Thursday, April 12, 2007


Since we've spent considerable time on Intimigate we thought we'd break for some other issues. There will be more on Intimigate later this week or early next week as more information developes. We also hope to bring you another affidavit with more fun facts about Rensselaer County politics.

The Troy Police Department is quietly enforcing the residency requirements that police live within Troy City limits. They're making sure that new recruits abide by the law.

We've discussed this before and come firmly down on the side of abolishing the residency requirement. We know that remains an unpopular position. Reasonable minds can differ on this issue.

Police Officers are not professionals in the strictest sense. They are not licensed by the State of New York as are physicians, nurses etc. However, since they carry guns and have unlimited access to latex gloves, we won't debate the point.

The term professional has taken on a less formal meaning in the past decade and is used in a more figurative way. When we say professional, we mean someone who dresses appropriately, adheres to a high standard of conduct and demonstrates dedication to the job. Aside from the residency requirement, the only thing preventing Troy cops from being completely professional are those white cars. Those cars look like something you win if you sell over $50,000 worth of Mary Kay cosmetics. They really should be dark blue or black. We're thinking Adam-12. Those colors are more imposing and will also bring out their eyes.

We want our police to act in a "professional" manner. Since we desire that, we should treat them like professionals. Dump the residency requirements. If an emergency situation arises and you want police reporting to the station in a timely manner, institute a time policy. Perhaps they should live within a twenty or thirty minute drive. An officer residing in Watervliet can be in downtown Troy in five minutes. An officer residing in the outer-rim of Lansingburgh will take longer to reach the station.

In the end, as long as we can compete for, and retain, the best, do we care where they live? Really, people, our officers have to perform cavity searches. If you can find good people to fill jobs that occasionally involve rectal spelunking, let them live where they want. Besides, we've never heard of any crime victim refusing the aid of a Troy police officer because that officer resides outside the city.

If they residency laws are to be enforced, start at the top. Leaders lead by example. Perhaps Mayor Harry will sign an affidavit ensuring all of us, police included, that all City Hall employees and Public Officers are in compliance with their own residency requirements.

Since Franco has a good piece on the issue we'll stop here.

And hey, lets be careful out there.

This post was filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent (cough,cough) until proven guilty.

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