Tuesday, September 22, 2015


The Republican At-Large candidates for Troy City Council (Carmella Mantello,* Kim Ashe Hyphen McPherson and the other one) announced a bold new plan to fight the crime sweeping the streets of Troy.

It's a Five (5) Point Plan. Ready...

1) restore the Street Crimes Unit; 2) have police officers park their patrol cars and walk the neighborhoods; 3) reapply for the COPS grant the city turned down as too expensive to get three more officers on patrol; 4) demolish city-owned buildings that are vacant and burned out; and ... there was another one, right? We did say five. Oh, right. 5) create a permanent City Council Standing Committee on Violent Crime.

Carmello went on to add a 6 in the five point plan: River Boat gambling. "And then, of course, you need to elect me," said Kim Ashe Hyphen McPherson, "so that's really 7 points."

"Elect me too," said the other one. "Guess that's 8 points."

"Nine," added Mantello, who fired a warning shot at Ashe-McPherson. Ashe-McPherson returned fire striking that third candidate.

This visionary plan was unveiled in front of the Fallon Apartments Rainbow Center. Two people were wounded but are reported to be in stable condition.

There is nothing wrong with this highly unoriginal plan. There was also no price tag included. Three more officers is only one more per shift. You'll need more police on the streets than that. Especially if their walking.

* The Troy Polloi hereby endorses Carmella Mantello for one of three At-Large seats if she'll stop running for shit. We kind of feel sorry for her.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I think with shift stuff and bidding and OT, it's more like one additional officer on one of the three shits. The demo tab is about $18,000,000. Piece of cake. I like Carmella, but she's never had an original idea in her life.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Three shits? That's what none of us give about anything Carmella says.

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Class mayor Lou and his administration bungle another tax bill (see TU).regardless of your hatred of Harry this is the worst mayor in Troy history. To the person that keeps signing 'Harry gone fours years' it's obvious, dirty streets, out of control crime, severe budget problems and lack of leadership. Thanks to the democratic voting sheep Lou has dug a hole this city may never recover from. Take a bow little lambs.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Thanks Harry. Is it too early for a cheeseburger?

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Has Lou been sued yet?

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Harry, you're the last person who should be commenting on tax issues. You paid off that tax lien yet? You thoroughly sucked as mayor, which is why you couldn't get elected to save your life once youre term ended. How many times did you try? You couldn't even hold onto a seat you were appointed to. The voters HATE you. Keep telling yourself you started the downtown "Renaissance" and the rest of the delusional shit you mutter to yourself in the mirror every morning. You're the only one buying it. Downtown is flourishing without you and the crime problem persists because of the incompetent Chief of Police YOU saddled the city with. You know, the one who's too good to live in your city and doesn't think crime is a problem. What a joke you both are!

    4. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Amen 10:46! Right on the money .

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    C'mon, Carmella was gung ho for another run at mayor until she did what she was told and fell in company line like a sheep. I expected more from Carmella! She could have releases the exact same press relief without taking a dig at the democrats, stinks of Harry or Christ helping her. Sadly Carmella is just like the rest of the Troy republicans and it's disappointing

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      She should be taking a dig at our Republican chief of Police. Harrys guy. He's the reason crime has increased.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Remember during last mayoral election, Harry gave Carmella a tour of city hall? That was great, they thought they had the election in the bag. They still don't realize that the pen is mightier than the sword! We've had enough

  4. The "other one" is Andrea Daley, who has been a driving force to make Little Italy neighborhood a better place. I am mostly a Democrat but Andrea deserves wide support.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      I grew up in the Little Italypart of south troy and is safe to say that today, besides DeFazio and Red Front it's a shit hole. I have her to thank for the shithole?

    2. Anonymous10:39 PM

      David graham. It's 2015 not 1890. Change your dew man

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Outside of little Italy, which is a shithole with about 4 prime voters tops, I haven't seen any Andrea Daley signs. And she's running at large?Another brilliant GOP pick.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Give me a brake David Graham Andrea bought a property here in Troy and there was a little old lady who was renting in tha house for like 30 years and she raised the rent to 1,000 Dollars a month and Threw that Little Old Lady out in the Street I wouild Vote For Charles Manson Befor I would vote for that Clueless Kook

    Also She is clearly Delusional


  7. Jaime6:10 PM

    Someone forgot their meds.

