Monday, July 07, 2008


There have been several well publicized crimes in recent weeks. According to some, crime appears to be on the rise in Troy. However, well-publicized crimes does not mean that crime is on the rise. Only time will tell.

We do know that Troy's Street Crimes Unit has received good (and well-deserved) publicity in recent weeks. For example, the SCU nabbed Stanley Lewis in late June:

Members of the city Police Street Crimes Unit arrested an armed man Friday night who repeatedly resisted arrest and had to be tasered before he could be apprehended, police said.

Stanley Lewis, 46, was arrested near the intersection of Swift Street and Sixth Avenue around 10:22 p.m. as he was concealing a fully-loaded .380 caliber handgun.

That's a big gun, about three times as big as a .126 caliber handgun. And, these guys got him before he used it, which is the real trick, isn't it. In fact, Dean and the SCU (soon to be a new Law and Order franchise) are doing such a good job they have garnered praise from fellow officers:

From: Joseph.Centanni
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 5:25 PM

Hi- Thanks for taking a moment to read this. I just want to point out to everyone that it is important to recognize the impact that the SCU has had on reducing violent street crimes in Troy. Dave Dean has done an amazing job ( as always!) in taking this unit from an abyss and getting the most out of it. The positive press generated from Dave on behalf of Troy in the last 5 days has been awesome. Troy is SAFE!!

If you see Dave around, please thank him on behalf of a safer citizenry. Thank him for me also.
GO SCU!! GO DAVE!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Joe Centanni

P.S. I will be out of town for the next few days working on my eating disorder and pumping iron.

Nice, huh.

But, Centanni sent a follow-up:

From: Joseph.Centanni
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 2:27 PM

On 06/27/08, I made the error of leaving my computer unlocked while Dave Dean was around. By now you are all aware an e-mail was sent with my name on it. I would like to set the record straight and tell you all, that was not me. Dave Dean isn't doing that good of a job with SCU. The unit runs itself. Any credit for its success, should be given to the patrolman assigned, not Dean.

The real Joe Centanni

We'd list the recipients of both e-mails but that would be everybody: city hall employees, administration, council members etc.

The first e-mail is obviously over the top hyperbole and we'd be astounded if anyone took it seriously before they even reached the PS.

The second sounds rather harsh if the first was mere ball breaking. We've heard that Dean and Centanni sit next to one another (due to assigned seating). We've heard they're friends. We've heard they're not friends. Whatever the case may be, and despite the damn fine ball-breaking in the first e-mail, using someones e-mail without their consent is bad touch.

We understand that Internal Affairs is now involved.

As Mike Brady would say: I think we all learned a valuable lesson. What that lesson is remains to be seen.

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