Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Blogger was down so a quickie.

The Young Democrats are starting a local chapter. From a press release:

Rensselaer County Young Democrats: Revitalized and Optimistic

Young Democrats in Rensselaer County are meeting monthly and inviting anyone under 35 years of age to join their ranks. Following the recent power shift in both state and national politics, a reformed and rejuvenated Rensselaer County Young Democratic Committee met recently to discuss ways young adults can become active in their Party’s future.

The Rensselaer County Young Democratic Committee will hold meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at 6 pm at Democratic Headquarters at 5 Broadway in Troy. The next meeting will be held on February 7th.

At future meetings the group will adopt a constitution, elect officers, and become a charter member of the statewide association. The Young Democrats are looking forward to participating in several campaigns during the upcoming local races, and plan to capitalize on the Party’s momentum gained in the midterm and statewide elections in November.

Present at the group's first meeting was County Democratic Chairman Thomas W.Wade, who offered advice and encouragement to the revamped organization that he helped establish more than thirty-five years ago. Also in attendance were representatives from the Albany County Young Democrats who offered their suggestions on building an effective committee.

For more information, see the RCYD page on Yahoo Groups or contact Greg Mihalko at

Good to see a group like this in Rensselaer County. Sorry to see it start only after a huge Democratic sweep. The Dems have never used groups like this with the consistency or the effectiveness of the Republicans. The National Young Republicans has been a breeding ground for future Republican leaders and many of the people we know and loath today have come out of the Young Republicans (think Ralph Reed).


We'd like to promote the following blogs:

Democracy in Albany is a reform-minded blog that covers Albany politics, from City Hall to the Capital. DIA is progressive (and undervalues the many positives found in a hereditary/feudal system) but a worthy read if you want to stay up to date on Albany shenanigans.

The Albany Project should be of interest if you follow the state political scene. Like DIA, it is progressive, with an emphasis on reform. In it's own words: The Albany Project seeks to return New York State Government to its rightful owners - the people.

We also believe New York State should belong to the rightful owners: The Livingstons, Clintons and Schuylers. Personally, we don't want it back.

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