Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Hope everyone had a great holiday.


Long time area Assemblyman Pat Casale announced he will not run for re-election. Casale has been the Assemblyman for the 108th District for the past 14 years, doing whatever Republicans in the Assembly do, which isn't much. Thus ends a decade and a half bout of narcolepsy.

The big question will be, who's big enough to fill Casale's seat? According to Talespin, Rensselaer County legislator, Martin Reid, is on the fast track to the Republican nomination. Apparently, Mr. Reid is tired of screwing the locals and wants to take a shot at the entire state.

We want to be the first to endorse Mayor Tutunjian for the 108th Assembly District. We believe he'd be a worthy successor to Mr. Casale. We'd also enjoy the drama that would develop in the Troy political arena with Tutunjian's departure. Word has it that Councilman Mark Wojcik thinks he has what it takes to be mayor. In fact, we've already seen signs of support for Mark.

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The Record's James Franco has done some excellent pieces on the Brian Benoit trial and follows-up with an interview with a juror. It's an interesting look at what a jury is thinking behind closed doors.


We recently posted a guest column on the dangerous doggy legislation. The next day, this story. Irony, got to love it.

Our legal team has carefully reviewed the legislation in question. On the whole, we still support destroying animals that attack people, especially small children. However, the actual resolution is poorly drafted, full of holes and ambiguous. It's a lazy effort, all too common with our current administration and our current council. It doesn't even provide exceptions for canine attacks on elected officials or activists.

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