Wednesday, January 02, 2008


We hope everyone had a safe and Holiday Season.

There will be a lot of changes coming in 2008.

The Democrats now control the Troy City Council.

Who will they hire? According to Talespin:

It looks like they will appoint Vic “Bud” DeBonis, an attorney who ran unsuccessfully against Councilman Mark Wojcik in District 1, as their legislative assistant. It’ll do two things: avoid having to create a new position, an attorney for the council, through the sticky Civil Service system while still giving the council their own attorney on “day one” so they don’t have to rely on the corporation counsels office.

The city clerk will be Bill McInerney, a former state Assembly employee and a longtime committeeman, and the city auditor will be Mary Beth Quinn, wife of former clerk Larry Quinn. Robert Martiniano, who ran for council a few years ago, will be the confidential secretary to Council President Clement Campana.

Initially, it looked as though the Council would hire it's own attorney (under the Charter provision that allows them to hire consultants). The choice of Bud DeBonis as Legislative Assistant kills two birds with one stone.

Rumors did spread that North Greenbush Town Attorney Josh Sabo would be hired as the Council's attorney. Those rumors proved unfounded. However, there will be a Troy-North Greenbush connection. It is rumored that Troy City Councilman Hank Bauer will become an assistant town attorney for North Greenbush. If Bauer decides to take the position, we wish him well.


Despite the 6-3 lineup, the Democrats will not have a Vito-Proof majority. More from Talespin:

We also hear Vito Ciccarelli, the former legislative assistant who ran for the council but lost, as of tomorrow, will get a job as events coordinator for the city and former Councilwoman Carolin Collier, who lost her District 6 seat, will get a job in the Planning Department.

Congrats to Vito and Carolin.

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