Monday, January 25, 2016


Don't forget, The Troy City Council will meet tonight for some political masturbation, when they hold a "work shop" on the Monument Square Project. The people who can provide answers, the developer, Kirchoff Properties, will not be attending. Those who might show up, We Care About the Square, have let their feelings be known.

The Agenda for the meeting will include:

6:00 - 6:15 Grandstanding;

6:15-6:30 Statements for the press to parrot back;

6:30-6:45 Post meeting press coverage opportunity.

"We believe," said Council President Mantello, "that as Co-Mayor, the future of the city depends on me getting press coverage and holding meetings. And remember, no double-dipping in my administration."

Councilman Mark McGrath will bring the hand lotion.

For good or bad, the City Council is impotent to do anything with the Monument Square project. Kirchoff has a deal in place and they can close that deal by May or walk away. A productive meeting would best be scheduled in April or May.


In other news, Police search for the man that robbed the Family Dollar store on Hoosick Street last week. The man made off with $1,000. Detectives are asking anyone who sees a man with 1,000 singles, to contact police.


  1. A more productive meeting would be in April? Does that mean a more productive meeting would occur after the project was approved/disapproved? Would Kirchoff show up for such a meeting in April, but not now? If(and I am not convinced) this meeting is a set-up to put Kirchoff on the defensive, I understand their reluctance. However, since they have the resources to hire Judas Saland and Wally Altes, one would think they could manage to handle some criticism from the hipster and preservation crowd.

    I am not necessarily opposed to the plan, but it is beginning to look more like an attempt to spend grant monies than a solid business plan that is augmented by public dollars.

    1. Of course it is Dan. Political posturing and grandstanding at its finest

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Just put a damn double wide there and be done with it.

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    It is not the people who are actually taking a bus that are the problem. It is the many who just HANG out at all these bus stops. The litter in front of Dunkin Doughnuts, Night Owl News & Uncle Sam's bus stop is disgusting. CDTA should be made to keep their stops clean. Why isn't the BID doing a better job of holding the business owners & CDTA responsible for keeping the litter at bay. I believe there are city ordnances for loitering and litter but that would mean the city would have to do their jobs...too much to ask I guess.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    The Monument Square issue is Troy in a nutshell. Anyone who is willing to do something with the site gets shut down in favor of those who have "ideas" and nothing else.

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Tang down Tuesday tomorrow? What's the hold up? Been waiting. Is McPromise wrong again?

  7. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Carm will fix everything tonight. By the way, why does McCasshole have such a double standard with Dunne? What About Crist and Coleen? What about Gordon? What a scumbag hypocrite. What about Franco, his pal. Will we ever see him have the balls to be independent? Bullshit. He's a GOP hack.

  8. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Maybe they can put an EmbroidMe at 1 Monument Square.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      With the Ferris Wheel. Kevin can bring his special little helmet.

  9. Guy Fawkes6:46 PM

    Phana, I would like some more information as well but there is probably a better way to get some info rather than this. It really does smack of grandstanding.

    Got to go. Dynamite is ready and the tower awaits.

  10. Anonymous8:21 PM

    6:22 to 6:42. Bill you need to let the post be posted before you answer yourself. What was in the envelope this morning? I don't know if tomorrow is tango Tuesday but I do know today was malcontent Monday or was it Monday massacre of 1. Turn out the lights the party over.....

  11. Hi Vito. You really fooled us all by pulling down your comment and then immediately reposting it as "anonymous". Wow, man! You're smart. You know things.

  12. Mrs. Gordon9:24 PM

    8:21 You may want to answer the question. Crist, Franco, Gordon have all have documented and specific allegations against them. Dunne, doesn't. yet, McCassion gives them a pass and at the same time declares how independent he is.

    What gives? Hypocrite? Can you explain it. Never heard specifics about what Dunne did yet I can read affidavits, police reports etc. about the others. So, there you go.

