Wednesday, June 04, 2008



Now that June is here and we're behind on our community service hours, posting will be two or three times a week.


Why is Congressional Candidate Tracey Brooks (along with Governor David Paterson)trying to turn us gay?

Tracey Brooks:

...offered support to the Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council (CDGLCC) and announced plans to participate in CAPITAL PRIDE 2008, which runs from May 29 to June 8. Brooks also unveiled her platform on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues and offered a pledge of steadfast support to the LGBT community.

"I look forward to participating in CAPITAL PRIDE 2008 and congratulate the Capital District Gay and Lesbian Community Council on the organization's more than thirty years of activism on behalf of the Capital District's LGBT community. CAPITAL PRIDE promises to be a great success and I'm looking forward to marching in next Sunday's Pride Parade," said Brooks. "I whole-heartedly support the LGBT community and will fight for legal protections and rights for all LGBT people including the ability of two loving people to legally wed, and adopt and raise their children with full parenting rights."

Tracey Brooks supports the following:

A transgender-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act;
The Matthew Shepard Act adding our community to the nation's hate crimes legislation;
Same-sex marriage;
Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act;
Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell;
Increased funding for HIV/AIDS education, prevention and research and getting rid of the abstinence only programs that simply do not work; and,
Legislation that changes our immigration laws so that bi-national couples are recognized and the U.S. citizen of the couple can sponsor his or her non-U.S. partner for citizenship.

Congrats to Brooks. We thought this deserved greater attention. Few candidates are as clear and unabashed in their support for what some believe to be a controversial issues. But, if we find our children secretly downloading Judy Garland recording onto their Ipods, we're calling Brooks.


Phil Steck thwarts old guard and secures the Albany County Democratic Committee endorsement for U.S. representative in the 21st District

All it took was a cue from Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings, said Albany County Legislator Phil Steck, and the room began to clear out—a remaining vestige of the power the mayor once exerted over the Albany County Democratic Committee. Except this time, the mayor’s sway wouldn’t prove strong enough.

Candidate Tracey Brooks responded:

"Last night, Jack McNulty made an impassioned plea for party unity and democracy that we fully supported and that all the candidates supported but one.

I was heartened to see so many grassroots committee members supporting my campaign based on the right priorities, a different kind of experience and our message of making change happen.

We look forward to working with our legion of supporters in Albany County and in all seven counties of the 21st District as we begin the petition process, continue building on our momentum and move towards victory in the fall."

The issue was, according to Metroland:

"...the Steck camp was able to deflect an attempt by another Brooks supporter and father of the outgoing Congressman, Jack McNulty, to pass a motion stating that the committee should not endorse any of the candidates in the heated primary competition. It was a move that many had hoped the committee would have taken, McNulty reportedly argued, if for no other reason than to preserve “party unity.”

Steck was also endorsed by the Independence Party. Paul Tonko was endorsed by the Working Families Party.


Local attorney Brian Premo officially announced his campaign to challenge Senator Joe for State Senate.

And, of course, The Record, couldn't just print a story on Premo. They had to allow the GOP to toss in some digs. We're all for taking shots at politicians but typically, the official announcement story is about the candidate, not a show case for the opposition. There's plenty of time for that during the campaign. But, as long as they did, this is pretty funny:

Larry Bugbee, the Republican commissioner of the Rensselaer County Board of Elections, confirmed that Premo had failed to vote in seven regular November elections between 1993 and 2003 and that he had changed his political party affiliations several times over the years, from Democrat to Republican, and most recently back to Democrat.

And, a Rensselaer County Family Court Judge was censured by those damned, liberal hippies on the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.

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