Friday, February 15, 2008


We thought people might have a few comments about last night's Planning Board meeting.

Also on tonight’s planning board agenda are proposals by Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute to demolish eight residential buildings on Eighth Street, five residential buildings on College Avenue and two residential buildings near the intersection of Eighth and Federal streets.

Did anyone attend?


The Record reports on 250k in overtime for Police and Fire.

Before everyone goes crazy:

Much of that overtime is covered by grants including federal Weed and Seed money and state IMPACT grants, said Troy Police Department spokesman Capt. John Cooney.

“A substantial portion of that overtime is grant-funded and will be totally reimbursed to the city at a later date,” he said.

Speaking of Police, the Administration pledged to sit down with the PBA this week and hammer-out a contract. On Monday, the Administration canceled without notice. On Thursday, they canceled once again.

Ever notice how quickly things got done when it was Tutunjian, Crawley, Mirch and Mitchell that needed a cost of living increase?


Thought we'd share this on the off chance....

In 1997, the Troy Police Benevolent Association started a college fund for a 3-year-old girl who witnessed her mother’s murder in a Griswold Heights apartment. Today, that fund is in the area of $50,000, leaving only one problem — no one knows where the girl is.

“This was certainly one of the saddest cases we have seen in the last two decades,” said Capt. John Cooney, the department spokesman who was president of the PBA when the fund was created.

Amber Santana, now 14, has not been heard from by the department since shortly after the incident occurred. Police are currently unaware if she still resides in the Capital District or even in New York state.

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