  13. Guy, I tend to agree. I have no problem with grandstanding, but you have to do it with some tact and diplomacy. I can't fault Kirchoff too much for avoiding what could possibly be a public skewering, but I also think our Mayor made a PR mistake taking on Altes on the transition team. I would hope the Planning Commission holds at least one more open meeting so we can get some question answered.

    Best of luck with the demolition project. Just be careful if some guy named Abdul or Mohammad offers to help you and assures you some dude named Allah trained him well. After all, how could we celebrated 11/05 without you?

  14. Anonymous10:28 PM

    It wasn't a workshop, brother.

  15. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Jack legg. Will be in Monica's office in the am. Just like when Lou gag ordered him against b doh

  16. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Harry's cheerleaders, gotta love them! Not ONE word from them about all the things Harry did wrong as mayor, not one! Yet they sit in the woods waiting to pounce on anything they think is wrong with a Democratic mayors office. I would ask Vito his opinion on all the cash Tut and Mirch cost this city by acting like tyrants and treating people like dogshit while consistently violating citizens civil rights! Any opinion on that at all Vito? Their hypocrisy would be hysterical if it wasn't so oittiful

  17. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Democratus must be clairvoyant. He posted his Manic Monday column and soon after Troy maniac Billy Dunne was given his walking papers. You are the man (men)! Bill will be writing full time now in a tit for tat against McCashion.

  18. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Here are the facts, there's a long list of elected officials and political wannabes who have guaranteed the end of the Vito. Clem, McRat, Nichols, Cooper, Cox, Lou.... the list goes on and on. They are all washed up and Vito still rules the roost! Hail Vito!

  19. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Vito, a limited boil water advisory means that the entire area is not under the advisory, only a few properties. Those people were informed by City Hall of the advisory in a timely manner. Why so angry, Vito? Those of us with more than a 5th grade reading comprehension understood the advisory. Maybe there's a cliffsnotes version for you.

  20. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Those of us who also have a 5th grade education know that wasn't Vito. We also know that someone with access to this blog would be the only way that would have been posted. We look forward to more phantom post now that your hero has been asked to leave the administration.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Lol. Ok Vito. Someone hacked into your Google account, right? You're so clever, no wonder you make the big bucks at $15k a year.

  21. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Anyone else tired of the Dunne McCasswipe bs? Let's move forward. Dunne will be gone and McCasswipe has a right to blather. Demo, can you ban the personal feuds? Anyone else feel the same? Harry, Cooper and the nut job. Please go somewhere else.

    1. Why should I go somewhere else?

    2. I took a break from reading and commenting aftercare election was over. My work was done. Now I'm just really bored so I read and comment again. It's still the same shit though. It's like clockwork, I call out asshole for acting like asshole and then I get bombarded with the same tired responses from pussies who aren't men enough to write their names or they scream shot out the window of their car as they drive by my house. Waiting for these jerks to grow a set and start putting their name to their words.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      your really not as important as you think.

    4. I don't think I'm one bit important, you may think I am. But I don't. I just say what's on my mind. If people care then they care, if they don't then they don't I could care less either way. Latvia checked TROY NY Facebook group was approaching 3300 members, and growing every day

  22. Anonymous10:43 AM

    McCooper please go away. You say the same shit over and over again yet say nothing about the tax increase and the other one they are planning on in the summer because lou ran the city into the ground.

  23. Anonymous12:11 PM

    9:45 blow me.

    1. That's my line

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      because your so intelligent.

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Your? Another genius IQ shining threw.

  24. When did Vito take charge? I thought Madden won the election. Damn, I guess I need to follow the local news more closely.

  25. Anonymous9:39 AM

    You didn't answer the question Harry? Just deflect! Go away!

  26. Anonymous9:40 AM

    McCooper puts his names to his post , why don't you try it 10:43? Afraid Coop will botch slap you

  27. Baaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Self Loathing is the Way it is with these Pussy's Drew :-) !~~!

  28. Anonymous10:22 AM

    no he doesn't put his name on all his post. He just thinks people cant tell, but his spelling errors speak for themselves.
