Wednesday, February 21, 2007



This is just so Troy, NY!

According to Tuesday's Record (Ryan Fitzpatrick):

"An out-of-control industrial snow blower obliterated two utility poles on Middleburgh Street late Monday afternoon, knocking out power to multiple houses surrounding the site of the accident."

The vehicle came to rest after smashing into a porch.

It seems that the 40-year-old machine stalled, causing it to lose it's power steering. In the finest traditions of captains everywhere, the driver abandoned ship and lept to safety. No one was injured.

The Mayor noted: "We'll definitely be buying a new one pretty soon." Ya' think?

On a related note, we heard 3JobBob on Vandenburgh's how the other day. Schenectady Mayor Stratton made a statement that Schenectady's snow removal performance was much better than Troy's or Albany's. 3JB wondered, rightly so, why a mayor would want to pit municipality against municipality? It's a good question and one Stratton hasn't answered. We're with Mirch on this one.

Of course, Stratton's giving us a million bucks of HUD money so maybe we shouldn't press the issue.


Friday will mark the first, "Troy Night Out." More than 50 businesses will stay open from 5PM until 9PM (hookers and crackhouses will remain open until midnight) in an effort to get people to walk around Troy for four hours.

Visitors can walk or utilize the city's remaining industrial snow blower which will be available for transportation.

We're on board. In the spirit of cooperation, the Troy Polloi will stay open until 9PM on Friday night. Stop buy and say hello.


Rumor has it that former Councilman Wayne Foy has expressed interest in running for Troy City Council as a Democrat. Foy had previously represented the 2nd Election District before being defeated by Jack Mahoney.

Rumor also has it that Troy Democratic Chair, Frank LaPosta is luke-warm to the idea of Foy running as a Democrat. LaPosta remains suspicious of party-switchers and isn't sure whether Democrats should embrace someone that has once run with Republicans.


Looks like some has (or will) made a complaint to the State Board of Elections.

It has come to my attention that for the "Friend's Of Harry Tutunjian" periodic filing of January 2007 there is a $1,000 contribution without the address listed. This contribution was given by David B. Mitchell on Sept. 26th 2006 in the form of a Money Order.

It is my understanding that pursuant to section 14-102 of the NYS Election Law, any contribution exceeding $99 must have the address listed. Mr. Mitchell is currently the City of Troy's Corporation Counsel under Mayor Tutunjian.

I am requesting that per your authority you seek compliance of section 14-102 of the NYS Election Law. I look forward to your response.

Don't know where that's going but thought we'd share.


A day without North Greenbush is like a day with sunshine.

The NYS Association of Towns Meeting is being held in NYC this week. The meeting runs from February 19 to February 21. The NGB Supervisor, entire Board, Town Clerk and the Building Dept along with their Spouses are attending. The price tag should be north of $10,000 for the event. The group is staying at is the Hilton on 52nd St. where the nightly room rate is $265 + taxes (actually not a bad rate by NYC standards). Parking is an additional $40/night per car. There will of course be meals and drinks in there somewhere as well as mileage to and from and a $100 fee per person for the meeting.

Query: Who is flipping the bill?

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