How many times have you been asked to explain the Troy political scene to an outsider. Neither have we. But, we'll try.
For those of you new to Troy, or the Troy Polloi, the political landscape is as difficult to navigate as a Lockheed Electra 10E over the Pacific Ocean in the middle of the night with a boozed-up navigator. Many have tried. Some turned back. Some were never heard from again. So, as a public service, we are offering this handy-dandy guide.

House Sigil: White Trough on Magenta Field
House Words: "November is Coming."
House Colors: Ashen Grey
Headed-up by Tom "King" Wade, the Democratic County Chair. Don't mistake the squeaky voice and curly hair for a lovable teddy bear. Wade plays hard and can rule with an iron fist. Probably the most successful Democratic Chair in some time, he can raise the hackles of some. Does not forget a slight, real or perceived. Rewards loyalty. Came to power by challenging former Chair Lynn Mahoney. They shared the chair for a few years, which was as successful as Soviet power sharing. Faced a revolt a few years back by Wiltshire, Rabbit and North Greenbush. Brushed them back easily. Former Democratic Board of Election Commissioner. Chose Patrick Madden as the mayoral candidate. Many believe he shepherded Ernest Everett into primary to siphon votes from Wiltshire.
Madden, Patrick - Endorsed for mayor by the Democratic Committee, which means hand-picked by Wade.
Jimino, Kathy - Wade has given-up on running a candidate against GOP County Executive Kathy Jimino
Wiltshire, Rodney - Not liked by Wade, considered an upstart who hasn't made his bones.

House Words: "Taxes are Coming."
House Colors: Translucent
Led by long-standing Republican County Executive, Kathy Jimino. As much as a GOP County boss as anyone, but has rivals that are equally influential. Not enamored of the Troy Republican Party. Mary Donohue Lite. Called The Mother of Dragons by no one.
Madden, Patrick - Her brother
Gordon, Jim - Her employee

House Words: "My Campaign is Coming."
House Colors: Rehab Green
Helmed by Patrick Madden, Endorsed by the Democratic Committee, winner of the Democratic primary by 50 votes, CEO of TRIP and a political newcomer. This outsider was the third Democrat to enter the primary contest. Despite backing of Wade, appears to rely on former Mayor Mark Pattison and operative Mark Streb. Nickname: Pat.
Jimino, Kathy - His sister

House Words: "The Police are Coming."
House Colors: Paste
One-term councilman. GOP endorsed candidate for mayor. Also has the Conservative, Independent and Green Party lines. Currently, represents District 1 on the Troy City Council. Rensselaer County Stop DWI Coordinator, appointed by Jimino. Got the nomination even though Carmella Mantello is better known and a better vote-getter.
Jimino, Kathy - Hired him
Crist, Rich - Influential in getting Gordon Independent and Conservative lines

House Words: "My Presence Wouldn't Make a Difference."
House Colors: Graple
Current City Council President, business owner and the Working Families Party candidate for mayor. Received nomination because he works and has a family. Lost a Democratic Primary by razor-thin margin. Engineered a great ground game. Considered anti-establishment and a foe of House Wade. Would-be Kingslayer. Many think he's a better self-promoter than public servant. Others see him as changing politics in Troy. Cozied up to Rich Crist two years ago to secure the Independence line and the City Council Presidency.

House Words: "My Lawyer is Coming."
House Colors: Orange
Thirty-Two year old pharmaceutical salesman. Begin his mayoral bid in 2014. His Quixotic quest ended on September 10, when he placed third in the voting. Later, charged with forgery and filing a false instrument for allegedly witnessing nominating signatures he didn't witness. Many think Boss Wade encouraged Everett to run in order to split the Wiltshire anti-establishment vote.

House Sigil: Dollar Sign on Maroon Field
House Words: "Thank God Abelove Won."
Minor but influential House led by Rich Crist. Ostensibly a employee of Rensselaer County Legislature but really the go-to-guy if you want the Independent Line or Conservative Line. Influence diminished compared to a few years ago but many Republicans still have their Crist knee pads. Accused of sexual harassment by County employee Colleen Regan. Charges dumped by Division of Human Rights because all but two incidents occurred outside the statutory time period and because Crist was not her supervisor. Charged with endangering a minor and harassment. Charges dropped by District Attorney Joel Abelove. Nickname: "Middle Finger."
Abelove, Joel - Owes Crist for Conservative, Independence Party Lines, dropped charges against Crist rather than recusing himself. Failed to seek special prosecutor for GOP Legislative Leader Martin Reid, another Crist colleague.
Wiltshire, Rodney - Helped Rodney get Independence Line which led to Wiltshire getting City Council Presidency
Crist, Craig - Brother, lawyer with Dreyer, Boyajian firm that represented Crist, partner Boyajian was owner of the King Street property that was demolished, causing a hyperbolic non-scandal.

