Thursday, October 22, 2015


One day after the release of the explosive 911 recording of a mayoral candidate's wife, the  political scene is still reeling, leading to a possible tectonic shift in the electoral outcome. We will be bringing you 'round the clock coverage, complete with interviews, stories, appetizers and demonstrations.*

A bit over-the-top? Yes, but according to Talk 1300's own James Franco, the 911 tape was 'explosive.' We're all for hyperbole ( as well as exaggeration and embellishment) but explosive?

Really? Was any innocent bystander actually injured by the shrapnel from this explosion? Raise your hand if the content of the recording surprised you. We can't see you so put your hand down. Of course it wasn't explosive because no one was shocked by the content. Did anyone actually believe the husband's version of events?

JFranc has also determined which Troy Police Officer requested a copy of the tape and which of his colleague's picked-up a copy of the tape. According to documents gathered by Jimmy F, Sgt. Tim Colaneri requested a copy of the tape on July 20. The tape  was picked up by Sgt. Mark Millington a day later. Millington is active in the Police Benevolent Association and his daughter is married to (SMOKING GUN COMING UP) Deputy Mayor Pete Ryan’s son, Pat.

Why would Colaneri and/or Millington, officers experienced in domestic violence investigations,  want a copy of the audio of a woman held down against her will? Maybe so they could investigate a crime? The real question is why Gordon was not arrested. Not saying he should have been, we just want to hear why there was no arrest. Gordon's actions fit neatly into the elements of Unlawful Imprisonment. Was Gordon given special treatment? We do know that Chief of Police (hereinafter Chief of Police) John Tedesco is a Gordon booster. Tedesco has been out of the GOP closet for years now and has supported Gordon financially.

Could one of the above officers be the 911 tape leakers? Sure they could. And if so they should immediately be put on a course of antibiotics. For now, there is no proof  that Colaneri or Millington did anything wrong. Why couldn't the material given to Lyons have come from the County? This is perfect for a Troy City Council Investigation. Come on Rodney. Snap to it.

This post has been brought to you by October:


The other news is the Mayoral Debate sponsored by Time Warner Cable. Not held before a live audience. You can watch the debate here. Or go get a root canal. Your pick. We watched a few clips but can't stomach too much of this stuff. Initial reaction on style:

1. Madden could put caffeine to sleep;

2. Wiltshire, when able to ask a question, once again made it about himself, not the voters;

3. Is Gordon auditioning for a hostage video? We believe he blinked S.O.S. throughout the debate.

If you had the courage to watch the whole thing, give us your thoughts.

This post has been brought to you by October:

* No women were harmed or mishandled in the making of this post


  1. John Cleese7:55 AM

    Too right you are.

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    God, this blog is great. These posts should be made into mailers. Gordon is dead in the water.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      BRAIN dead in the water.
      .......Atrippa Kellum

  3. Mrs. G8:30 AM

    Did anyone ask the candidates last night where they stood on marital infidelity? Adultery is a crime in New York, you know.

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Who told Gordon to wear that domestic violence pin? It's over Jim. Go home and try not to assault your wife. The adult in the room is going to City Hall. Don't worry though, his sister won't fire you. You'll still have a job in January. Or will you? And while we are still talking about it, let's talk about past orders of protections. I for one know about other times police had to quell violence in your home. That's coming out so you better get in front of it now James!

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      How can you print these unsubstantiated accusations with no proof or vetting done? What happened to the high moral standards that you set for yourselves in the previous post "hanging with Mr. Cooper". Goes to show you print anything as long as it's derogatory towards the GOP candidate. Please return back to former post read what you wrote and practice what you preach. Bunch of phonies

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      When dispatch asked her if she had any orders of protection against Jimbo, Mrs Gordon said "not at this time."

      Interesting phrasing, don't you think?

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM

      12:12 if you don't like it, leave! That's the only advice I can give you. Oh wait, there's more. Grow up and stop acting like a baby!

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Anyone want to comment on the pin Gordon wore to the debate? I laughed my ass off that was so bad. Someone's running scared.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      I figured it was a "pin" for "pin her down". Troy Republicans are scumbags and that's their humor.

  6. Jim was just doing the Burgh version of 50 Shades of Grey.

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    It's a breast cancer awareness pin. Not that I like 50 Shades of the Burgh.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Breast cancer pin is pink. His pin was purple for Domestic violence. Very odd choice Jim.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Purple Ribbon: Purple typically represents pancreatic cancer. It is also a symbol for Alzheimer's disease, lupus, animal abuse, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, sarcoidosis awareness, thyroid cancer, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and religious tolerance

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Yes I'm SO sure it was one of those. Lmao! The Republicans really do think the rest of us are as stupid as they are.

