Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Tonight, at 7:00PM, the candidates in Troy's Mayors race will debate. Or talk. Or meet the voters. Or whatever this is.

The date: October 16th. The Time: 7:00 pm. The Place: the Commission of Economic Opportunity, 2331 Fifth Avenue in Troy.

As a citizen of the United States and a resident of Troy, attending the debate is probably the single, most important thing you can do to keep our democracy healthy. A thriving democracy requires sacrifice from citizens. True sacrifice is more than penning snarky Letters-to-the-Editor letters or calling Sound-Off to complain about the new television guide format or being treated rudely at a Public Hearing or holding signs and walking in circles. Those activities have a place in our democracy, true. But, is it a true sacrifice?

True sacrifice means missing an episode of 'House' to sit in a hot, partisan-packed hall listening to elected and would-be elected officials drone on and on and on. If you want to put the cherry on top of your sacrifice, and what American doesn't, take the seat next to the sweaty, fat guy (also known as 'the ultimate sacrifice').


1. This is an ELECTION! Don't be selfish. This isn't about you, your concerns, needs or questions. This is about blindly supporting your candidate in their time of need and acknowledging that everything they say is the divinely-inspired revealed truth. Stop thinking about yourself and think about the needs of those who put their reputation on the line to serve the public with no reward except inflated salaries and excellent health benefits.

2. Be polite with your questions. Only malcontents, rabble-rousers and those dripping with Hippie-Stink ask impolite, pointed questions. There is a way to be polite and still demand definitive answers. Example? "Your Excellency, everyone agrees that your Administration has ushered in a new Golden Age. I think it's like Florence under the Medici. My friend says it's more like Athens under Pericles. Which is it? See, polite but still demanding answers to tough questions.

3. If you get to ask a question (as opposed to a moderator reading questions) avoid eye contact. Politicians view eye contact as a challenge. Keep your eyes down, ask your question and then slowly back away while bowing.

4. Don't feed the debate participants.

5. Remember, just because a politician says something without thinking doesn't mean you shouldn't give serious consideration to what was said.

Good Luck.


The Greenbush Party held a fundraiser last night at Moscatiello's Restaurant. It was, by all accounts, well attended.

For those of you who don't know (and especially for you that don't care) the Greenbush Party is a town party consisting of Democrats who don't like endorsing Republicans, Republicans who don't like GOP Chairman Jack Casey's choices, Conservatives who will run with Democrats.....We like to think of it as the Stromboli Party. It's also the one party that will allow the residents of North Greenbush more choices than a mid-1970's Soviet Union Politburo Elelction.

The GP also must be given credit for making the most of their shoe-string budget. They have produced 'VOTE ROW "F" lawn signs that are quite distinctive with a lovely gold field and dark lettering. Paid for with actual shoe strings. Quite striking.

So remember, Vote Row "F". Or don't. We don't really care. And Mr. Evers, Tear Down That Wall!

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