The John Sweeny Award goes to...
Tom Connolly, Vice-Chair of the New York State Independence Party is doing it old school. Connolly, a fixture in Independence Party politics in Rensselaer County, was arrested for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Connolly's blood alcohol content was 0.18. Connolly couldn't quite make it to .20 but not bad for the 57-year old politico. No word on what Connolly was drinking. We guess a blended scotch, maybe a bourbon.
Said Connolly: "I hope the fact my car was unregistered makes up for the weak BAC." Connolly said he would try harder the next time.
Connolly's move is very '90's. No successful politician drinks and drives anymore. Prescription drugs are where its at.
The Independence Party line was crucial to District Attorney Joel Abelove's narrow victory over his Democratic opponent in 2014. No word yet if Abelove will recuse himself or actually prosecute his political benefactor. In addition to his vice-chairmanship, Connolly works for the New York State Senate.
Speaking of the New York State Senate, City Council President Carmella Mantello has ended her brief stint in the private sector and returned to full-time public sector employment. Apparently, Mantello wants to be closer to the people and their daily struggles.
This move is in direct violation of the Mantello Doctrine. According to the Mantello Doctrine:
In these challenging economic times, with so many families struggling to make ends meet, it is only right that public servants draw only one taxpayer funded paycheck," she said, noting that Rep. Chris Gibson, R-Kinderhook, suspended his U.S. Army pension while he is serving in Congress. "I call on my opponent to join with me and pledge to the people of Troy that double dipping will not be tolerated in City Hall."
Now, we could care less where Mantello works or how many taxpayer funded paychecks she receives. Double-Dipping (especially in mixed company) has never really bothered us. If someone is entitled to a pension and also has another public position, we could care less. However, we didn't create the Mantello Doctrine, we just report. You decide.
Mantello has also been double-dipping for the Troy City Council facebook page. In preparation for last weeks 'Arctic Chill', the City of Troy site posted some warnings and advice for taking care in frigid temperatures.
Mantello lifted the City's advice, word for word, for the Council facebook page.
There is nothing wrong with re-posting the Arctic Chill suggestions. This is disingenuous, however, making it look as if the advice comes from the Council and not City Hall. In and of itself, hardly momentous. It does show that Mantello is not above pilfering the work of others. Just saying. Remember, character counts.
Well- you're the ones who voted for her. She's a hypocrite in the purest sense.
ReplyDeleteCharacter doesn't seem to count to Carmzilla. It just seems everything she does is disingenuous. Only 3 years and ten months to go till we say goodbye to Harry lite
ReplyDeleteWhy is she acting as if she is the mayor? Are these communications of her's really part of the Council President's job? Reminding people what to do with cold weather? Hey Carmie, I have had this strange pain in my left hip this week. Should I see a doctor or just ask my neighbor for some of his oxy type pills? Is 1% milk really better for me than 2%?
ReplyDeleteDid everyone see that the TU article about a road collapse on Campbell Ave was from a Sunday A.M. Carmie Twitter? What did we ever do with out her?
DeleteCarmzilla ain't done Jack leg shit. F-in camera ho.Wonder if she has her scanner on 24/7?
ReplyDeleteWow, she saw a sinkhole and can tweet. She 'da bomb! If she hadn't helped bond us into oblivion we could probably afford infrastructure repairs. Her and Dworsky suck.
ReplyDeleteThe John Sweeny award is better than the getting the Tickle me Germano award.
ReplyDeleteNo one disliked Felix Germano more than I did, but we never got even a hint of dirt on Felix with minors or guys. I just assumed that incident was more related to dementia.
DeleteShe seems to be following the Tutunjian handbook for exposure. Tut did the exact same thing as council president, he would show up at fires and crime scenes. Not sure about grand openings though. If I ever opened up a business in Troy and she showed up for the opening ceremony, I would tell her to beat it!!
ReplyDeleteDon't count. She would already be there
ReplyDeleteIf she was not involved or invited then she can take a walk. Jimino shows up every time a Cub Scout is potty trained for cripes sake. Carmella might be trying to beat her record for the number of times her photo appears in print. Pretty pathetic actually.
ReplyDeleteTom Connolly will always disappoint!
Delete@12:08 PM "ask my neighbor for some of his oxy type pills?"
ReplyDeleteWho's your neighbor? Democratus, your next story you should come clean and admit you have slipped from the democrat to the communist. Your censorship of any posts defending the likes of Mantello and then to allow the most vile, souless individuals to spew your hateful message is disgusting. This once humorous and sometimes biting blog has seen much better days.
Imagine the nerve of a partisan Democratic blogger to engage in partisanship! Thank God for indignant Republicans with nothing better to do. Without them the readers might not realize that Democratus leans towards the Democrats. Thanks, H.T., we'd be lost without your insight.
DeleteH.T do you mind if I ask what grade your in? Judging from your letter I'd say 8th grade. You sound like a big baby. Every single column you comment about how bad it has become and how unfair he is for not posting the old city hall gangs jealous, mean spirited, tired nonsense. The author is smart enough to know that you cry babies opinions and words mean nothing to no one. He is doing you a favor. So thank him. I for one finally understand why your not man enough to put your name to your post. It's because A) your a coward B) you don't want anyone yo know what a cry baby you really are! Pssssssssst, we know who you are!
Deleteas you are commenting anonymous your calling someone else a coward for not using their name..
Deletedo you pay H.T's support??
DeleteDoes H.T pay support on his livestock?
DeleteCarmella didn't copy the cold weather advice word for word. She took the time to edit out the Mayor's name. Geez Carm, we are onto your game.
ReplyDeleteCarzilla is all for one and all for me. What a phoney.
ReplyDeleteIs she going to pass out council approved recipes soon? I really need to know what I am allowed to cook in Troy.
ReplyDeleteCarmzilla's community service is never ending. Some may say it never started! The real question is whether she will projectile vomit at the brunch this week. Paulie has got squares if interested
ReplyDeleteToo late, it was last weekend. Betting has closed.
DeletePssssssssst, we know who you are too!
ReplyDeletePssssst, no you don't! When was the last time you were right about anything?
DeleteNobody cares who I am...Wolf T. Flywheel.