  8. Read The Small Print People

    The Troy Polloi hereby endorses Carmella Mantello for one of three At-Large seats if she'll stop running for shit. We kind of feel sorry for her.

  9. The Democrats have Become Slave Traders That's What a friend of Mine John Murphy from West Albany said he once lived in Troy in His youth

    Ahaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha Funny Not one word from Carmella in Years and now she gets her Mug on TV Good Luck Troy City Council with the Republicans And in the Other corner we Got Madden Wade Kathy Conroy Jack McCann And Company With Wade Bringing Back Slavery to Voters with Shill Uncle Tom Ernest Hey Ernest Good F$$king Luck getting a Job in City hall with Wade you poor dumb bastard. Hey Ernest Look at Carmellas Camp is there any blacks in Her Camp Hey Ernest Look in Maddens Camp Not One Black Person and Ernest is a Collage Graduate Ahaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha And

    1. Ima Physician8:29 PM

      Seriously, GET BACK ON YOUR MEDS! Lithium, Prozac, smoke some pot, These outbursts are verging on psychopathic.

  10. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Is David Graham or Andrea Daley Jewish? That would explain the hatred exhibited by one of Rodney's top campaigners.

  11. Rabbi Robbie8:02 PM

    Jesus, Cox, give it a rest. Some of my best friends are junkyard people.

  12. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Oy vey!!! Robert is now attaching the Black man. "Uncle Tom". How long are you going to allow this man to post racial remarks about people of color. This is out of hand.

  13. Anonymous9:32 PM

    What are the chances the "comment removed by the author" was a Cox masterpiece? Just think if his idol Rodney won he would have been gainfully employed in city haul. Democratus and the flock must be proud of their own mayor blog contributor. Didn't you just write a column about Bob and his partner?

  14. Thanks Harry You Piss Ant !~~!

  15. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Harry gone 4 years but not long enough.
    .....Lemuel Phibes

  16. Karen Sellers7:16 AM

    Where has the Polloi come close to supporting Cox? Just don't get your comments. You obviously want to link this brilliant blog to the Cox's and their rantings. Why? It makes no sense and is demonstrably false. Very strange tactic. Perhaps you should read som ething else.

  17. Anonymous7:24 AM

    It's just Harry or one of his lowlife buddies jealous of the brilliance and popularity of this blog and Coopers page. Just trying to stir up trouble like jealous 7th graders, they are so pathetic it's actually funny

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      coopers page is made up of all his followers anyone that ever disagreed with him he blocked or kicked off, hes afraid of an educational disagreement..the same 10 people comment the rest just laugh at him cause hes such a hyprocrite.

    2. You keep thinking that. Call me many things, hypocrites not one. I'm not like you sleazeballs, none if you have anything to do anymore except troll blogs, pitiful. Your jealous my page put Franco's blog and column out of business. Blow me!

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Coops page is made up of 3,100 people. Say what you want, that's a lot of people. Probably more than read the Record

    4. Anonymous5:57 PM

      do you really think you put francos blog out of business...thats funny...no one is jealous of your 3100 followers when you only have 10 people commenting..You are definitely a legend in your own mind.

    5. When did I mention 3100 members, is it that many?? Wow that's a lot!

    6. Go check it out Harry, I have told you time and time again to request membership, I will add you in a second!!! But wait, you guys have no idea who in an, SunTrust what you tell everyone, hey what's one more lie

    7. Anonymous7:46 AM

      you would let harry on but blocked anyone who disagreed with you...wouldnt even let his wife on when she requested.

  18. Anonymous11:51 AM

    This blog is freaking hilarious. A few post back "hanging with Cooper" you set the bar on credibility yet when presented with the evidence you refuse to post comments. You find credibility in the most bizarre people as long as they blast Harry. Lies and personal attacks are your litmus test for these mentally challenged knuckle dragging drop outs. Racially charged and religion hating jar heads are what you all find plausible. Yet all you people have the abilities to coexist with Wade hating so call Democrats its fucking priceless. HG4YN. Also I'm not Harry.

