Sunday, November 05, 2006


Tim Gordon is running for a seat in the Assembly (108th). His opponent is Rensselaer County Legislator Martin Reid.

Gordon is the only real choice here. Reid is one of the culprits in the pay raise fiasco from last year. He's yet to explain his vote. He's also yet to explain why Rensselaer County taxes continue to go up and up and up. Voting against Reid is a great way to punish our county legislators for their fiscal greed and incompetence.

Sure, Reid's ads inform us that he's voted to cut taxes 5 times (or 6 or 7 or 8). What that really means is that instead of voting for a proposed tax hike of 12%, he voted for a tax hike of 8%. See, he voted to cut taxes!

Read about Gordon here, at his campaign website. We like the idea of having an Independent (albeit endorsed by the Democrats) assemblyman. Besides, why not go with a guy who has been endorsed by Spitzer? It couldn't hurt the area.

There has also been some interesting politicking in the 108th. The following is a press release from Keith Hammond and the WFP:

My name is Tom Comanzo and I am the co-chair of the Working Families Party Steering Committee in the Capital District. We are here today to reveal the truth behind a slew of political mailings distributed throughout the 108th Assembly District, falsely attributed to the Working Families Party. Keith Hammond is the candidate who is on the Working Families Party line in the State Assembly race. However, after Keith lost the Democratic primary to Tim Gordon, he immediately went on to endorse, and actively support, Tim's campaign.

The Working Families Party would like to encourage WFP supporters across the 108th Assembly District to follow Keith's lead and cast their vote on Row E for Eliot Spitzer, Congressmember and State Senator. Then they should vote for the best candidate for working families, Tim Gordon, on the Democratic line.

Myself and other leaders of the Capital District Chapter of the Working Families Party were extremely dismayed by the dirty politics used in this race. The mailings circulated by supporters of the Republican candidate use the Working Families Party message of more school funding, living wage jobs and affordable health care. These messages even use the unauthorized Working Families Party logo. They urge voters to support a candidate who is clearly no longer running a campaign. they are attempting to trick voters into wasting their vote. These mailings were neither produced nor approved by the Working Families Party leadership or membership.

I along with the other Working Families Party leaders are considering a protest to Fair Campaign Practices for the Capital Region. However, in the meantime, we are urging all residents in the 108th Assembly District who support the Working Families Party to cast their vote in the State Assembly race for Tim Gordon on the Democratic Line.

With high Democratic turnout and Reid's unpopularity within his own party, we think Gordon can win Casale's seat.

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