Friday, April 25, 2008


The political cycle in Troy hums along. Scandal, controversy and then things quiet down. It's down time now so here's a few miscellaneous items.

Franco followed the Jeffery Hunter case closely. His column on the case and the appeal is worth a read.

The State Audit of the controversial North Greenbush Water District has generated a lot of ink.
The topic is on tonight's Council meeting agenda. The issue also found it's way into Metroland.

In the wake of the state audit of North Greenbush’s project mismanagement, everyone is trying to direct the blame

One thing is certain: Water District 14 is a comedy of errors. And it has been, according to the findings of state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, since the beginning.

The Water District 14 capital project in North Greenbush, to extend water service to roughly 1,000 homes, was undertaken back in 2003 with an estimated price tag of $5.5 million. In 2005, the town was authorized by the state to increase that expenditure to $7.1 million for a $6.4 million contract price. Upon nearing completion the following year, according to the comptroller’s audit, members of the community, as well as officials, began to worry that the project was running drastically over budget.

Troy's City Hall Review Committee will meet on April 28, at 6:30PM. Be careful if you decide to attend. Hard hats will be distributed at the door.

Finally, still no word on whether Troy's Empire State Development grant money application has been approved. As of April 1st the application had not been approved. Funds from this grant were earmarked for the demolition of City Hall as well as some of the Hedley properties.

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