Friday, November 06, 2015


Yesterday, we discussed the problem the Republican Party faces going forward. Today, a note about the cloud that circles the Democratic Party. It's no big surprise. It's the Working Families Party.

The Troy Democrats should deal with this issue sooner rather than later. They cannot have this minor party costing them money and votes. This year, the biggest impact the WFP had on the mayors race is money. The primary was a colossal waste of money for Madden and the WFP. Money better spent in the general election. In the Council races, the impact was probably two council seats (we're thinking 6 and one at-large). Will this continue or was this just an exciting fling after a marriage had settled down into dull predictability? Was Rodney the sinewy cabana boy who caught they eye of a middle-aged WFP whose husband was off chasing fresh, long-legged secretaries?

Human nature says the latter rather than the former. Excitement fades. The cabana boy gets deported.  Excitement is difficult to sustain absent really good prescription drugs. The Democratic Machine has three choices when it comes to the WFP: 1) ignore them; 2) call Lenny Montana;* 3) bring them in to the fold.

The first option is short-sighted. Option 2 is attractive and can be done with a modicum of organizational effort. This involves opportunities to ballot, a lot of expended energy and enrolling loyal, lifetime democrats in the WFP. Mirch 'em.

This current crop of WFP'ers has never adequately explained the rationale for their campaigns. We're not saying they have to, only they haven't. There have been a few empty platitudes that don't hold up under scrutiny. That's an article for another day. It does make Option 3 difficult. It's hard to extend an olive branch when the other side has not actually explained why they ran into the arms of the cabana boy. Still, when the average age of the people at Ryan's Wake looked to be about... OLD...maybe you want to take notice. Remember, even if the cabana boy is deported, there's always that tennis pro.

The reality is that 20% of the Democratic candidates on Tuesday night were also WFP candidates. A number of others are probably quite sympathetic to a good chunk of the WFP agenda. Team Troy was a counter-productive effort. We don't blame the council candidates or their voters. These are obviously sincere people who want what is best for Troy.  Leadership had a different agenda.

We suggest Democratic leadership sit down with some of the candidates. They should be encouraged to run for committee seats (if registered D). Once that is done, a few can be put on the Executive Committee. They can have the say they want. If they think the Democratic Machine needs to be reformed, you can't do it from the outside. If the branch is extended and rejected, there is always Option 2. The WFP agenda will not be advanced through the Republican Party. The WFP lost every race they ran on Tuesday and therefore won't be advanced through the WFP. The Democratic Party has no incentive to advance the agenda of people who cost them the council. So, go to marriage counseling, switch country clubs and work it out like adults. Last we checked, a win-win option beats a lose-lose option.


District 5 absentee ballots will be opened today. There are over four hundred absentee ballots. We are not sure how many came from District 5. Democrats are confident that Kopka has it. They also believe Carol Weaver has a shot at over-taking Kim Ashe-McPherson. A shot, mind you. A possibility, not a probability.

They do not expect any change in the D1 or D6 outcome.

*Extra credit for those of you who know this reference without looking it up.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    What's that saying? If you shoot at the king, you best not miss. Team Troy missed by a mile. The only fold that matters is these dingbats folding out of politics. Stick a fork in them all, they're done. The voters didn't want them and neither do the Dems.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Why would you pass up more potential supporters?

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    You see hear lies the problems with the democrates on this blog. Your displaying rational thinking about the future of your party. These knuckleheads think they had an overwhelming victory the other night. They cannot see the forest through the trees. This is why your party is heading toward failure.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      They're probably not going to take advice from someone who keeps putting an "e" on the end of Democrat. But thanks for playing.

  4. It's rather ironic that the same Dems who laughed at Rep claims of victory Tuesday evening are simply announcing the WFP/Team Troy issue is over and done. It remains to be seen if they will be long-term force. If it is possible, and Tom and Jack are not stupid so I assume they have been talking to some of the rebels, a rapprochement with reasonable WFP people is logical. They do not have to win citywide to make an impact, if they can win one or two districts and influence at least one other outcome, they will hold some cards. If you can take enough of the key players out of the equation, it may be enough to leave the remainder incapable of inflicting any serious harm on the next election, or at least render them susceptible to being taken over with some "new" enrollments. I think 10.54 is more than little optimistic, I would far rather be running a Dem race in 2017 than a Rep race.