House Words: "Charges Dropped."
Recently minted District Attorney. Won by slim margin in possibly the best Republican year in a decade. Stumbled early by not referring the Crist charges to another District Attorney. Stumbled again by not requesting special prosecutor for Martin Reid case. Stumbled yesterday going up courthouse steps. Announced Rensselaer County a Sanctuary County for Republicans. Disliked by best friend. Nickname: Joel Abelove.

House Words: "Not Again."
Once a major house, this minor house is led by Democratic Elections Commissioner Ed McDonough Jr. Son of Ed McDonough, former party boss that wound up in prison for something he did before we paid attention to this shit. McDonough was at the center of the voter fraud prosecution a few years back. First jury was hung (and we mean hung). Acquitted at second trial. Accused of ignoring dodgy Everett nominating petitions. Supports, but dislikes, Wade.

House Words: "What's a Sigil."
Once a major house now lies in ruins. Led by former councilman and two-term mayor Harry Tutunjian. Won two terms by comfortable margins, the first on the heels of a ill-conceived Democratic scheme to repeal term limits. Often considered, even by himself, a weak-willed leader and puppet of Bob Mirch or Dan Crawley or Dave Mitchell. Lost support during second term after bullying, incompetence and ethics problems became harder to hide. After his reign ended, appointed to County Legislature. Lost his seat at next election. Ran a second time and lost. Gordon supporter and advisor. Nickname: The Imp.