    4. Anonymous3:50 PM

      50 Shades of Black and Blue

  8. Troy Ex Pat12:45 PM

    Jim Franco is a hack, and a lazy one at that. He deals in the art of innuendo, and knows he can get away with it. Detectives Colanari and Millington investigate domestic abuse cases as part of their job. Part of that job is listening to 911 tapes to determine if their is further need for investigation. They followed up on the case, there were no charges filed, and that was it. End of story.

    As the Times Union story mentioned (and Franco so conveniently left out):

    "Both officers are experienced in domestic violence investigations and have worked with Unity House in such cases." Millington is a member of the department's Domestic Violence Unit — so it was appropriate for him to receive the audio."

    That was a nice little omission on Franco's part

    Many people had access to that tape. This was likely arranged and executed by some dirty political operative who has no conscience or integrity (I know that really doesn't narrow it down much), who persuaded someone like minded to get their grimy little hands on that tape, so its release to the press could be arranged.

    To imply that it was Millington or Colaneri is laughable on its face to all who know of the professionalism and integrity they bring to their jobs every day.

    Nice smear attempt Franco, you lazy hack. You wouldn't know how to investigate a story if it was handed to you on your lap. It's evidently more important to get your slimy innuendos out there then get to the truth of the matter.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Tim Colaneri is a good, non political lawman. A guy with dedication to duty. The innuendo regarding him is insulting.
      ......Bat Manhattan.

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Hey Crist, you like apples? How you like them apples?

  10. Aerosmith2:55 PM

    Jimmy's Got a Gun

  11. Anonymous6:32 PM

    That debate was a snoozer. No one kicked ass, no one fell down. Wiltshire is the best public speaker. Madden has more substance. I don't know what Gordon is doing up there. Lost little lamb.

  12. 6.32, agreed for the most part. I had Wiltshire winning, Gordon and Madden about the same. I thought there was one rather funny moment that had to have Madden's people in a panic. After good opening remarks by all, Pat got the first question about his priority. He launches into this wonkish discussion on organization and "flow-charting." My very apolitical wife turns to me and says "what is he talking about?" I immediately imagined Joe Six-pack watching, turning to his spouse and saying "damn, honey, that's what this city needs, some ass kicking flow-charting, we gotta vote for this guy."

    Pat handled the follow-up well, and did fine from there. I also found the moderators a bit disappointing. They seemed rather tentative when asking follow-ups, especially if the original answer didn't go as planned. However, that was preferable to the gotcha style that is so popular. The demeanor was pleasant, and in general, all three did well. Thanks, guys.

    1. Anonymous12:50 AM

      Madden had the best line of the night when he said to Gordon, "That is false, maybe you are getting bad information, or maybe you just don't understand what you're reading"

  13. Anonymous7:44 PM

    What a selection, Madden who can't count, Gordon who can't control his anger and Rodney who can't tell the truth. The general public is not optimistic about these three. Is this the best Troy has to offer?

  14. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I think McCassion was inside Gordon's podium wetting his Willie during the debate.

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      McCashless is getting excited at the prospect of Jimbo being single.

  15. Waste of Taxpayer $9:55 PM

    If Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are so "proud of the love they have for each other" maybe they can show it by reimbursing us for the cost of that 911 call and all the other taxpayer-sucking activity they're demanding as a result.

    Why do we have to pay for their dysfunctional marital bullshit?

    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      All my feelings rose today!

  16. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Pretty telling that when the candidates could ask questions of each other Rodney asked Madden about political game playing and whined about the push poll and Madden asked Rodney about the budget. Madden is about issues that effect Troy. Rodney is about Rodney.

  17. James Carville7:19 PM

    Thought Madden's explanation/press release on the TRIP "deficit" was interesting. He clearly has a much better sense of these things that either Gordon or Wiltshire. or else, they don't really care about the facts, only the political points that can be scored.

    Pat's starting to look a lot better than the other two. Rodney is still the better public speaker. He is easily more comfortable in front of the crowd. I shudder the think what Wiltshire will do if he loses and the spotlight disappears. If he truly cares about the political machine, one wonders if he'll try another oust Wade campaign. That is where he needs to start. Start running candidates for the committee seats. NG hates Wade. Brunswick voted against him as well as some others. If they could capture most of the Troy seats, Wade will fall. That is hard work. Are the Wiltshirites up for it?

  18. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Not all in NG hate Tom Wade. Only the lunatic fringe which, unfortunately has become the norm there.
    Ernst Stavro.

  19. I have more sympathy for the Hookers on Fifth Ave and More Respect at least they give you something for your money These Politicians are whores but you get an Orgasm From Them !~~!