  5. Monty Hall12:32 PM

    Here's a deal that works.
    Give Team Troy the County Leg. Troy seats that will be up in two years and Team Troy/WPF gives Madden a council he can work with. Take the Social issues that will highlight national election next year and dump them into the counties lap. Dems have the County Enrollment advantage already.
    With the exception of Mcgrath and Mantello, GOP will never win a Troy race if the Dems are united and scandel free. Check the city enrollment.

    Crist will go after Jimino for sure and GOP will be split, give the Conservitive line ( which the Troy Dems can do with a little effort) to carry the split into the general election and what's behind door number two.--------- it's winner, winner, chicken dinner.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Highly polarizing city hall figure will resign Today at 4:30. Police officer will resign late next week over 911 tape. Both connected.

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    He is taking job at St. Peter's. As maintenance supervisor. He says an administrative position but sounds like bs. Resignation in lieu of termination.

  8. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Who is it

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Bringing the WFP into the fold would require Wade and Jim Welch to break bread....and that's not happening. Wade would never trust Welch after his role in voter fraud. Rodney however was the charming Jim Jones type who gathered a following of either very low IQ or those adrift from society. There was no agenda other than "it's our turn". If anyone ever thought it was about improving Troy they're as crazy as some WFP candidates. Just look at Rodney's record on the council, abysmal. As a life long dem I agree we need to do something but to bring this group in may turn off more voters than the votes they bring.

  10. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Before bringing in the WFP read the Troy Record about the Cop shooting and how they were cleared by the grand jury. At the end of the article there is a press release from a group that Rodney invited to city hall to protest the memorial legislation. They are WFP members. If the dems bring them in I'll change my registration to republican.

  11. Becoming Cynical9:18 AM

    I am a Wiltshire voter. I can now admit that I bought into the bullshit. I do not mean what we stood for and wanted. I am young and probably politically naïve. I got caught up in the romance of an insurgent campaign fighting the good fight and all that. I can tell you that I and many Wiltshire supporters, including Rodney, believe he would win. Silly enough as it seems today, we were 100% sure. When the numbers came in there was some grumblings about fraud and all that. The fact is we believed because we wanted to. Rodney was in a state of shock when we knew early, that he had lost. The numbers hurt. I felt betrayed, not by Rodney, but by my own ignorance. I am not saying that I would change my vote but I would spend a hell of a lot more time on critical thinking than I did before. I look at the Council results and wonder what the hell we did and why. We're not clowns, just need some political seasoning.

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      You were warned, and nicely. So tough shit. Now you man up and deal with the consequences. We've had enough victimhood and whining from Team Rodney to last a lifetime. Now go away.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Once Rodney lost the democratic primary he should have bowed out. He handled it poorly. Perhaps he will get another crack at it, I dont think so,but anything is posdible

  12. Anonymous8:38 PM

    @9:18, you're a clown. You voted for Rodney, there's no do-overs.

  13. Anonymous10:16 PM

    701am no need to bring the clown car back. Isolate them cut them off and take over the's doable..

  14. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Vespasian here, and I'd like to speak up on behalf of Cabana Boys who have been so ungraciously slurred by Democratus in this post. I have known, and I have known, quite a few Cabana Boys in my day; and I can say that I have it on good authority that their profession is generally one of last resort - and frequently a means to higher education; I've known quite a few that have gone on to become host boys in Tokyo night clubs, for example.

    I like the idea, in principle of more than one political party. I also like the idea of no political parties and parties without politicians - and Cabana Boy Pool Party Bingo. Sadly, most of these things will never happen; and so, we must choose. As Democratus notes, outsiders are titillating; but as it is with Cabana Boys, lust lasts . . . well, for me, about 28 seconds.

    Don't get me wrong - I love third-party efforts. They can signal change and disrupt "what should have been" - George HW Bush second term, Al Gore presidency. But they can also reflect a changing tide in perceptions of where the world is. The history of the Republican party (nationally) over the past 30 years reflects this quite nicely.

    Politics, done well, is about compromising and winning at the same time. It is about translating a fantasy into real steps for change or improvement. In the US, we have two parties that matter. Your marriage to the democratic party or republican party may not be perfect, but it is more beneficial in the long-term than flirtations with others - which can also ruin your marriage.

    Unless you're emperor. Then you get to do whatever you want. It's awesome for a few years.


  15. Titus9:09 AM

    First, it is Cabana-person or Trans-cabanan. Cabana Boy is racist, sexist, eurocentric and ageist. Second, why hasn't the Praetorian Guard taken care of you.

  16. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "Cabana Boy gets deported." - you should get more credit for that phrase. A gem.
