Thursday, November 08, 2007


Lets switch our post-mortem gears and head towards the political Mogadishu of Rensselaer County: North Greenbush. But first, some history.

For newcomers, the political landscape in the GB's may be confusing. In short, due to the political acrimony of the past few years, the southern portion of Greenbush seceded and formed the Town of East Greenbush. A year later, a wall between the two towns was erected to keep refugees from the North Greenbush from fleeing. Talks about reuniting the two towns have stalled. Honest.

When is the last time a slate of candidates had every significant party line and still had to run a campaign? North Greenbush 2007, that when.

The results from the Times Union:

The Greenbush Party was a small, mobile force that lived off the land. In the space of a few weeks, they planted a few signs (about half of which have pulled a Judge Crater), sent a few mailers, did minimal door-to-door campaigning and made some robo-calls.

In the end, it looks like up to 3640 people braved the shrapnel and small arms fire to head to the polls. Incumbent Supervisor Mark Evers led the DRIC (Dem, Rep, Ind, Cons) Party with 2150 votes. The remainder of the DRIC's received roughly 2000 votes. The Greenbush Party candidates seemed to hit a ceiling of roughly 1300 votes, with Supervisor candidate Sabo almost reaching 1500 votes.

Al Spain was the exception. The only DRIC candidate not to get the GOP endorsement (Al only got DIC), Spain rain about 300 votes behind the DRICs.

Supervisor candidate Josh Sabo is also the town attorney. He'll be out of a job in seven weeks. Sabo, daunted by the task of moving his office, has asked former town attorney Linda Mandel-Clemente to help him move the files. You know, for client confidentiality reasons.

What have we learned? Signs have a tendency to run away. They are usually found later, in garages and trucks. We've also learned that if the goal of the Spain faction was to rid the town of the unholy influence of Ashley & Smith, they could have endorsed Democrats (actual Democrats) and still have been victorious.

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