Wednesday, November 25, 2015



According to The Record, Mayor Elect Madden will select Economic Development Coordinator Monica Kurzekeski as his Deputy Mayor. We reported this on Sunday but got it wrong. We thought it would be Monica Kurzejeski, not Kurzekeski. We hate to grab the low hanging fruit, especially in The Record orchard, but typos in the headline? Tippos in the axual stori happun, but in the hedline?

Background on the future Deputy Mayor can be found here.

Madden's first mayoral decision is an interesting one. It's our understanding that there will not be a Commissioner of Planning...and that economic development will be Balkanized, with the Deputy Mayor in overall charge of the various development project. This is, in our opinion, a naïve plan. While we'd have no issue with Monica being tapped to be the new Commissioner, we think she'll be in well over her head balancing economic schemes with the deputy mayor's duties. That would be a lot on anyone's plate. The political equivalent of letting loose the former administration in an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Further, and perhaps more important to Madden's long-term success, is the lack of political savvy in the two top spots. Madden has to avoid Mayor Rosamilia's habitual eschewing of the occasional political street fight. There are people who want Madden's job and they will maneuver accordingly.

Good luck and congratulations to Monica.


The chances that the real property tax cap will be overridden have diminished. Council President Wiltshire and District 1 Councilman Jim Gordon want to cancel the council meeting and the vote to override the tax cap. The grounds to do so are procedural. The argument goes something like this, though we don't pretend to be experts on Robert's Rules: The legislation to override the tax cap is the identical legislation that already failed. Therefore, the appropriate vehicle to reintroduce the tax cap override would be a motion to reconsider, not simply another vote. Then there's the fact that legislation must ferment for seven days before being put up for a vote....

At this point, it doesn't matter: The fat lady has sailed, the ship has sung, the metaphors have mixed. Wiltshire, Gordon and Zalewski have simply refused to do their jobs and have asked the administration to do it for them. They will not acknowledge that they have not only the authority but Charterial (Chartertustional?) duty to propose budget cuts and then negotiate those proposed cuts with the administration. Councilwoman Robertson (D-2) is a nonentity.

It's clear that Wiltshire would not vote to override the cap if the proposed increase was 2% This is his attempt to cripple the incoming administration. Councilman Zalewski (D-5) will follow suit. It may work.

One wonders if Madden is happy he may be playing Sisyphus for the next four years.

And a Happy Thanksgiving to our readers!


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    They need someone with chops. I've dealt with her at the market. Very thin skinned.

  2. I find the relative lack of public comment by the incoming Mayor and Council Prez curious. I suppose any public comments to the Team Troy members would be a waste of time, but I would think it would be good PR to try and frame the debate about the coming fiasco ASAP. I would love to know what, if any, discussions have occurred between the Reps and Jim.

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Jim is a bitter man and the newly elected council has turned their backs on him. He's still taking his ques from Harry who is equally bitter. The good news in all this is that neither Jim or Rodney will be back.

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    This guy thinks everything is going to be hearts and flowers.. he better get someone in there somewhere that knows political reality..Hey Pat your gonna end up 1 term like Lou..Naïve is an understatement.

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Well at least now we know how it's gonna roll.

    Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Don't know if it's good or bad. But as far as "how it's going to roll" we know already he isn't taking orders from Wade.

  5. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Everyone please save your boxes for Bill.

  6. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Maddens first move is a bad move. Monica is a sneak and will be in way over head. Good luck Lou part two. God bless the city of troy

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    What does MENSA member Erin Sullivan Teta think?

  8. Monica is "thinned skinned", she does not know" political reality",and a "sneak" who is "way over her head." You anonymous guys are a tough crowd. She has done a great job with the market and works her ass off, competently, as economic director. Who would want to work for the city when you take such crap.

  9. Anonymous2:42 PM

    She is Wally's gal and we see what's up with that. If Dunne's out, he's the lucky one.

  10. Anonymous3:32 PM

    1:50 from the 5th floor right home to your computer. Mom making you some snikerdoddles to take the pain away? Your right where you sent yourself. Own it.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      It's you're dummy

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Take it easy on The Record. I have it on good authority that it is currently being staffed by Mrs. Hashmeier's 7th grade journalism club at a middle school in rural Saratoga County.

  12. Anonymous4:26 PM

    What little respect I had left for Rodney has disappeared, talk about a bad sport, he is acting like Tut acted when he didn't get his way, like a petulant child. Rodney, grow the fuck up! And thanks for unfriending me and many others, you saved us the trouble of unfriending you! You handled this horribly and your political career is over. See ya!

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Rodney is doing what's needed, he's the only one willing to make the hard decision.

