Thursday, August 09, 2007


Note: Posting may remain light for the remainder of the summer. Nothing much is going on right now except for the petition issues out in North Greenbush. That issue is being covered heavily by a number of other blogs. We may chime in soon but frankly, it gives us headaches.

Councilwoman Carolin Collier sounds like a real rookie.

According to The Record, contract negotiations between the City and the Troy PBA remain snagged over the residency issue. Under a 1995 City law, members of the Troy Police Department must live within Troy City limits.

However, residency was part of the negotiations that took place between the City and the PBA at an August 3 meeting. Collier had this to say:
"I'm surprised that it would be part of the negotiations after the Council met and the majority said they would not touch the law but leave it the way it is." - Carolin Collier, The Record, August 9, 2007.

The law, Carolin? What's all this talk about the law? You're in Troy! In Rensselaer County? The law?

Collier's absolutely correct. As much as we are opposed to residency requirements, contracts that violate the law are void, or at the very least, voidable. The residency law needs to be addressed before that topic can be incorporated into any contract.

At a rough guess, we'd say at least 60% of the voting public favors residency requirements. Maybe more. Either way, residency appears popular and it's unlikely that the Council would rescind the law, especially in an election year. But, we're talking about Troy.

The law? That's funny.



Troy, New York (August 7, 2007)- John Brown, Democratic candidate for City Council-at-large, today proposed the City of Troy formulate a task force to explore development possibilities for the historic Proctors Theatre. Opened in 1914, Proctors was last operated in 1977.
Brown stated, “this majestic theatre closed its doors decades ago and since that time the structure has been deteriorating. We need to act. By saving this building we can breathe life back into this block of our downtown.”

Brown proposes the task force be comprised of citizens and experts and represent the city’s stakeholders. He pledged if elected he would introduce legislation to create the committee. The city council candidate stressed it should not be a partisan issue.

“This is about economic development and having a vision and a plan for the City of Troy. This task force should reflect the interests of our business community, our university partners and our City government.”, Brown continued.

One idea Brown said could be considered would be reopening Proctors as a theatre to be the permanent home of the New York State Theatre Institute (NYSTI). NYSTI was previously housed at the Egg in Albany and now performs at Russell Sage College.

Question for those in the know: Are the Friends of Proctor's Theater defunct since RPI now owns the building? Is the interior of the theater salvageable or is it a mere shell?

*All candidates are welcome to forward their press releases for publication

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