Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Has anyone seen John Sweeney. According to the Sunday Times Union, John's having difficulty accepting his recent loss.

It's a rather bizarre article, to say the least. John's been missing votes, he's never in his cubicle and he never calls or writes. Thankfully, a colleague from Texas put together an interesting physical and psychological profile of the current whereabouts of our current congressman.

Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, a close friend of Sweeney's, says the four-term Republican is "frustrated and angry" and feels he was unfairly attacked a week before the election after the Times Union and other newspapers disclosed that police had investigated a domestic dispute between Sweeney and his wife on Dec. 2, 2005.

Sessions, asked why Sweeney was so angry and shocked about his loss, said: "John was disappointed that some frailties in his life were contributing issues to his defeat." He said Sweeney has been ill and his blood pressure had risen.

Sweeney believes he picked up "a bug" during congressional trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Sessions.

"A bug got into his system and lodged in his brain," Sessions said. "It caused unimaginable pain and stress."

Sessions said he and Sweeney are best friends and that his two children refer to Sweeney as "Uncle John."

The truly sad part about this is Sessions children. How does one tell their children that Uncle John has a brain bug?

Maybe it was an earwig that crawled into his brain. Maybe it laid eggs! The horror...the horror.


It's the holiday season again. Time to lay aside politics and have some fun.

One of the unintended results of the compact disc era is the demise of LP's and cover art. No one really cares about CD art. No one really bothers to look at CD covers. Has anyone ever said, "The CD cover is really cool." The demise of album cover art is a real shame. Some things should never be forgotten. During the month of December, we'll feature our favorite album covers of the last thirty or forty years.

So, return with us now and enjoy these unique album covers, the likes of which we'll never see again.

Who can forget The Ministers Quartet and their number one album:

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Or, the soothing melodies of:

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