  13. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Friends it's obvious what the play is here. Rodney (How dare these ingrates in Troy not elect me) whiltshire, and Jimmy( no I don't have and anger management problem) Gordon teaming up together to present the new Mayor elect the worst budget possible to sabotage him right out of the gate. Sour Grapes and real piss poor losers.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Welcome to politics! It's never for the people. It never was. Patrick Smadden (misspelled on purpose) is here for his own agenda and I'm on his team. :)

  14. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Rodney is doing whats needed. Wow you really did drink the Rodney kool aid. You expect us to believe he is doing this for the taxpayers.Lets not forget all the promises he made to the unions to get their endorsements, and now throws us under the bus. If he doesn't change his freakin vote and 30 or 40 of us loose our job don't be surprised if we picket his non union shop. We work hard and thought we had someone to support us but I guess the stories were all true he is an ego maniac it's always been about Mr. Hollywood never about the people. If you ever run for anything again I wouldn't show my face at any union meeting. I hope you enjoy your holidays I know we won't

  15. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Rodney always makes hard decision in December when it comes to votes. Epcot or Magic Kingdom?

  16. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Rodney making what decision ? He has turned his back on the city and its employees in a true venting of sour grapes. He and Zalewski and Gordon are pouting and stewing over their combined losses. Petulant children don't deserve to hold elected office.

  17. Monica is thin-skinned, doesn't know political reality, and is a sneak. You anonymous guys are a tough crowd. She has made the farmer's market work and famous. She works hard and has been more than competent as economic development. Why would anyone want to be in politics in Troy with all the crap?

  18. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Hey,David, I didn't know you stutter.

  19. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Question David----Do you think that her running the farmers market, and working her current position for the city isn't a conflict of interest? She has done a wonderful job with the TFM - but it just does not seem kosher.

  20. Anonymous7:38 AM

    David, you're not one of the Founding Fathers. Cut off the ponytail.

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Mccrackead is clearly on a binge. His Twitter rants slowing down, he's learning he has no place here.

  22. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Just read today's edition of the Record. Talk about getting the bird on Thanksgiving Wow. Thanks for nothing Rodney & Rabbit you guys really fooled us union members. You sold us down the river I cant wait for the next union elections. I'm pretty sure our leadership will be challenged finally. I blame myself for listening to these self proclaimed BIG SHOTS, and all their empty promises.

  23. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Since Mr. Wiltshire won't switch his vote and work with the Mayor it's obvious he, Zalewski, and Gordon are really spoiled children. According to everything you read the layoffs and cuts to city services such as garbage pick up going to once every two weeks and snow plowing being greatly reduced the city should look great and provide great real estate deals for slum lords.
    However on the good side I'm sure that Rodney will be more then willing to take all the extra garbage to his homes compost pile. Brilliant strategy Rodney you'll finally force people to recycle and make extra income for yourself. Just think of the cash you will make with all those bottles and cans being dropped off at your house.

  24. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Go illegally paint a historic building again david

  25. David, with all due respect, playing nice with the organic and sustainable crowd at the Farmer's Market is not exactly an ex facie case for Deputy Mayor. Her background is hardly overwhelming. Unless Mr. Madden is planning to completely reinvent himself and begin his Administration with a Kensethian move on the first individual or group that confronts him, maybe he should spend some time with Tom Wade.

  26. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Although you seem a bit tarded, you do have a point.
    If 95% of the budget is intact why all the HELTER SKELTER about cutting essential services? Why not close the golf course and turn the 1.5 million dollar sprinkler off in 2016?
    Problem Solved.

  27. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Because the course actually makes money.

  28. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sell or lease the course. It doesn't benefit the majority of Troy residents.

  29. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The course does not make money, it breaks just about even after a few hundred thousand in expenses. Not including the million dollar sprinkler Lou and Pete had to have.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      all your heard were complaints about the condition of the course all summer. Weeds in the bunker, no cold water. Someone is not doing there job or maybe more people would use the course and not go outside the city if the conditions were better!

  30. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The golf course makes money for the city you fool!

  31. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Somebody owes my journalism club an apology.

    - Mrs. Hashmeier

  32. Anonymous8:27 AM

    As for the budget . . .
    Why doesn't the City Council and the Mayor lead by example and reduce their salaries by 20% ?

  33. Anonymous9:57 AM

    do you use the golf course??

  34. Anonymous11:03 AM

    8:54, McCraphole has always been weak. Same crap over and over again, if you can even understand his ramblings. He even steals stuff from the Polloi so he feels relevant. Poor, little fella.

  35. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Back to Monica is "thin skinned". I always love it that when a woman is challenged and fights back she is "thin skinned", but when a man pushes back he is a savvy political animal. I assume the think skinned comment came from Mcwhatshisname. He went after her on his twitter twaddle and I suspect she told him he was a little weasel. Which he is.

  36. Anonymous8:16 PM

    @ 8:27 reduce the council salary of $15,000 to $12,000? As some on this current council have pointed out they are the lowest paid in the area and have had the same salary for decades. Not to mention they have been dealing with an incompetent mayor - deputy mayor and also a never happy, divisive and discontented group of residents. How about Lou and Pete giving back some of their salaries that they've never earned and give the council a raise.

  37. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Best looking Dep Mayor since Dan Crawley.