House Sigil: Desperate Woman on Orange Field
House Words: "God Dammit, Just Vote for Me. Please!"
This minor house is led by perennial candidate Carmella Mantello. Currently, running for an At-Large seat. Lost city-wide council race in 2013. Lost mayoral race in 2011. Lost mayoral race years ago to Mark Pattison. Lost her car keys in 2002, 2005 and 2007. Headed-up Canal Corp. for Governor Pataki in-between losses. The electoral version of Single White Female. If she loses this race voters will apply for temporary restraining order. Secretly rooting for Gordon to lose so she can run for top spot in 4 years.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who don't watch Game of Thrones, trust me, this post is brilliant
ReplyDeleteGame of Thrones?? Who are the dominant teams? Anywhere near as exciting as NASCAR or hockey? At least I don't feel quite as stupid now that I get there was an inside reference. However, I can add one relevant point. If some of you wonder why I seem to occasionally defend Tom Wade(especially on F/B), in addition to knowing Tom for years, anyone who is despised by certain less than admirable people in North Greenbush cannot be all that bad.
ReplyDeleteGreen bush went Insolvent Years ago there Phana24JG
Delete2. East Greenbush, N.Y.
A New York state audit concluded that years of fiscal mismanagement — including questionable employment contracts and illegal payments to town officials — left East Greenbush more than $2 million in debt.
My Mistake it was North Greenbush Troy Polli !~~!
DeleteWrong Greenbush, Bob.
DeleteBob Angelini was the Town Supervisor back then. Like Lou, a nice guy. Same story, different town, same financial disasater. Would be even worse with Rodney, who is also clueless. Maddon or Gordon will do a good job getting things corrected.
DeleteGreat show. Great post. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteI will concede on this once and once only once Any other time I would say Fuck You !~~!
ReplyDeleteNobody really cares about what you think You're just a bad joke to most everyone
DeleteThanks for nothing Anonymous
DeleteWould be more fun to try to match Troy peoples to actual GoT houses
ReplyDeleteJimino- Lannister obv
Wade- Bolton
Wiltshire- Stark
Jack Cox- somewhere north of the Wall
The Starks are honorable, Wiltshire is not.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think Madden is Stark
DeleteThis is awesome, got quite an education. There is only one thing I might quibble with. When discussing Rodney's relationship with Wade you said "Not liked by Wade, considered an upstart who hasn't made his bones." Ummmm I think it is more like "Wade was not amused when Rodney tried to pull a KingSlayer against the sitting Dem Mayor then tried to pull a "red wedding" on his own party. Banished Rodney to the North Wall where he met a merry band of misfits called the WFP who Rodney abandoned the first chance he got to go back to Westeros.
DeleteWow. I have nothing for this. I feel like I'm in a dorm at RPI. I've been laid in my life that's why I don't get this.
ReplyDeleteGreat Work Troy Polli Too Bad Phana24JG Fucked every thing up again as usual !~~!
ReplyDeleteBob, I made a light - hearted remark about Tom Wade that any Democrat involved with county politics would get. There were (are) a few "colorful " characters in the North Greenbush Dem party that did not play well with others, and were not exactly beloved at county functions. It would not shock me if one of them was related to you.
Delete@3:00 PM and @4:54 PM clearly the same person.
ReplyDeleteYour blog has zero credibility when you let a dimensional man who post on Facebook about a former Troy officials handicap child. The man is pure evil and you know who he is. You should be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteGet over it!!
DeleteWhat is a 'dimensional man'? Another gradeate of the Troy school system?
ReplyDeleteYou must be a real sad case to defend a man like that very sad
ReplyDeleteHey Jay Vandenburg EAT SHIT and stop calling Robert BOOB!
ReplyDeleteSigning off, your clientele is the lowest form of human being (scum) walking this earth. Hope you all feel somewhat powerful or righteous. I saw the despicable comments on the disabled child. He's all yours Poloi and Rodney.
ReplyDeleteDon't let the door hit you in the ads on the way out!
DeleteNo Bob Cox at the forum tonight? Rodney's #1 campaigner and Jack Jrs. uncle? COWARD.
ReplyDeleteHow could u miss. Short shorts leather vest and cowboy boots.....
DeleteThank god he's selling and moving away
DeleteSome who calls someone else a coward, who's not man enough to put their names to their posts, shouldn't call anyone a coward. Cowards hide behind anonymity, men put their names to it. Why am I posting anonymously you may ask, because I don't know who I'm talking to. If I have something to say about someone and mention their names,I out my name on it!
DeleteI don't know what's more pathetic a man who says things about a handicapped child or the person that defends him. But I do know there's a special place in hell for both of you.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we are afraid these two will show up at our homes or businesses. Cox has gone apeshit publicly several times and the cops have been called. How many restraining orders does he have? The guy isn't just an asshole on this blog, he actually assaults people. He drove up Fifth Avenue the wrong way, jumped out of his car and verbally assaulted someone he disagreed with. I for one do not want him to know who I am.
ReplyDeleteHey, D-Bag! The only person here talking about a child is you. Do you get off on that? No one here has mentioned it. What is your problem.
ReplyDeleteAnd Madden clearly came out on top at the forum tonight.
ReplyDeleteTime to go home to florida boob cox. U arent needed !~~~~!
ReplyDeleteLove the facebook beatdown of bobby cox over on the mccashion page !~~~~!
ReplyDeleteWhy is that dude on about Cox attacking a pol's child? He's not doing it here. Attacking Cox is like arguing with a drunk. You'll never win, you'll never change his mind and its not worth it. Why give him the satisfaction of a debate. It's childish and the commenter is playing right in to Cox's hands. Dumb move.
ReplyDeleteCox has prolly never surfed. Wasn't in the resume he read to the zoning chair and board a fews years back. Sunny doin. !~~!
DeleteLove the facebook beatdown of bobby cox over on the mccashion page !~~~~!
ReplyDeleteHey Vary Anonymous I am an easy man to find why don't you come find me and have your way with me I am easy come get some Turkey hey some one who said that I don't have any thing to loose was rite because you will loose Chicken Shit Yankee !~~!