  19. Anonymous11:51 AM

    This blog is freaking hilarious. A few post back "hanging with Cooper" you set the bar on credibility yet when presented with the evidence you refuse to post comments. You find credibility in the most bizarre people as long as they blast Harry. Lies and personal attacks are your litmus test for these mentally challenged knuckle dragging drop outs. Racially charged and religion hating jar heads are what you all find plausible. Yet all you people have the abilities to coexist with Wade hating so call Democrats its fucking priceless. HG4YN. Also I'm not Harry.

  20. Anonymous3:54 PM

    If you want to attack Cooper put your name on it like he does. Then you might get published.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      this site doesnt publish thh truth and cooper is soo happy about that.

    2. What do I give a shit about the truth, like I said, what you see is what you get. Blow me!

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    You took the bait. Welcome from behind the curtain Cooper. Now that we know you heading this blog up please tell use who doing the writing for you? The spelling tells us all its not you. HG4YN
    Ps just between you and me you know everything I wrote and you wouldn't print is all true. Not only do we now know who you are we all know what you are and always did.

  22. Your right you douchbag, I'm nowhere near this brilliant. Unlike yourself I don't write blogs about myself you tool!!! Crist

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      cant reply without being vulgar..doesnt like being called out.

    2. Called out for what???? If you think I have anything to do with blog your more retarded then I thought! Get me out of your head, I don't want to be there!

    3. If you were better people, there would have been no need for my page!! With that I leave you. Losers!!

    4. Anonymous9:26 PM

      your problem is you think people actually care about what you say and do when all they are doing is laughing at you, all the way down to city hall, you know the ones your blowing are laughing at you!

    5. Anonymous7:43 AM

      you should care with your fantasy facebook life that you pretendto live!! You are a joke and btw this is not harry so you can stop blaming him for everything that happens.

    6. Fantasy Facebook life?? What exactly is that? Are those not my kids, or my house truck or car? Are those not my jobs I'm posting. What exactly is a fantasy Facebook life? Don't you have better things to do. Obviously not.

    7. Put your name on your post and don't be a coward.

    8. Anonymous6:24 AM

      What is a Fantasy Facebook life? And what exactly is Fantasy about Randy`s page? I'm confused. Can you explain please?

    9. Anonymous4:29 PM

      name: Scott Roy

  23. Fantomas5:31 PM

    Jesus, Harry & Co. get a life.

    Sorry for the off-color language. I don't usually swear like that.

  24. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Potty Mouth

  25. What the hell is wrong with going to college? If you can avoid the indoctrination, it can be very useful.

  26. Anonymous8:00 PM

    @ HG4YN you are my new idol! hahaha you toying with these tough guy boobs is like hooking sunfish at Dykans Pond!

  27. Anonymous8:17 PM

    1....2....3.....4....5....post in a row! Sure where not in your head! Your so out of your mind even Robert isn't even posting. 3100 followers so do the math that's 12 real people with lots of multiple personalities. But you have a good staff on this blog. HBG4YN.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Have you morons even been on the TROY NY page ? There are more than ten people commenting on one post! Your delusion runs deep, one video post by Coop had 2000 views, another one from last week has almost 800. Those ten members who post must watch the videos all day. I never seen a bigger bunch of jealous fools than "the old city hall crowd" Coop is a good guy who last time I checked has 2 of his kids living with him full time and a third that's works for him. So make all the underhanded, juvenile posts you want, I'm a mom and I have an ex husband who wants nothing to do with his kids hasn't seen them in years even though he is ten miles away. You people are pathetic! Your dirty ways got most of you bounced from elected positions and now you are all obsessed with Randy. I wish my ex was 1% of the dad Randy is. Go Away Mr Tutunjians, no one cares about you

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      he has kids living with him N, W one is an adult one is almost one, stop believing everything he post about his perfect world its a delusion. His son doesnt work for him works with him get that straight he does not own that business. so stop drinking the kool-ade

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM

      It's called Cooper Paving

    4. Anonymous7:31 AM

      this week

  28. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Just like maddens sister says she knew nothing about Kevin Rogers rehiring ststus. Really does she think anyone believed that? Wonder what her relationship to the Rogers family is

  29. Baaaaaaaaaa Humbug How many Fraudulent Absentee Ballots have graced the Counter of the BOE is it a Million maybe a Trillion Its Time To Clean house and get rid of all of those Mutha Suckas in the BOE

    Word Up Men & Women

  30. http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2015/07/county_health_official_sent_50.html
