Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Yes, Beverly has balls. No disrespect intended, by the way. We're not talking Man-Balls. But, she does have Lady-Balls.

It's rare when an elected official bucks his/her own party. It's extraordinarily rare when a rookie candidate goes after her own party and criticizes the city's Caporegime.

That's why Beverly Traa's campaign to unseat Democrat Bill Dunne in District 4 is so exciting. Traa, a political neophyte,* is running on the Republican ticket but does not hesitate to attack Mayor Tutunjian.

The Mayor never fails to inform us that Troy is safer under his regime. Not so, says Traa:

"Let's get real on CRIME. That means simply holding nothing back. How many children and others do we have to sacrifice before WE say "enough is enough?" WE MUST WORK TOGETHER TO REDUCE CRIME. I urge your trust that we can find a common ground on which to proceed."

And if you doubt her sincerity, please note all the capital letters. Over-capitalization equals political hardball.

The Mayor says Troy is cleaner. Whoa, says Traa:

"We need a campaign to clean up our city and the Pride to keep it clean.
Every individual must be responsible for the litter they create, or that which they find in front of their own building. Our city is dirty. Let's change it."

Ok, fewer capitals but she's still sincere.

And finally, Traa takes on Lansingburgh, wondering why one part of the city has co-opted Troy's most famous son:

"Uncle Sam is ours. We need to build a respectful and proper historic site to honor Uncle Sam, a Totally Troy national and international icon, and to develop a tour which honors the life of Samuel Wilson, the real Uncle Sam."**

Mayor Tutunjian has yet to answer Traa's challenge. Lansingburgh issued a statement saying that Sam Wilson has not be harmed and will be returned once all their demands are met.

* Neophyte means 'new' phyte.

** We applaud Traa. This City should explore the life and times of the real Sam Wilson, not merely the symbolic figure.

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