Saturday, November 14, 2015


It looks like the new Council majority will tap Patty O'Brien (or O'Bryan) as City Clerk. We understand she is a Democrat but a good friend of the Council President-Elect. Don't know her. Don't really care. Just some random news. We wish her luck.


There was a comment that we did not post that blasted our District Attorney for putting the Faison killing before a Grand Jury. We are not the biggest fans of the current District Attorney. Our readership knows that. Therefore, we cannot be considered apologists for the DA. However, we do have a reputation for being fair and balanced. That reputation must be upheld.

Abelove's decision to present the Faison killing to the Grand Jury was good practice for many reasons. It is certainly a common practice for DA's to send what appears to be a justifiable killing to an independent panel to make the decision. In this way, the family of the deceased and/or the press cannot accuse the authorities of refusing to charge the police. Let the Grand Jury do it's thing and it provides cover for any accusations of racism or favoritism. If the DA simply exercises his discretion and doesn't charge, he opens up his office to all sorts of criticism. It sucks for the officers but they did nothing wrong and no one can accuse them of being the recipients of favoritism.

If you're upset at our defense of Abelove, we're sure he'll screw up soon. Don't worry.


Recently we commented on the Administration's silence in the wake of requests from Officers Comitale and Klein for attorneys fees. Comitale and Klein were wounded in the shootout with Mr. Faison. The two officers retained legal counsel and were recently cleared by the Grand Jury. The PBA President recently alerted the press to the fact that the Rosamilia Administration had not responded to requests for payment of the officer's legal fees.

The Troy Polloi has recently learned a few facts to add to the story. First, yes, Mayor Rosamilia had spoken personally to both officers. Second, that at the time of the shame-letter, no formal request for reimbursement under the Public Officers Law had been made. A municipality cannot agree to pay until the request is in writing and various others conditions are meant. Finally, at least one of the officers hadn't even received a bill for the legal services.

Perhaps this was all a misunderstanding. Or perhaps someone in the Police Department sought to embarrass the mayor in his last few weeks in office. 

Speaking of the police, we understand that Detective Ron Fountain has decided to hang up his spurs. Fountain, a Troy High graduate, has been with the TPD for quite some time, dealing with some of the worst cases an officer can handle. Good luck to Detective Fountain.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Another angry Republican. Better call 911.

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Think one is her married name, one her maiden name. No biggie. R's are getting testy. Tired of losing, I guess. Then again, it's clerk. Who cares. As long as it isn't Bill MaC.

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Spoken like a true vote and tape stealing democrat.

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Spoken like a spouse-abusing Republican.

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    They're so bitter about losing. So angry. Very said. Perhaps the GOP hacks that comment should seek therapy. Some anger management. Or win the mayors race. One or the other.

  6. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Kudos to admitting you got the story wrong. When can we expect Ken Crowe to do the same. Looks like you were had Ken

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The PBA was right to blast Lou over not paying the bills. We have guys getting shot so you democtrats can walk the streets safely, steal votes and harass female subordinates. We do our job with integrity every day so yeah scumbags pay the damn bill.
    Unlike City Hall we keep TPD scandal free.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Scandal free? Really.

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    These GOP hacks obviously have nothing better to do than comment on a Democratic blog.

  9. Anonymous3:23 PM

    You don't do it so everyone can walk the streets? Just democtrats? You must mean the county building when you say females being harassed. That a GOP thing. Lot of problems up there. You called there yesterday?

  10. Anonymous3:29 PM

    1:23 isn't a cop. We can spell and 90% can't stand the Troy GOP.

  11. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Anyone going to talk about what happened at the County building yesterday?

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      You mean Jim Gordon being thrown out of the building?

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      anyone talking about the sheets on your windows??

  12. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Wow just read Franko story on 1300 report. If he's a cop at 1:23 he may want to look at that story. Some splaning to do.

  13. Anonymous7:15 PM

    The former Republican mayoral candidate had a meltdown at the county building and was asked to leave, seems he's not getting calls or messages returned

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Total lie.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Kev, Greg called. Wants you to call him

  14. Anonymous8:14 PM

    That F*cking McCasion. Why does he always make us look bad. What if one of the suspects hires Premo? "Pat this is Tom, we need to buy throw away phones".

  15. EmbroidMe Don't Hit Me9:33 PM

    You're pathetic Kev. Posting comments and then tweeting them. Capital One called. Better answer. Credit Rating Down!

  16. Anonymous10:18 PM

    No phone calls today. Now Tom has his hands full. The team has been picked. 48 days left.

  17. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Quiz time! Which soon-to-be-ex councilman has been told by Kathy Jimino that he's out of his county job by January 1? Maybe Lyons will tell us. But not Brendan.

  18. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Poor Angry Jim. Karma baby.

  19. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sorry but DWI with a stripper sounds like a fun night

  20. Anonymous12:08 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      12:08 hysterical

  21. Anonymous5:43 AM

