $900,000 does Troy want? Of course, it is the County's money and $900,000 is not all that much in the grand scheme of things. We understand why the County wants to keep it. They have plans for it and frankly, it is not the city's money. One imagines if the roles were reversed, what Troy would say.
Of course, perhaps a private meeting between some council members and legislators could have been requested. Maybe a phone call or two. Work it a little more rather than running to the press to call them out. Sometimes our Council seems short on diplomacy and long on scolding.
More importantly, what would we learn if we just received some cash without working for it? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish...so on and so on.
These handouts and small one time revenue shots are not going to help create fiscal stability. Unfortunately the only way to accomplish this is to decrease the size of the work force and to increase taxes. Neither of these options will be considered though.
ReplyDeleteCalling all cars, calling all cars, be on the lookout for a Wild eyed treeman, who was last spotted in Colonie. He prolly is vary dangerous, and may answer to the name, JACK LEG
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you would wright this bullshit. What are the 6 on the leg for if not to fight for the city. Then when asked they are offended. I am impressed by the council going after the 6 "loads" on the public payroll to represent the city of Troy. You can put your hehe haha twist on this all you like but they have now been called out all 6 and then don't have the nutz to respond and send a flunky out to take the bullet. This is bad representation and that all it can be called. Nothing funny about it. You wrote this with a horses ass in your bed.
ReplyDeleteDude, relax. It's not Troy's money. They asked for some and got shot down. It's a little funny.
ReplyDeleteThe dead wood on the county leg. finally get exposed. Good job Dean.
ReplyDeleteTalk about hypocrisy. Democratus I'm disappointed in your verse "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish"? This has been a republican term forever pointing out the democratic mantra of something for nothing. Are you saying you're leaving the darkside? HG4YN
ReplyDeleteWhile it is the county's money, there is also the question as to how much does Troy generate in county sales tax revenue ? In a sense of fairness perhaps the county could do some form of "revenue sharing" with a city that provides a good portion of the sales tax revenue that the county gets.
ReplyDeleteThe real point is that the Troy legislators on the County Legislature have not been advocates for Troy residents in this issue. Thank you Mr. Bodnar for speaking up for Troy tax payers.
Ed Manny would like to now be referred to as the Duke of the Legislature instead of the Deputy Minority second in commanded of the 6th most useless people sucking up $120,000.00 plus benefits and an iPad that do absolutely nothing for the city of Troy. No wonder in the firehouse in Troy they referred to him as Dead Manny.
ReplyDeleteDude never moves his face
DeleteThe only thing funnier than the dopes on the county leg is that McPherson thinks she can replace one of them.
ReplyDeleteTeach the City council to fish and they'll just sit around all day, drinking beer and fishing.
ReplyDeleteThat could be said of the past three sitting bodies as well
DeleteThat has to be the most stupid post ever. Even twins Coop and Cox make more sense than that.
DeleteInexcusable that these County Legislators aren't grandstanding like their counterparts on the City Council. They may be in the minority on the Legislature, without any actual power, but they should at least create the impression that the 13 Republican Legislators might pretend to listen to them. Take a lesson from Mantello: make promises you can't keep, act like you have more power than you really do, and always, always run to the press before speaking with your colleagues.
ReplyDeleteHow is it Carmella stands up for Troy, the dem legislators fail to do their jobs and you critize her? You can't make this shit up.
DeleteAre you listening to what you're saying? Why does the county need to hand over money the city isn't entitled too? Was there some stip in the agreement? Fantasy Land
DeleteCarmzilla is just looking for some press, ANY press, does she realize how ridiculous she comes across?
DeleteI'm sure she is concerned with what you think.
DeleteShe better be concerned what others think, we all know she's running for mayor next mayorsl election, they say 3rd times a charm
DeleteLet me state the obvious, can we get Bill back to at least give some tips on how to write this blog? Please?
ReplyDeleteIt's not that Carmella is "standing up for Troy" it's how she does it. She doesn't invite people to collaborate, she just sends out press releases and keeps Robarge on speed dial so she can ambush anybody and everybody. She bitches at the least perception of a political slight rather than genuinely reaching out and working with City Hall and the County. She has the subtlety of a sledge hammer and the political instincts of a 7th grader running for class president.
ReplyDeleteCorrectomundo. Wish there was a like button
DeleteYour criticism of Carm, while riddled with partisan rancor and far too harsh, is not totally unfair.
Delete4:01, you nailed it.
DeleteNot totally unfair? Dan that post is 100% accurate!
DeleteToo bad Troy didn't try for the casino. They light up the blight, but pass on the jobs. Long term vision is desperately needed. Might as well wipe your behind with their million dollar drawing.
ReplyDeleteTroy should get a casino for help with incomes and make jobs and such.the team should vote one in. We need jobs and casinos bring in big bucks and rich people.
DeleteThen they spend money and the city makes money off a them.
Casinos could help alot because people like to have a peace of Vegas here.
DeleteBegging for money is leadership? Mayhap the legislature has its own ideas on how best to spend the money. Mantello has offered no real solutions. Cut a little here, beg some there. When do we get real ideas?
ReplyDeleteAnd when will the democrats on the county legislature have their first original idea!
ReplyDeleteRight after Carmella does.
DeleteDeflect, Deflect, Deflect, the Troy Republican way
DeleteNo, it's Jar head Tutunjians record she's trying to beat