Thursday, February 25, 2016


...unless something comes up.

Repairs to the now legendary Campbell Avenue sinkhole are anticipated to be completed by Friday evening. Earlier in the week workers performed a colonoscopy on the sinkhole. No polyps were found but more fiber was recommended. The sinkhole was ordered to relax and stay out of work for three days.

 Some have questioned the timetable, or lack thereof, for repairs. Various contractors have intimated that they could have performed the repairs within 48 hours. What they fail to account for is Mayor Madden's political strategy. Madden has intentionally delayed repairs on the sinkhole as part of his re-election bid in order to inconvenience voters.


In other news, former PBA President Bob Fitzgerald was in town yesterday to testify in an arbitration involving former Mayor Rosamilia's 'agreement' to shorten the years of police service needed to qualify for health benefits from twenty years to ten years. This 'agreement' caused quite a stirred when it was sent to the City Council last December for ratification after fermenting in the Mayor's office for over a year.

According to witnesses, the former PBA President popped his head into former Councilwoman Carolin Collier's cubicle to say howdy. Collier yelled at the former PBA President who smiled and took his leave of Ms. Collier. Fitzgerald currently lives in Virginia (no last name known).


We were saddened, but not surprised, to hear that St. Augustine School will close. The school has been in fiscal distress for a number of years and could not pull themselves out of the all to familiar nosedive experienced by many of the areas Catholic schools.

The Bishop laid the blame for the school's pending closure squarely at the feet of New York State for failing to pass legislation that would essentially credit private school vouchers. While that is a debate that can certainly be had, the Bishop made no mention of the millions of dollars spent by the church to cover-up and then defend priests who committed pedophilia.

Hopefully, Sacred Heart and St. Jude's will continue the Catholic school tradition in the area. St. Jude's enrollment and reputation has grown since the closure of Our Lady of Victory. We do not know the fiscal health of Sacred Heart.


  1. The teacher unions and fellow parasites in the SEOUL that represent many support "workers" in public schools have been waging a war on New York's children for decades. While many legitimate victims of abuse certainly deserve compensation, subhumanoids like John Aretakis and some of his SNAP wing nuts have cost the Church a ton of money.

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Three more vacant buildings in Lansingburgh now

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Yo, Phana, teachers in a Catholic school are not in a union.
    With decreasing membership in churches comes decreasing membership in parochial schools. Several schools throughout the Cap. District are experiencing declining enrollment. Guess you didn't pass the research part of your English class.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Don't mention Bob Fitz and Carolin Collier in the same sentence again. Poor Steve Seney will break out in another bought of shingles from the stress.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Is he her hair dresser??

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Is seney her hair dresser?

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Who is seney? Why does he have shingles?

  5. Yo,12.04, it is the PUBLIC school teacher unions and their SEIU(I was autocorrected in my OP) minions who have blocked vouchers and/or credits for parochial school students. While English was not one of my favorite areas, research techniques learned in various chemistry, economics, and engineering courses placed me at my accustomed level of excellence.

    Haven't you learned by now the Vaunted Phana is almost always correct?

  6. Guy Fawkes6:16 PM

    Phana, I understood what you meant. However, I think the blame is misplaced. It is a union's role to protect its members, not the students. If you believe vouchers are a good thing blame should really rest with the legislature and the governor. They are the spineless ones again, if you think vouchers are a net positive.

    Then again, in my day, the average life expectancy was 35 so what do I know.

  7. Anonymous6:17 PM

    After the rains those repairs won't be complete for at least a few weeks now

  8. Guy, you raise a good argument. However, I believe all Americans have a social and moral obligation to provide a quality education to our children. Self-interest is admirable, but when it condemns a large number of our kids to substandard educations, some people need to check their priorities.

    Obviously, vouchers are not the only answer,but they can help. While I concur thet the legislature and governor need to act,the thought of the crew doing anything remotely useful was good for a laugh.

  9. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Costs and decline of middle class have impacted parochial schools. Fewer nuns to teach, meaning higher costs, leading to fewer students. In the 70s there was probably 600 students in SA; tuition was about $10/ month, and nearly all teachers were nuns. How many Burgh residents could afford today's tuition? All these explain why they only had 100 students

  10. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Peter Peter Peter. What did you do?

  11. Anonymous10:08 AM

    8:56PM, exactly.

    The 24 year old gal with five children by four different men probably isn't going to place "money for education" very high on her list of budget priorities.

    Now we're being told that it is the "social and moral obligation" of a retired couple in their twilight years to educate these children while their parents take none.


    Bring back the days of Mrs. Lucier.

  12. 10.08, you are correct. Please note I believe as Americans we should provide that opportunity. Obviously, we can't make people use the opportunity, especially those you cited. There is a reason many of us believe social issues are extremely important. Yet the majority of people who follow this blog(or certainly the candidates they support) are the first to criticize and often lampoon those of us who do.

  13. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Harry would have had the hole fixed before it started, singlehandedly keep St. Augustine's open and still be home in time for ribs.

  14. Anonymous4:02 PM

    What has happened to McCasshole? Weak tea lately.
