Thursday, December 27, 2007


We continue our Christmas break so postings will be light between now and the end of next week. For the political junkies among you, we offer the final numbers for the Troy City Council At-Large races.

Bauer also received 577 votes on the Independence line and 499 votes on the Conservative line. Ciccarelli received 590 IND and 502 on the CON. Talarico received 601 IND and 500 Conservative. Those numbers are reflected in the final tally but not broken down by District.

In the next few days we'll put up the final numbers in Tutunjian's landslide re-election victory.



Maybe even grab a cup of coffee? Incoming Council President Clem Campana and Mayor Harry Tutunjian have pledged to talk.

TROY -- Republican Mayor Harry Tutunjian and the City Council's new Democratic majority have pledged to talk out issues in 2008 even though they clearly have different priorities heading into the new year.

Kenneth Crowe has the full story.

The Mayor could show his good faith by ordering Corporation Counsel David Mitchell to do his, Mitchell's, job. Mitchell failed to draft a number of resolutions requested by Democrats in preparation for the upcoming Council meeting. While Mitchell was not given the requisite time in which to draft those proposed resolutions that never seemed to stop him before. The outgoing council was notorious for last-minute agenda changes.

Why the sudden adherence to the City Charter?

From Monday's Talespin:
Starting off on the wrong foot

We hear that portions of what the Democrats on the City Council wanted on the next month’s agenda will not be included so there will be another meeting of the Finance Committee on Jan. 2 so they make it on the agenda for Jan. 3 organizational and regular council meetings.

Included in issues that Tutunjian’s staff did not include on the present agenda are putting the $10,000 raise the current GOP controlled council gave the mayor to a referendum, creating a committee to explore the City Hall deal, modifying the non-represented employee policy and shifting the denied Freedom of Information requests from the corporation council’s office to the council’s Law Committee.

The rationale, we hear, is that any proposed legislation has to be submitted to the corporation council’s office four weeks in advance for it to have a chance to make it on the agenda.

Imagine that, the mayor’s office abiding by the charter.

The road could be bumpy for the next few weeks.

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