Monday, November 19, 2007


Today's Talespin has this to say on the Tedesco letter:

Seems there is some friction about a letter endorsing Councilwoman Carolin Collier in her failed bid for a fourth term representing District 6 in Troy.Word on the street is the letter, penned by Assistant Police Chief John Tedesco, got under the skin of Police Chief Nick Kaiser. Some say it was in retaliation to a letter of support of Collier's opponent, Gary Galuski, who handedly beat her, by Police Benevolent Association President Bob Fitzgerald.

Also, word on the street is there was a big pow-wow with the mayor, the PBA president, the corporation counsel and the two police chiefs along with the DA.Since Galuski beat Collier, we honestly don't see it going anywhere, but word is the Police Department was all in a tizzy over it.Further proof it does not take much to get the Police Department all in a tizzy.

Additionally, we've heard that the pow-wow featured shouts from.....well, lets just say that post -election, he's not acting like a jolly, old elf anymore.

We haven't seen the letter, so if you have a minute, scan it and send it along.


A Notice of Claim has been served on the City. Ironically, it involves the contract for landscaping the Gateway Improvement Project (hereinafter GIP). The landscaping done at the Menands Bridge has been the subject of much chatter lately. The locals are not pleased with what they believe to be the finished product.


Rumor has it that Commissioner of Planning & Whatever Else, Judy Breselor, has been let go. Not enough of a 'Yes' Girl, according to some. Or, are they making room for someone else? Someone who can turn the world on with her smile?


Ray Lemka's historic write-in campaign to win the Schodack supervisor's race fell 11 votes short Friday after a final count found an election night tabulation error, according to unofficial results from the Rensselaer County Board of Elections.

Incumbent Republican Supervisor Beth Secor defeated Lemka, 1,722 to 1,711, after the challenged votes were opened and the error was discovered in Lemka's write-in tallies.

Lemka's write-in votes from the 20 voting machines had not been reviewed since they were first counted late at night on election night, Republican Elections Commissioner Larry Bugbee said. - Times Union

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