Thursday, February 11, 2016


We would like to clarify something about yesterday's post. Us thinks we mostly right with clearness and with concision. Perhaps not.

For some unknown reason, some think we took a swipe at Ms. Kurzejeski yesterday, and Madden by implication, by noting that she does not seem overly partisan. Au contraire and to the contrary.

The fact that Kurzejeski and Glasheen do not come out of the often bitter, brawling, gutter world of Troy politics is a positive and we are excited to see the results. It is a fresh approach and we hope it works.

We do worry that we will misspell her name, but we can live with that stress. The point, however, still needs to be made: while citizens everywhere insist they dislike partisanship and desire clean politics, dirty politics still works.

We did hear some funny news yesterday that could change the entire landscape of Troy politics.

Apparently, the City Council (note, City Council) has an office. However, the new Council President has made it her office and will not allow other Council members to utilize the space. Ms. Mantello has the key and keeps it locked. Funny, yet petty. Former Council President Wiltshire did not do the same as it is the Council office, not the Council President's office. A minor but telling act.

On the plus side, Council President Mantello is making a concerted effort to have the Council Chamber painted. Until that is achieved, we don't see a way forward for the City. We're thinking an off-white (no offense) or a soothing mauve.

Now get out of here and hey, lets be careful out there.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    If there weren't term limits Harry would still be mayor and we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Harry ran citywide for a leg seat twice after his term ended. He got trounced both times. It's safe to say the voters in Troy have had enough of him.

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Term limits were instituted by the Republicans to get rid of Pattison because they couldn't beat him.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      No-not true. Term limits were voted into place when Mark was first elected. He, along with council president Walsh attempted to overturn them by council resolution. And that's a fact.

    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Let Queen Tut try to run again, he will be ripped apart like he was when he tried to keep the legislature job he was handed! The book is out on the cheeseburger whisperer, he will never win again

    5. Anonymous9:29 PM

      8:23 you really are delusional! People are licking their chops waiting for Tut to run again, he will be ripped apart!

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Thank you Sgt Phil Esterhous - wise words indeed

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      If this doesn't straighten out, get hold of Belker and turn him loose....J.D. LaRue

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    What? Wow!

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Have would not have been re-elected.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      yes he would have!!

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Harry still thinks he would win if he could have ran again! He must have forgot getting kicked to the curb twice by county voters. Your done Harry! Don't you get it?

    3. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Harry has passion, want some??

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Passion for what? His dog?

    5. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Passion for fried food!!

    6. Anonymous8:49 AM

      passion for the dept of child support. can't wait for him to start.

    7. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Passion for cheeseburgers

    8. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Passion for the state department of taxation and finance

    9. Anonymous9:30 AM

      whatcha gonna do when they come for you???

    10. Anonymous9:33 AM

      lets be honest, you couldn't shine Harrys shoes.

    11. Anonymous10:54 AM

      maybe harry will work at Motor vehicle help you get a license.

    12. Anonymous4:40 PM

      You can't get cheeseburger grease out if shoes by shining them

    13. Anonymous9:26 PM

      might not scare you but still a better human then you

    14. Anonymous9:32 PM

      warrants anyone??

    15. Anonymous8:38 AM

      s.roy is a great lawyer

    16. Never heard of him, is he the same guy hotspots civilians over seas?

    17. Anonymous11:03 AM

      people who call names have low self esteem, and need to make themselves feel better about their short comings.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. Anonymous7:44 AM

      your starting to sound more like cox everyday....

    20. Now that hurts!!

    21. Anonymous9:37 AM

      handsome with all that hair color, jet black??

    22. Jet black hair dye? Jesus you losers are funny. I have brown hair, always have, never dyed. Is that the best you guys can make up? I'll help you make up better shit about me if you want. Try to make it more bad ass than hair dye please!

    23. Anonymous8:01 AM

      didnt say it was jet black as to the question mark it was a question. but yes it is colored anyone with eye can tell that.

    24. Never colored once, my hair is Brown. I'd have no problem saying if I did color it. Now your jealous of my hair? You have some serious issues. My clothes, my hair, my demons, my lady friends, my kids,- my legal issues, my drivers license, my vehicles, dude, get a fucking life!!! I'm not that interesting!!! I just don't like grimy public figures and I speak out against them, unfiltered, and you hate me for it and I don't care. I can battle you with words or fists, don't matter to me, I win both! Fuck you very much. Enjoy this Sunday and stop obsessing

    25. Anonymous1:28 PM

      oh how is that Porsche??

  5. Anonymous1:13 PM

    She is super annoying. One term carm and we are only 2 months in.

    Does she have a job other then council?

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Since when do council presidents go to ribbon cutting ceremonies? She needs to get a life

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Damn auto correct. Harry, not Have.

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM

    There is nothing in the charter preventing Harry from running for Mayor again. If Mark can be termed out and run again, so can Harry.

  8. Anonymous10:33 PM

    If Harry ran for mayor he'd win. People love him. That's a fact jack !~~!

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Look for the 3rd city official to come from the Charter review committee. Monica set that all up. Perfectly.

  10. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Why would other council members allow her to take over their office? I wouldn't. Someone needs to check k this woman's power trip fast

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      No truth to this insane rumor. Although with her, you never know.

  11. Anonymous7:40 AM

    3rd and 4th. The comptroller and the OGS commissioner will both come from the charter review committee.

  12. Anonymous9:54 PM

    We really need to step up this blog. Starting to snooze a bit. We no longer have Lou, Gordo, Rodney and Kenny Z. but we still have Carmzilla, goon McGrath and B-Doh. Step it up please.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Or you can stop reading it
