Monday, February 25, 2008


A few things for you to chew on from around the region. Nothing big. Not on a Monday.


The TU blog has followed an amusing story about cybersquatting. We once cybersquatted for a few hours with a feisty blond. We assume they're talking about something different.

Brooks has received the endorsement of Cohoes Mayor John McDonald. As endorsements go, that's a good one. Only Jennings and Stratton would bring more to the table.


Will Guilderland be the next North Greenbush?

The assault is likely a response to Csaposs’ call for the head of GOP Town Board member Warren Redlich for writing a satirical news article post on which contains an image of a bethonged woman that I can not link to from this site because I’m family-friendly.

Since we're only family-friendly in the sense of the Manson's being a family, but thong-friendly, we'll link to Mr. Redlich's articles.


Troy Fire Chief Tom Garrett has expressed concerns over National Grid's response time to a number of calls.

Here's the February 19 article and the February 20 article. If our house caught fire and National Grid was needed, we'd want them to show-up at light-speed. We can also appreciate a professional fire fighter's frustration in not being able to fight a fire. Twenty or twenty five minutes of waiting must feel like an eternity.

On the other hand, a twenty or twenty-five minute response time does not seem unreasonable. The unit was dispatched from Cohoes. That's not a long trip but it's not like they were coming from downtown Troy. National Grid is not a police force and not a fire department. A utility company has a different mission. Perhaps monopolies are not a good thing.

The Plymouth model, mentioned in the article, is a good idea. It still won't guarantee a response time. Garrett's public bitching is probably a better guarantor of a speedier response time than any written policy.

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