Tuesday, April 15, 2008


With the addition of John Aretakis, the race for the congressional seat of retiring Congressman Mike McNulty now boats no fewer than 43 candidates.

What are they up to:*

Phil Steck:

Phil Steck, Democratic candidate in the race to succeed retiring Congressman Mike McNulty (NY-21) announced today that he will be reporting to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) at the April 15 deadline that he has contributions exceeding $200,000 for the 1st Quarter. Steck said that he actively started fundraising just 60 days ago and his efforts have resulted in 355 donors, 85% of whom are from the 21st congressional district.

Steck has also recently reported that he has been endorsed by over 40 local elected officials and party leaders, representing serious grassroots strength. “I am very pleased with the results of our efforts over the past 2 months,” said Steck. “I am not surrounded by an army of lobbyists and my campaign, both our field organization and our fundraising, has tremendous support right here in the Capital Region community. These local donors and 40 local officials who have endorsed my candidacy are a testament to that.”

Steck is also talking about healthcare:

Democratic congressional candidate Phil Steck said that a new survey of doctors shows that the country is moving closer to a national single-payer health program. An Annals of Internal Medicine study released yesterday, conducted by two doctors at Indiana University , says that 59% of doctors support a single-payer universal health program. Last month, Steck joined with local members of Physicians for a National Health Program to express his support for single-payer health care.

“Over the past few months, I have talked to a large number of doctors and hospital administrators in the Capital Region and they have consistently expressed their support for a single-payer health care system,” said Steck. “We already have a system similar to single- payer that works very well called Medicare. In the single-payer system, doctors and patients make choices, not insurance and drug companies.”

Single-payer health care, also called “Medicare for All,” is a system where a public or quasi-public entity manages health financing. The estimated annual savings from eliminating administrative waste caused by private insurers is $350 billion per year. This money is now spent on insurance executive compensation and bonuses, overhead, underwriting, billing, and sales and marketing departments.

Tracey Brooks:

Congressional Candidate Tracey Brooks met with local residents
and small business owners to discuss the impact of rising food and gas
prices on household budgets across the Capital Region.

"We need to ease the squeeze on our local middle-class," said Brooks,
a Democratic candidate in the 21st Congressional District. "From
working families trying to make ends meet, to seniors living on fixed
incomes, to individuals just trying to make it on their own, we can't
afford to wait any longer as seven years of Bush Administration
policies have left us with out-of-control prices for gas and basic
commodities that make it more difficult for most Americans to keep up,
let alone get ahead."

Brooks is also no slouch when it comes to raising cash.

Tracey Brooks, one of several Democrats vying to succeed U.S. Rep. Michael McNulty, said today that she’s raised $175,000 in campaign contributions.


The Sanctuary for Independent Media, closed since March 11 by order of the City of Troy, will re-open on Saturday, April 26, 2008. The celebration features the inauguration of a major traveling art exhibit, "An Atlas of Radical Cartography," at 6 PM, followed at 8 PM by the Capital Region premiere of noted New York City-based jazz vocalist Fay Victor and her ensemble. Admission to the art opening is free of charge, admission to the all-ages music show is $10. For directions and more information, visit http://www.mediasanctuary.org/, email info@MediaSanctuary.org, or call (518) 272-2390.

The Tutunjian Administration may despise the First Amendment, they may attack the First Amendment, but they can't kill free speech.

*All candidates are free to send us campaign information and news.

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