Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Hope you all had a great Christmas. Also, Hanukkah started yesterday so Happy Hanukkah for our Jewish friends.

Pirro Flip-Flops

Many of you probably know that after repeated vows to remain in the Senate race against Clinton, Pirro flip-flopped, abandoned her disastrous senate campaign and will now run for Attorney General. Looks like she's been lying to us for weeks.

Pirro showed her true colors recently at the funeral of a New York City police officer.

Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro was seen giggling and chatting outside a Bronx church after the funeral Mass for slain Police Officer Danny Enchautegui - spurring outrage from cops.

One officer brusquely told her to "shut up," prompting Pirro to zip her lips and snap to attention just after the flag-draped coffin holding Enchautegui was placed into a nearby hearse.

While grim-faced Finest stood ramrod-straight, Pirro drew glares from the hero cop's fellow officers when they spotted her giggling and chatting with state Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R-Rensselaer) (Daily News, December 15, 2005)

Maybe Joe was making her laugh, telling her knock-knock jokes, discussing her campaign, trying to fix her up with Ken? You'd figure Joe might have elbowed her when she opened her mouth or at least when she began to giggle. Pirro is officially a joke in political circles and she is not going to be our next Attorney General. Has any political star burned-out as quickly as Pirro?

The GOP may be left with former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer (Spencer also served as President Bartlett's Chief of Staff before his recent death). Spencer stands zero chance of defeating Clinton but at least he's a real conservative.

This points out the dilemma faced by the NY GOP. Actual conservatives can't win because New Yorkers are too intelligent to flirt with GOP wingnuts. That stuff plays better in the South. On the other hand, a moderate to liberal Republican will be chewed to pieces within their own party.
This will become more apparent if Pataki actually runs for president. The looney right, which controls the national GOP, will tear Pataki a new one (same for Giuliani). Pataki is aiming for a cabinet post, not president, because he knows he'll never be ideologically pure enough for the national party. It's amazing to us that the media never points this out.

Who Lied to Talespin?

We'd love to know who lied to the Talespin staff. Crist? Mirch? Kelleher? Someone at the County told Talespin it was a no-go on the pay hike. We know how that turned out. We're amazed by this. What happened to "no comment"? Frankly, as voters, we're also a little jealous. We thought we had a special relationship with politicians. We thought they cared enough to lie only us. Now they're lying to anything that walks by. We want a divorce!

On the upside, we voted ourselves a 33% tax cut yesterday. So we got that going for us.

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