Monday, February 11, 2008



For those interested in Congressional races, the field in the 21st District is getting crowded. The latest entry is Tracey Brooks.

Brooks is seeking the Democratic nomination for the 21st Congressional District, a seat currently held by Democratic Congressman Mike McNulty who last year announced his intention to retire from Congress.

“In 2006, the American people called for a new direction, asked Congress to refocus their priorities and watched Democrats start to make necessary changes in Washington,” Brooks said. “But now, in 2008, the people are still calling for change, are still asking Congress to focus on the right priorities and are looking for leaders with the right experience to make that change a reality.”

We like Brooks, if for no other reason than she took on popular Assemblyman Pat Casele a few years ago and ran a good, uphill campaign. She lost but it takes guts to take on an incumbent. Brooks does have something of a disreputable past but has been endorsed by Mayor Ellen McNulty Ryan.

Albany County Legislator, Phil Steck has also announced:

Phil Steck, candidate for New York’s 21st Congressional District, announced today that he has received early endorsements from 29 local elected officials and Democratic Party officials in Albany County. Steck said that he has also had conversations with dozens of local officials throughout the Congressional District and expects to pick up more local support in the coming weeks.

GOP candidate Warren Redlich has declined to run.

Fred LeBrun has more about the contest.


For those of you who may not read Metroland, Chet Hardin's has had some good pieces lately.

One on the new Council and one on City Hall.

Finally, last week, the Democrats revoked the GOP pay raises and Harry gave his least inspired State of the City Address. If you're a masochist you can find the text on the City's website.

That's it. Too damn cold to blog.

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