ReplyDeleteJust for the Record Franko's Blogs is dead McCashon has moved on to twitter he says he likes that the most that FB is just his starting point and I am just having a ball
ReplyDeleteSo to all your Corn Hollers and Hetereral Sexuals and Metrosexuals and Lesbo Friends I love you all and I say have it your way !~~!
ReplyDeleteRobert Cox, it's a Damn shame how your family has been screwed over by Harry and his lowlife. Your points are valid and you have every reason to be pissed off. But you seem more pissed than your brother and he was the one who has been screwed! Your ramblings on here and the troy ny page border on psychotic rants. You need to get over it and relax a bit. It's unhealthy for you to be this angry at everybody, especially anyone who disagrees with you. I don't think your a bad guy and I enjoy a lot of your posts but man oh man you need to lighten up, your becoming an embarrassment to your family and your better than.that. Just take a valium or two and enjoy life
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right. This very delusional man is not bringing up the special needs child on this blog. The only reason I bring it up here is to point out to the gatekeepers of this blog the absolute vile and disgusting remarks that this madman has made. It was foolish of me to think that the people responsible for this blog would look into this regular contributors rantings and possibly do the right thing and keep this man and his psychotic thoughts off this blog. This will be the last time I post about this on this blog and I will be leaving this blog and will not return. I have no desire to associate with such disgusting people and I have an even greater desire not to be involved with people that would defend this man or even worse people that would break bread with this man on the Saturday morning on 4th street. Good riddance and you can keep Crazy.
ReplyDeleteDude, get over it!! Who do you are, a Kennedy. Get off your high horse, if your letting the rambling thoughts of an unstable man keep you from reading this blog then just fucking do it. There's no need for a rambling (dare I say Cox like) post announcing to everyone that you won't be reading this brilliant blog because of one man's comments. Just go away, no one cares and you won't be missed! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
DeleteStart your own blog and kick anyone you want off of it. Who are you to dictate who should or shouldn't post on this blog that you despise, but read every word. Bob Cox is Bob Cox, it is what it is. Why do you care so much what he says, no one else does. You seem like a sad soul. Get out of your mom's basement and live a little!
DeleteSo let's get this straight. They're supposed to vet the people who comment by reviewing what those people say elsewhere. That is crazy.
ReplyDelete4:02 will be back. He can't stay away. This blog is addictive.
ReplyDeleteHey vet this, whoever you are and Bob Cox are birds of a feather. Get help.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Christ and Harry confronted bobby behind genderons.
ReplyDeleteThanks I know Gendron's Vary Well I got that big Dumb Jack Ass Rich to walk behind the building so we could have an old fashion bug tussel right under the cameras I was Trying to get him to ( Rich ) swing first but he wouldn't he was quite goofy looking with that comb over on his bald spot But we Both Just stood there and Finally I said to him after like a minute hey dude are we going to Fuck or Fight and I could see he was not going to swing so I was walking away back to my Truck for a pipe wrench I had in the back of my pick up and he said to me that I was Running From a Fight ( Actually Walking for the Record ) well funny thing they came looking for me Rich lives in Schodack and Harry Live up on 24 Street Just another thing to prove that There all douchebags and that Jay Vandenburgh he is also cut from the same cloth as Rich and Harry so the Saga goes on and we all know that Rich will bring in his Fraudulent Absentee Ballots this go round and Bugbee will smile and Wink at Rich And Wades people Will Bring There's in and McDonough Will Smile and Wink and that big wheel will keep going around and around !~~! That's all folks
DeleteYou have lost your mind Mr Cox. Your ramblings here and elsewhere are troubling. Get some help,!
DeleteMr Cox, you should stop acting like a child, and grow up. Do us all a favor, and take your rantings, and 3rd grade writing skills somewhere else. I'm not a Harry guy either, but you sir are just absurd. Your family does it to themselvs btw. Everyone of your properties is in total disrepair and shits up the neighborhoods they sit in. Go crazy up in Grafton - maybe they forgot they threw your family out of town.
DeleteMr. Cox keeps a pipe wrench handy in the back of his truck so he can bug tussle (beat someone senseless) at the drop of a hat (insult). Any questions about why we prefer to remain anonymous?
DeleteI wouldnt call it a truck...little red racing stripes on the 1987. S10. Kbb value...$800. all for a guy who has millions?
DeleteYes "very anonymous" in other words your afraid to put your name to your words because you may get your ads kicked. We call people like you cowards. Not one of you anonymous bloggers, I'm guessing there is 4 or 5 of you, have the balls to put your name to your comments. I know where Bobby stands because Bobby puts his name on his posts unlike you cowards. Psssst, we all know who you are
ReplyDeleteCertifiable. I remember the zba chair telling uncle bob to sit and stop reciting his resume. He sat down imidiatly like a trained puppy
ReplyDeleteMaybe vandemburg was right with the cox breath comment. I'm pretty sure he just asked for someone to have their way with him
ReplyDeleteHarry's best move in a fight is to run and hide behind his mommy and complain to daddy in a heavy accent that he isn't being treated fairly. His best move otherwise is a triple somersault to get to the front of the lone at Wah Foo's All You Can Eat Chinese Smorgasboard.
ReplyDelete......Atrippa Kellum
That is hysterical, Wah food all you can eat!! Priceless and I laughed out loud. Be careful because Harry will cry real tears!
DeleteRobert Cox how was the surfing in 86 in CA.? BaBoom!
ReplyDeleteRobert Cox would you please come out with an explanation about the charges and conviction from an incident in 1986 in Livermore California it took place on 9/23/86. Let us know in your words what happened before people start to Judge you.
ReplyDeleteOk, now bringing up stuff from 29 years ago? Sad and pathetic indeed! Get a life!