Monday, February 01, 2016


Record reporter Mark Robarge has a story on the Troy Police staffing shortage. The crux of the story is that the average height of a Troy police officer has declined over the past four years from 5' 10" to 5'8.5". We'd link to the story but the article requires payment and unlike Hugh Grant, we don't have to pay for it. No offense to Robarge, who appears to be a solid reporter,  compared to what the Record has had the past few years.  

In the article, Police Chief Tedesco worries about staffing and morale in the police department. Even with the recent hiring of ten new officers (three with experience) another 6 vacancies are expected by the end of the year. Tedesco believes the low morale and staffing shortage, something he sees as connected, is at least partly the result of the shooting of two officers this Summer as well as working without a contract since 2012. That may be. Although, the shootings, in our opinion, showed the Troy Police at their best in terms of unity, professionalism and morale.

The morale problem did not begin this year, or last year or three years ago. Everyone knows the root cause of the morale problem and 87.4% of officers will tell you, off the record. Many problems started when Tedesco became too cozy with Mayor Tutunjian. The chief was back and forth to City Hall (then at the Verizon Building) so often he wore a rut in 6th Ave. He thrust himself into partisan politics in a public manner like no other recent chief.

This explains the overwhelming support given to Rosamilia and Madden by rank-and-file police officers. It's not because your average police officer is a flaming liberal, running around with Bernie Sanders signs. It because they knew that a Mayor Mantello or a Mayor Gordon was much more likely to give Tedesco free reign down at the station. When a man has IA (hereinafter IA) investigate a facebook post, that's not someone who should have free reign. To be fair, Tedesco gets high marks for his performance in the wake of the shootings.

Does all of this explain the shortage? Perhaps. However, it does not explain the nationwide shortage one finds with a little research. The country is suffering from a police staffing problem: California, Tennessee, DC, Portland, Oregon, San Antonio, Richmond... An internet search found this to be a nationwide problem, much to our surprise (FYI, do not search 'short-staffed cops' unless your kids are out of the room. 'Jobs for cops' and 'Cop Job'also produces interesting results).

Our police officers deserve a new contract. If anyone needed proof, last year showed that yes, police work is actually dangerous. But more needs to be done.

In addition to a new contract, The Troy Polloi suggests the following to help recruit and keep officers.

Purchase a few of these:

And a few of these:

Way cool. We also suggest a special Crossbow Unit. Trust us. Who wouldn't stay?

The Chief also believes that some officers chafe under the seniority system found in many departments. However, many of those leaving are not going to non-seniority departments and will be starting at the bottom.

There have been rumors swirling around the department for months about the investigation into Domestigate. The end of this month was supposed to "blow the roof" off of Police HQ. Now its been pushed back once again. The problem with the investigation is that no one inside Troy PD should be investigating the 911 leak at all. Whatever evidence that was initially gathered should have been sent off to the State Police, or FBI or someone other than IA. This places the department in a lose-lose situation, no matter the outcome.

Then there was the end of the story. Very cryptic. Could Tedesco be bowing out this Spring, when he reaches the magical 62?

As for the City Council and the police, no word on when the 5-Point Plan will be pursued as promised during the election.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Teddy will always disappoint

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Great now hes over here with his antics?

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      This is vary funy !~~!

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    No body wants to work with the chief! It's a pretty pathetic situation when your police chief is no more than a shill for the former mayor and his gang! The chief is, just , like Tut and the gang, he doesn't get that HE is the biggest morale problem in the Troy PD.

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I love you bill.

  4. What would Fiore do?8:31 AM

    Wow, what a topic to wake up to on a Monday morning! I'll need to gather my thoughts, figure out how to completely disguise my identity and auto start my get away car. I will return though.

  5. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Many a wicked crew tried to take Teddy down though. Fitzy, Lou, Pete, McRat, thing they all have in common, they're all gone.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      And? Tedesco took himself down. His legacy can be summed up in one word: failure.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Really, Lou was "wicked"? Seriously? Please seek help.

  6. Anonymous9:02 AM

    One of the reasons Teddy is still here is that he was not elected and has a tight contract difficult to break. That contract was a major fail of the administration who put him in place, NOT the fault of those who tried to lose him.

  7. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Tedesco's attitude toward crime in Troy is "shit happens." But hey, he lives in Colonie so what does he care. Ineffective leader from day one, the rank and file hate him. Good riddance, Teddy. Your retirement is a big win for Troy.

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The 9/11 investigation is just one more example of how the TPD works at protecting its own and those close by. Blatant selective enforcement of laws not to uphold the laws but to make themselves look good. There are far too many criminal mascots and coddled snitches in this city. Everyone you speak to has stories of how this sort of corruption has personally impacted them, their neighborhoods and their families. Everyone is afraid to speak out for fear of their jobs, their safety and retribution. The TPD is the biggest enabler of crime in Troy. They hold themselves above and outside the law whenever it suits them.

  9. Providing lifetime medical benefits after ten years is a tremendous incentive for officers to leave. We still have no explanation of that agreement. The former PBA president suggests it was simply codifying an existing past practice. Since it is going to arbitration, I suspect all involved will claim they cannot speak publicly. I can't wait for that decision.

  10. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Why is Bill Dunne staying on now until July 31. The old bait and switch?

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Because they are realizing he knows way, way more than they do.

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Let's see if the city can actually settle a contract with the PD before the next wave of cops leave for other agencies.

  12. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Tedesco sucks! Love, Fitzy

  13. It's my birthday!

  14. Anonymous1:31 PM

    There are posts missing.

  15. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Presvription drug use is crime

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Not if their prescribed to you genious!

    2. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Uncle richie...i love my red truck can i have your blue one u dont drive anymore. My porshe is brokentoo

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      now that's funny!

  16. Anonymous2:38 PM

    WHY are there posts missing?

  17. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Good piece Democratus. You hit the nail on the head. Bring back Tony!! Rat face needs to go.

  18. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I thought the "Rat' was gone?

    1. Anonymous11:19 PM

      What rat? Kevin McGrath?

    2. Anonymous5:14 AM

      That's Mr 70% to you Harry

  19. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Who is going to be the comptroller to track all of these expenses?

  20. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "Lou will go down as the worst mayor and stooge in Troy history" HA.
    Do you have any idea how much competition he has for that slot!

  21. Anonymous10:46 PM

    No comparison. Lou was incompetent and the fact he brought in Ryan made things even worse. Pattison had Conroy, Tut had Crowley and Lou had ...Ryan.
