Monday, December 21, 2015


On Thursday the Troy City Council passed new rules for sidewalk memorials. This issue hit the news following the August 2015 shooting of Thaddeus Faison. Faison had shot two police officers before being taken down. Faison's friends set-up a sidewalk memorial, an act that did not sit well with police and many others. The vote was 7-2, with District 2 Councilwoman Robertson and At-Large Councilwoman Sullivan-Teta opposing the new regulations.

The new regulation would allow for the memorials to stand for thirty days, with five days notice before the memorial is removed. Any item of a 'sacramental'* nature will be held for thirty days, allowing the owner to retrieve the item at a later date.

This is certainly not a huge piece of legislation but it was handled well by this Council. They focused on a time limitation that is content-neutral rather than constitutionally suspect speech regulation. A mature, well thought-out action by the Council. They should be commended.

The Troy Police should be commended as well. After the issue arose, the Troy Police Department reached out to some major metropolitan departments to get their advice on the issue (in particular, memorials to those killed in confrontations with the police). The response: do nothing. The cities that deal with street memorials on a more frequent basis than Troy know that time takes care of the issue and removal may only pour oil on a potential fire.

Not a big deal but well handled.


The other, more encouraging news, is that the incoming City Council majority plans on eliminating three Council positions: auditor as well as minority and majority counsel.

We could care less about the auditor position. However, elimination of Council Counsel is overdo. These positions are vestigial leftovers from the previous administration and hopefully no longer necessary.

When former mayor Tutunjian first came in to office his Corporation Council was John Hicks. Hicks also maintained a private practice. One of Hicks' clients was the City of Rensselaer. Hicks was an acceptable Corporation Counsel but when a conflict arose between Troy and Rensselaer Hicks chose his practice and the City of Rensselaer.

Hicks' resignation ushered in the David B. Mitchell era. Mitchell was hostile to the Council minority (at that time Democrats). When the Democrats took control of the Council things became worse. Mitchell acted like the Mayor's counsel rather than the city's council. Things were bad and ultimately, Mitchell even sued the man that had hired him, Mayor Tutunjian. During this time period the Council did need counsel. When Mitchell left, Council Counsel was not really required. The Mitchell years were, hopefully, an aberration. Although only part-time positions, they should not be required.

So look at that. Two positive stories.

We apologize for the flat, uninspired prose. The recent murder of Bill Chamberlain has made much of the petty squabbles and, frankly, non-petty squabbles, seem small. It goes without saying (but we'll say it anyway) that Bill's murder has dampened the season and knocked the wind out of many people. We hope his family can somehow, someday, move beyond this tragedy to whatever extent that is even possible.

* Sacramental items include bit are not limited to crosses, Stars of David and skull bongs.


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I heard Rodney on the radio and he said his greatest accomplishment was the solar farm up off of Cambells ave. Thank you Rodney, outside of your crackpot friends you left the rest of the city in shambles. Perfect example, the TU article today about the TPD. Good riddance.

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Hoe about a third good topic. Cox has left Troy.

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Amen to 7:52 comment. Hopefully all Troy residents will eventually see through the phony Wiltshire facade. "All about him and his perceived image, nobody or nothing else matters."

  4. Bring back Commish8:43 AM

    In the current crisis at TPD and Tedesco is still worrying about poor Jimbos 911 tapes. Come on man! You fire Shane Hugg thinking he's the leak. Wtf. No wonder why officers are bolting.

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Wow. Today of all days two anti-Rodney comments. Unfortunately, it appears some have lost all perspective.

    May I suggest you "go dark" until Wednesday?

    RIP Bill.

  6. Rather ironic that the Council is doing some of their best work as a lame duck body. Carmella and the minority leader would be advised to note that when ambition and personalities are not the primary motivation(s), the work product reflects it and everyone looks better.

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Now if only tedesco would leave, the cops on the beat might just have a chance at common sense returning. Cops aren't perfect, but our bullshit meters are generally quite fine tuned, and he and his axe wielder ( dirty JC), brings plenty of bullshit whenever there is a power vacuum in city hall (its all about retaliation from when he was removed from real command, but hey, here we are again...) But then again folks, don't forget Tedesco's alliance with republican jim Gordon- who is planning on suing the city over the leaky fountain.
    Here is one for your bullshit meters. If Tedesco is quoted in the T.U. as saying the cops don't like working under a system of seniority, then why did senior cops leave? Seniority would have worked in their favor, right? But my bullshit meter knows that Tedesco wants seniority eliminated so he can place his suck ups in key positions where the overtime is. Heck, you haven't heard him accuse the sergeants of making too much overtime now that his suck up seney is raking it in. Seniority prevents back stabbing, but tedesco loves a good personal riff whenever he has a clean shot of making one. The rat-faced small man has to go!
    For clarity folks, all of the good things that come out of the police department is generated at the ground level. As we all say in the locker room- we get the job done IN SPITE of them, not because of them (tedesco). There is no leadership from Tedesco- he sits in his office ALL DAY. We may not be perfect, but our cops are decent people, and we care. When you need us, it will be a PBA member that shows up to help. Tedesco won't help, he is too busy planting information with his blogger friends.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      why is it tedescos fault that the cops broke the law. You guys are not above the law! You can not release tapes or look the other way and when you do there is consquences.

  8. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Remember today is St Vindication day 12/21/2012. I hear that the lawsuit was filed today. And that Prince of a Man Eddy Mac is going after everyone. Eddy you'll have to testify this time. Looking for a quick buck. Should be sitting next to Silver and Skellos.

  9. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Mitchell was a disaster. Harry gave the guy a job and he bit the hand that fed him. He acted tyrannical and thought he ran the show. I can't think of a person he did not alienate.

  10. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Oh it sounds like the cops are longing for the days of Kevin McGrath and Fitzy. They will bed down with anyone to grab a buck. Even got in the rack with Ken Crowe.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Kevin McGrath will be too busy defending himself from Eddys lawsuit to help out his old buddies on the force. Not that he has any influence left any way.

  11. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Agreed. With Mitchell gone, these positions are not necessary.

  12. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I heard Ashe McPhearson is the one pushing for the cuts. If this is the case she is going to be the one that is going to look out for the taxpayers. Go get them Kim.

  13. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Ashe McPherson couldn't spell 'cuts' let alone push for them. It's McGrath, who can't stand her.

  14. Anonymous10:00 PM

    You forgot the "n". It's an absolute necessity to spell it right when talking about Kim.

    1. Anonymous12:18 AM

      Oh I get it. Lol!

  15. Make fun all you want. Kim is the true leaser of the incoming counsel and will defeet Madden in 2017.

  16. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Dear Gordon --waaaaaaah, waaaah

  17. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Matt Kim Ass McPherson will be gone in 2017. Oh and by the way Madden is mayor till December 31 2019. Jarhead.

  18. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The exodus continues at the TPD. You think Tedesco or the command staff cares that they are losing veteran cops? Status quo, he is in major denial that there is some problems at the PD

  19. Any chance that the loss of veteran cops just MIGHT have some correlation with the fact that they now get health care for life after 10 years? Any local department with a comparable or better wage scale is lining up to recruit Troy cops with ten years.

  20. "Nobody is going to be Bill Chamberlain 2," Madden said. Really Pat How is That ?
