Sunday, November 01, 2015



Still waiting for Congressman Chris Gibson to make an endorsement in this race.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Dynasty is always the best solution to a city eroded and infested with corruption.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Kathy Jimino is one of the most respected politicians this area has ever seen. She runs unopposed because she is so popular and so good at her job that the Dems don't even waste their time running someone against her.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    It's real. Very real.

  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Pack it up Jimmy

  5. Reality Test1:31 PM

    This is not a fake. Madden has it on his FB page, do you think he would fake something from his own sister. It took a lot of courage for Kathy to cross party lines and support her brother. It's not just about family, she knows better than anyone that Patrick would be a better Mayor than Jim, she employs Jim and has sen his work first hand.

  6. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Maybe, just maybe a very popular County Executive is wise enough to realize that he's the best man for the job! So much so that she isn't afraid to ignore party affiliation. Voters should do the same. Patrick Madden has made it very clear many times that he will beholden only to his constituency & to Troy's best interests. He knows how to work with others, he has decades of proven success doing just that. Is it so unreasonable that she may have noticed these facts? Or that the other mayoral candidates so clearly do not display these important characteristics?

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      She could have said nothing publicly and privately endorsed him. That's what everyone expected her to do. To do it this way... very bad for Gordon. It's a real slap in the face.

    2. Anonymous12:43 AM

      I can't wait to see Pat's success in District 2 be implemented city wide!! He's done such an amazing job!!

  7. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Choking on it, aren't you, Richie Boy? Better change your name to VICTORY GONE.

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Well Gearge Rodger should be endorsing madden now.

  9. It's over3:34 PM

    It's telling that Jimino didn't mention that Pat's her brother in that endorsement. From a political perspective, that would have "neutralized" the endorsement, because you can argue family will always back family. It would've helped her avoid heat from the GOP, too. But she chose not to do that. She just straight out backed Madden, based on his record and ability.

    That's a direct hit on Gordon. He's toast.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      She says Patrick is her brother very clearly. Go read the post again.

  10. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I wa ridiculed when I commented that the 911 call was released by Jimino's office. Looking more feasible now? Gordon will be jobless after January 1. Mark my words.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Yep. The leak came from county all along. Plus everyone knows she's been funneling GOP support to him on the down low. I'm glad she finally cut the bullshit and just came out in the open.

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Awwwww. Here, have some bread with those sour grapes.

  12. Anonymous4:39 PM

    She mentions it in the second line...

  13. Anonymous4:46 PM

    The Troy GOP will now trash Jimino because that's the kind of miserable scumbags they are. The voters know it and that's why they lose.

    1. Anonymous11:27 PM

      Here Here, the 4 boneheads doing all the postings and commenting and condemning and crying and bitching, leaders or the Troy GOP The worse run political group in this entire country! They are a laughingstock!

  14. Anonymous5:02 PM

    3:34. "Vote for my brother Patrick" moron

  15. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Ouch. Oh, poor Gordo. I'd get that resume updated if I were him.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      He should do some community service at Unity House!!

  16. October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month5:52 PM

    Ain't that a kick in the head.

  17. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The last two weeks have been so bad for Gordon I almost feel sorry for him. Can you imagine. Five lines and a spoiler candidate and he's still going to get his ass kicked. The ass kickings

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      ...the ass kickings he got in the council races were minor in comparison.

  18. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Lol at the GOP spin today trying to suggest this wasn't really an "endorsement". Talk about desperately grabbing at straws!

  19. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Waaaaa Waaaaa Waaaaa 1:08. Wanna try again?

  20. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Chris Gibson wouldn't have a clue who Jim Gordon is. Nor would he care.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      I'm a Dem but I know Chris Gibson and even if we don't agree on all the issues, he's a gentleman and a class act. It's ridiculous to even mention Gibson in the same sentence with someone like Jim Gordon.

  21. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Oh God, that robocall tonight. Jim. Just leave town dude.

  22. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Gibson did endorse:

  23. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Seems like Rich Crist and the rest of Rensco GOP are finally getting a taste of their own medicine. It's fun to watch and a long time coming. Whoever leaked that tape deserves kudos! I still think it was Gordon's wife!

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      You bet. If this happened to a Dem candidate, Crist would have hired vans to drive the Troy streets blasting the audio in a continuous 24 hr loop. Sucks when the shoe's on the other foot, dont it boys.

  24. Anonymous8:23 PM

    People portraying Jim Gordon as the victim? His wife is the victim. Get out! Get out while you can Melissa! It's going to be bad on election night!

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      No kidding. The next day, too. All joking aside she should make plans for a quick getaway if necessary!!

  25. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Looks like Kathy goes unopposed as county exec again. Win the city battle and lose the county war. Great strategy.

  26. Anonymous9:31 PM

    What a joke she is. Jim she screwed you just like she screws everyone. and she does it with a smile.

  27. Anonymous9:57 PM

    There's gonna be hell to pay in the Gordon household on election night. Have an escape plan Melissa. The hubby is gonna be pretty pissed.

  28. Anonymous12:44 AM

    A Gordon victory would be a disaster for everyone. Maybe Jimino knows that Gordon in City Hall will destroy the GOP. Maybe she cares about the City's future. Maybe it's a combination of both. Right move either way.

  29. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Like anyone is really surprised? it's her brother for christs sake.
    You heard me, I said Madden by 18-20%!
    Greased Weasel

  30. Gordon Wins7:23 AM

    I still think the Jimino endorsement is a set up. Madden must have something on Jimino to get her to stab Gordon in the back.

  31. Anonymous8:20 AM

    who can take her serious anyway...her track record speaks volumes of her character.

  32. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Kathy probably planned her retirement this week, including endorsement of her brother. Crist would never support her for another term.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Thanks Rich. Kathy could wipe the floor with you in any election year. Maybe you're the one who should think about retirement now that your mayoral candidate just spent the last two weeks getting bitch slapped on all sides.

  33. Anonymous10:04 AM

    9:38 nominated for best comment of the day. They know they have lost.
    Gordon is a disaster as a candidate who would lose without his boss's endorsement of his opponent.

  34. Wow, I take one weekend off and the blog goes to hell. Did anyone REALLY not expect Kathy to endorse her brother? Waiting until the Saturday before election and doing it on Facebook is about as quiet as one can get. Is it uncomfortable for Gordon, of course it is, but in any event someone was going to get left in a tough spot, and family does come first. In addition, I hate to inform the uninformed, but Gibson has already endorsed Gordon.

    For those of you convinced this race is over, I have to wonder why I received three calls over the weekend bashing Wiltshire and two bashing Gordon? That is not the MO of a confident organization.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I got two bashing Madden, guess we are on different call lists. These crappy calls appear every election season at the last minute and they are inane, no matter who they come from and who they are directed at.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Thanks for the analysis. You weren't missed.

  35. 11.08. I understand the low-info, low-IQ crowd finds critical thinking and objective observations to be disconcerting. Sorry, let me rephrase for your vocabulary...... I understand facts can confuse you.

    11.02, the calls probably depend upon one's registration. I am an Ind, and my guess is you might be Dem, but your point is well-taken.

  36. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Kathy goes unopposed in her next county exec run. Thats a fact jack!

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      My assumption is that she is not planning to run again.
