Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Don't miss Thursday's very special Troy City Council meeting. So special, in fact that we almost missed the very special Notice:

And the public hearing to take place immediately before the meeting:

What do they want to use our grant money for?

Why, to demolish City Hall. So, in addition to giving the land away, we're also taking grant money that could go to existing businesses and doing the work for the private developer?

One would think, with the Troy Renaissance and all, that developers would be beg to purchase the city hall property, perhaps even engage in a bidding war for that property and not even blink at the cost of demolition.

Looks like Harry has broken out his knee pads.

More tomorrow on this brilliant deal.


The sheer shamelessness of the County GOP is breathtaking. From the TU blog:

The Democrats have picked a former Schodack Republican to fill the Rensselaer County Legislative seat vacated by the death Sept. 8 of Schodack farmer and District 4 GOP Legislator Edward R. Swartz. The Democrats met Sunday and tapped town resident and East Greenbush businessman Robert Zinzow to run for the spot this November.

Of course, not wanting to "play politics" the GOP had this to say:

The majority Republicans, who are scheduled to pick a replacement Sept. 24, fired off a press release this morning criticizing the Democrats for acting too quickly on their choice on the heels of such a tragedy.

“Quite frankly, I am surprised Democrats would put up a candidate, based on the tragic circumstances involved here,” said Chairman of the Legislature Republican
Neil J. Kelleher. “This is a community tragedy, not a political opportunity.” One Republican legislator hinted that their party should not be challenged for the seat out of respect for Swartz.

Quite frankly, we're surprised the County GOP leaders would use this tragedy as an excuse to play politics and blast the Democrats. After all, who issued a press release using the death? Classy, guys, real classy.

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